Ahhh Mission #4. I was in a I-CAT and Braxton was in a I-CCY. I drafted and at first it did not look like a bad mission Vs the AI 2v2. The mission loads and we see that it is indeed only two ships........ two O-CVAs

They each had 3 photons, 1 F-Torp, 4 drone racks, and lots of phaser 1's. oh and between the two of them......32 fighters. What made this mission so funny was that the Fighters ignored me and went after Braxton. I got savaged by the CVAs while Braxton found out that the fighters were running at speed 24 instead of speed 16.....The Hard Way. It was a nip and tuck battle that we eventually won. at the end I was down to 21 power with 2 phaser ones and a often repaired S-Torp. Braxton had a PPD and I think 3 Phaser ones left at the end.
After we did five more missions Braxton pointed out that the Server God's must have taken pity on us because all we drew in those missions were frigits