Thanks for the input folks. I'll see if I can tweak the Warpfighter nacelle when I finish tweaking the textures to make it look better.
DK, all of the starship designs are Wz's and can be downloaded from his website at Demon Renegade Studios. I just changed out all the Warp nacelles with one of his most recent designs and tweaked the struts and textures as need to meld the parts. Credit is ALL his. I just really liked the Tiburon Warp engines and thought they'd unify these ships into a cool little fleet. The BR starfighter mesh was originally by ATX from ATX Buoy (Xwing alliance mod site)and I've bashed it before with some of WZ's pieces and parts as the Warpfighter Mk1. The Javelin was made by Pepperman and I used his warp nacelles plus some tweaks to customise it.
I want to emphasize, I am just a basher. I see pieces and parts and beg and borrow to put my woeful ideas together. The modellers deserve the credit and I thank them for letting me have fun.
Pepperman has given me his gracious approval and FW has cleared me to use his textures.

I've emailed the most revered dead man and haven't heard from him yet. No worries though, I'm sure he's just busy right now. Besides, I'll need some time to finish the tweaks before I release. Here are some tweaks that are causing me issues...
I'm having trouble applying illumination maps. Is this something SFC does automatically if you include the illum tex in the folder. For instance, if a uv mapped texture is named saucer.bmp and I make an illum map called sauceri.bmp, does SFC do the illumination magic all by itself OR do I have to map the sauceri texture to the same polies -- I can't figure out how to do that... I'm not always the master of the obvious so any help is greatly appreciated.
How do I make all the parts I've meshed together one mesh? Sometimes the mod file is not viewable in the viewer or in game and I think having multiple meshes before export is the issue.
Finally, I'm using 3ds Max v3, and for some reason when I try to export a break mod it no workee! Any tips or tricks?
KF, I'm not really doing requests right now but if I decide to get into Klingon ship bashing, I'll give you a holler