Topic: SGO7 Week ONE, TWO and THREE Statistics!!! FINAL UPDATE...  (Read 7178 times)

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Offline Dizzy

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SGO7 Week ONE, TWO and THREE Statistics!!! FINAL UPDATE...
« on: April 14, 2007, 11:15:33 pm »

Total Prestige:

  • Coalition:  2,087,574
    Alliance:      727,793

Total Missions:

  • Coalition:   5,443
    Alliance:    1,986

Individual Race Stats:


    Total Prestige: 515525
    Missions Flown:  1403[/li]



      Total Prestige: 61861
      Missions Flown: 176[/li]



        Total Prestige: 48407   
        Missions Flown: 107[/li]



          Total Prestige: 102000
          Missions Flown: 273[/li]


            Total Prestige: 531179 
            Missions Flown: 1380[/li]



              Total Prestige: 631428
              Missions Flown: 1611[/li]



                Total Prestige: 320268
                Missions Flown: 822[/li]



                  Total Prestige: 604699
                  Missions Flown: 1630[/li]


                  Individual Player Stats:

                    Players with more than 10 total missions[/list]

                    Everyone thank ED for the new EDDBEDIT program which allows us to track this info.

                    ***WEEK TWO STATS*** (Note: Includes totals from round one.)

                    Total Prestige:

                    • Coalition: 5,342,050
                      Alliance:   1,664,919  

                    Total Missions:

                    • Coalition:   9,891
                      Alliance:  4,771 

                    Individual Race Stats:


                      Total Prestige: 1,745,589
                      Missions Flown:  2,749[/li]



                        Total Prestige: 388,408
                        Missions Flown: 391[/li]



                          Total Prestige: 378,804   
                          Missions Flown: 367[/li]



                            Total Prestige: 895,373
                            Missions Flown: 1,264[/li]


                              Total Prestige: 1,457,548 
                              Missions Flown: 2666[/li]



                                Total Prestige: 1,754,952
                                Missions Flown: 3,140[/li]



                                  Total Prestige: 818,739
                                  Missions Flown: 1393[/li]



                                    Total Prestige: 1,310,811
                                    Missions Flown: 2,692[/li]


                                    Individual Player Stats:

                                      []Players with more than 10 total missions[/url]

                                    Everyone thank ED for the new EDDBEDIT program which allows us to track this info.
                                    « Last Edit: May 03, 2007, 12:45:04 am by Dizzy »

                                    Offline Lepton

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                                    Re: SGO7 Week One Statistics
                                    « Reply #1 on: April 14, 2007, 11:20:06 pm »
                                    Total Missions:

                                    • Coalition:   5,443
                                      Alliance:    1,986

                                     :o  :huh:

                                    I think that says it all.

                                    System Specs:

                                    Dell Dimension E521
                                    AMD64x2 5000+
                                    2G DDR2 RAM
                                    ATI Radeon HD 4850 512MB GDDR3
                                    250GB SATA HD

                                    Offline SkyFlyer

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                                    Re: SGO7 Week One Statistics
                                    « Reply #2 on: April 14, 2007, 11:37:15 pm »
                                    Total Prestige:

                                        * Coalition:  208,574
                                          Alliance:    727,793

                                    I don't get this.
                                    Life is short... running makes it seem longer.

                                    "A god who let us prove his existence would be an idol" - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

                                    Offline Dizzy

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                                    Re: SGO7 Week One Statistics
                                    « Reply #3 on: April 14, 2007, 11:47:11 pm »
                                    Total Prestige:

                                        * Coalition:  208,574
                                          Alliance:    727,793

                                    I don't get this.

                                    Sorry that was Two Million. Typo. I fixed it in the above post.

                                    Offline Lieutenant_Q

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                                    Re: SGO7 Week One Statistics
                                    « Reply #4 on: April 14, 2007, 11:53:26 pm »
                                    Wow, I'm six in prestige for the Feds, and I only flew Monday - Wed.

                                    That's sad.
                                    "Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

                                    Offline SkyFlyer

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                                    Re: SGO7 Week One Statistics
                                    « Reply #5 on: April 15, 2007, 12:07:55 am »
                                    I'm 5th and I've only gone today, and last saturday and sunday.
                                    Life is short... running makes it seem longer.

                                    "A god who let us prove his existence would be an idol" - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

                                    Offline KBFLordKrueg

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                                    Re: SGO7 Week One Statistics
                                    « Reply #6 on: April 15, 2007, 01:08:33 am »
                                    Thanks ED for that.
                                    I love it when a plan comes together.  ;D
                                    Lord Krueg
                                    KBF CO
                                    We are the Dead

                                    Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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                                    Re: SGO7 Week One Statistics
                                    « Reply #7 on: April 15, 2007, 02:16:02 am »
                                    I peronally wish to commend all those Alliance pilots who have made the top of their lists.  You guys got off to a very rough start since your RM had real life issues to attend to (these things happen, nothing anyone can do about it).  Despite this adversity you have shown yourself good sports with little complaint and have been putting up fierce resistance.  I salute you.

                                    Now that you have a new leadership that can be active and begin putting together plans, you will be even more formidible.  With a modest increase in numbers your defense has visibly stiffened and every bit of gain of your foes has been hardfought and often painfully earned.  You stand like Leonidas and the 300 and aren't rolling over but casting down the gauntlet and declating Molan Labe!

                                    Pat yourselves on the back, and don't get discouraged, you are earning respect, accept this prize that you have earned.  Servers come and go, you may win some you may lose some, but respect is something that can't be taken away by another.

                                    But do not fail to recognize the achievements of your foes and give them their due for their hard work and organization.  They might have had advantages in numbers and in missions run, but they had these due to effort and strategy.  It is no fault of theirs that they had all pistons firing from day one.

                                    For the Coalition Pilots I have to say you have done an awesome job.  You have shown up and played long hours and the fruits of you dedication show.  Having a numbers advantage during the early part of the server does not take away a single thing from the efforts you have put forth, and it is a credit to you and your RM staff as well, for putting it together and getting things done.

                                    Don't begrudge the loss of a few "wild geese" to the other side, they signed up knowing that they might be called upon and did so willingly.  This was known at the beginning of the server and even if you question the timing or the usage, it wasn't a surprise that they were called.  You can be oppossed to the idea of having them at all, but we all new there were wild geese when we signed on and we all chose to play.

                                    Also, when you celebrate your hard won sucesses think a moment about the other side who have had their sucesses as well and salute them for doing so under tough conditions, give them the respect that they rightfully deserve.
                                    « Last Edit: April 15, 2007, 02:27:03 am by KAT Chuut-Ritt »

                                    Offline Dfly

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                                    Re: SGO7 Week One Statistics
                                    « Reply #8 on: April 15, 2007, 11:39:09 am »
                                    I thank you Dizzy for those lists.  They really help demonstrate where and why a map may look like it does, and perhaps help to explain the need for some WG.  And thanks for the server.

                                    Offline Dizzy

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                                    Re: SGO7 Week One Statistics
                                    « Reply #9 on: April 15, 2007, 03:07:25 pm »
                                    WG are simply to even out the player numbers so far. Here's another statistic: Since the WG have deployed, 3 players from the Coalition have been playing for the Alliance since about Fri.

                                    Player numbers are starting to even out at times... Mornings usually see a strong Coalition presence of about 4 to 1 ratio, the afternoons see even numbers and the evening it's usually a few more coalition players to alliance and then the night crew is mostly coalition. So the coalition still have the player number lead and combine that with the map Hexes lead they have, can they score a point during the 1st VC round or will their strong opening lead have to wait till round 2? Stay tuned till 11pm central time tonight to find out!

                                    Ebb and flow. It happens every server. I don't expect 3 WG players to make much a difference considering the Statistics posted, but every player helps morale and keep other players interested in playing especially when they have friends to wing with. Let's not forget the reason most of us are playing this game... is to have fun. I'm not playing to have fun, however, I'm just here to kill players. Or get them killed... Sorry Jem. ;)

                                    Offline KBF MalaK

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                                    Re: SGO7 Week One Statistics
                                    « Reply #10 on: April 16, 2007, 10:26:49 am »
                                    Yea, great lists.

                                    I don't feel like just a body (to even out the player counts) but my G/F agrees with ya and she want my body soon.


                                    Anyhow I'm glad I could help (with the body count), and stop being afraid to wing me Dizzy, I promise not to get you killed.
                                    163 missions (51 as a goose/ 4 kills, 2 run-offs)- sometimes I feel like a nut-er.
                                    GG to everyone, 2 more weeks to go.
                                    « Last Edit: April 16, 2007, 10:57:30 am by KBF K MalaK »
                                    "Artificial Intelligence is not a suitable substitute for natural stupidity"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

                                    Offline _Rondo_GE The OutLaw

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                                    Re: SGO7 Week One Statistics
                                    « Reply #11 on: April 16, 2007, 11:10:36 am »
                                    How much longer will the server run?

                                    Offline FPF-DieHard

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                                    Re: SGO7 Week One Statistics
                                    « Reply #12 on: April 16, 2007, 12:10:18 pm »
                                    How much longer will the server run?

                                    2 more weeks.   Plenty of time for an old Gorn to shake off the rust.
                                    Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

                                    Offline Dizzy

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                                    Re: SGO7 Week One Statistics
                                    « Reply #13 on: April 16, 2007, 01:27:27 pm »
                                    Stardate right now is 2273.325

                                    There are 365 turns a year and One day per game year. So the server will end sometime in 2285-2287 depending.

                                    Offline Dizzy

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                                    Re: SGO7 Week ONE and TWO Statistics!!! Updated...
                                    « Reply #14 on: April 26, 2007, 12:56:51 am »
                                    Stardate is 2281.3xx

                                    This is a bump. New stats for round two are posted at the top.

                                    Individual player stats will be posted at the end of the server...

                                    Offline VelvetAcidChrist

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                                    Re: SGO7 Week ONE and TWO Statistics!!! Updated...
                                    « Reply #15 on: April 26, 2007, 09:07:54 am »
                                    thx for that and enjoy the beach dizzy - dont get too sunburned though ^^
                                    Dann sagt ihr: "Schau! The end is near now bitte face your final curtain."
                                    Aber wir sind schlau, wir bleiben hier für die Gesichter, die empörten
                                    Diese Geister singen schief und sind nicht einfach auszutreiben.

                                    Enschuldigung ich sagte: "Wir sind gekommen um zu bleiben"
                                    Wir gehn nich aber wenn wir gehn dann gehn wir ihn Scheiben

                                    Offline KBF MalaK

                                    • Just Another Target
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                                    Re: SGO7 Week ONE and TWO Statistics!!! Updated...
                                    « Reply #16 on: April 26, 2007, 09:19:57 am »
                                    It seems the link to the individual player stats goes to a recently deactivated account.
                                    "Artificial Intelligence is not a suitable substitute for natural stupidity"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

                                    Offline TheJudge

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                                    Re: SGO7 Week ONE and TWO Statistics!!! Updated...
                                    « Reply #17 on: April 26, 2007, 11:48:04 am »
                                    It sucks...I'm working 15+ hour days and don't really have time to play on the server (even been working weekends).  It's all in preparation for some stuff going on at the California Democratic Party Convention this weekend in San I won't be able to log on at all from here on out (flying down today).  *sigh*  Great server...just can't get time to play.  Maybe we can have a server where there isn't a political campaign/event going on for me...oh wait, never mind.  California hasn't seen a time without one of those since...2001.
                                    He who can master the data controls the world.

                                    Offline FPF-DieHard

                                    • DDO Junkie
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                                    Re: SGO7 Week ONE and TWO Statistics!!! Updated...
                                    « Reply #18 on: April 27, 2007, 10:14:08 am »
                                    It sucks...I'm working 15+ hour days and don't really have time to play on the server (even been working weekends).  It's all in preparation for some stuff going on at the California Democratic Party Convention this weekend in San I won't be able to log on at all from here on out (flying down today).  *sigh*  Great server...just can't get time to play.  Maybe we can have a server where there isn't a political campaign/event going on for me...oh wait, never mind.  California hasn't seen a time without one of those since...2001.

                                    Don't lie to the people, Judge.  You're still shaking and having anxiety attacks from the last time you faced me. 

                                    So am I but the shaking is the good kind ;)
                                    Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

                                    Offline VelvetAcidChrist

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                                    Re: SGO7 Week ONE and TWO Statistics!!! Updated...
                                    « Reply #19 on: May 02, 2007, 06:57:47 am »
                                    when will you post stats?

                                    cant wait to see em ;-)
                                    Dann sagt ihr: "Schau! The end is near now bitte face your final curtain."
                                    Aber wir sind schlau, wir bleiben hier für die Gesichter, die empörten
                                    Diese Geister singen schief und sind nicht einfach auszutreiben.

                                    Enschuldigung ich sagte: "Wir sind gekommen um zu bleiben"
                                    Wir gehn nich aber wenn wir gehn dann gehn wir ihn Scheiben