Even though SG7 is a few days old. I myself have been in stitches more then a few times, over some of the missions flown. So far these are my Top 3 missions that when I think about them, I have to laugh.
No #3. Lear in a R-KCR and myself in a Z-DF take a mission. We get the Host Left message. We then see two F-DN's coming toward us. I make the comment that things are about to get Nasty. Of course the DN's fire everything at me. I got lucky only taking two photon hits, which take out my 5 & 6 Shields.
I charge headlong toward the 1st DN. At a range of 1.5 I fire my drones. All hit causing massave damage to the DN. After I pass I drop a SP which lets loose 12 drones. The DN went Boom. I assisted Lear with the other DN. All I can say is you Got to Love those Type VIII Drones

No #2. Having Dizzy chase me down. Then drafting me. Dizzy in his F-DNL and two G-DNs. Me in my trusty Z-DF

Can't you feel the love.

No #1. Drafted Risky and Chuut both in R-KCRs for a planet Assalt. Chuut drops at the start of the mission. I hear Risky over voice coms asking "Do you see what I'm seeing" I start looking around and notice that this mission is most definitely bugged. All the Deffences are doubled

. Six Def platforms, The Planet had I think 14 Phaser 4's. We decided to continue with the mission. At the end we finally beat it. Risky's ship I think was down to 1/2 hull. My DF had no weapons left, and was down to 1/4 hull. I'm still wondering why the Hell we took that Mission