Oh look a cute picture of a hu·mu·hu·mu·nu·ku·nu·ku·a·pu·a·a - (hū'mūhū'mūnū'kūnū'kūä'pūä'ä')
Either of two triggerfishes, Rhinecanthus aculeatus or R. rectangulus, native to the outer reefs of Hawaii, the latter having a broad black band on the side and a black triangle at the beginning of the tail.
[Hawaiian humuhumu-nukunuku-â-pua'a, trigger fish with a blunt snout like a pig's : humuhumu, small trigger fish (from reduplication of Proto-Polynesian *sumu, trigger fish) + nukunuku, small snout, reduplication of nuku, snout + â, like + pua'a, pig.]
[snip]When Kamapua'a looked up the slope, he saw hot lava streaming down. The molten stone, slithering towards him, set bushes and trees ablaze on its relentless course. With intense horror and dismay Kamapua'a realized that his beloved Pele would be buried underneath the lava. 'Aye, Pele, good-bye!,' he exclaimed as he fled and plunged into the ocean, seeking respite from the burning earth. He swam the ocean in the form of a fish now named after him, humu-humu nuku-nuku apua'a.[/snip] This was a really interesting web [lurl=http://www.coffeetimes.com/kamapuaa.htm]site[/url]
As far as I know it was reinstated as the State Fish of Hawaii about a year ago.
Hey so is there someone, anyone that wants to come to Hawaii? I'll take you to see the fishies!