"There Will Be Blood"Interesting. I saw this movies Saturday, before Lewis won his Oscar for it. I was bored, my wife was working, (matinee), and my kid wasn't interested in watching a kiddy movie. CHARGE!!!!! The perfect getaway from em! (Her older brother was home minding her but she scrammed to her fiend's house).
Lewis plays a turn of the century (1898) silver prospector turned oil man beating out Tommy Lee Jones and whoever. Now I can see that. Jones is a very emotive actor but his base personality is so strong he often appears to play himself (or perhaps another version of the same character he plays). While I'm sure he did batter than that in
No Country for Old Men he was up against a favorite of mine who is truly a pure craftsmen. Lewis has fine protean qualities and is one of the best pure voice actors in the business...he transforms his voice for many pictures and this is usually done seamlessly. Without looking, if you were to hear an audio of him playing Hawkeye (Last of the Mohican's), Bill the Butcher (Gangs of New York), and Daniel Plainview you would probably not know they were the same guy.
About the movie. I don't know if its based on a novel or not but the story reminds me a little of the naturalistic Frank Norris Novel called "McTeague", about a brute who becomes a dentist because he can pull peoples teeth out with his bare hands. His wife wins a lottery which turns out to be his downfall as his wife becomes obsessed with the winnings, even sleeping on them. He beats the hell out of his best friend during a playfull wrestling match during a picnic who turns into his worst enemy etc etc etc ... and ends up in the desert someplace dying of thirst. Whew!
O I read the novel while in college for an Amercing lit class and if your going to ask well "did they make a movies out of it" they sure as hell did, a silent one in the 1920's and one of the all time WHOPPERS ever made, by Eric von Stroheim, that lasted...no kidding... 24 hours. hehe, well Hollywood cut the crap out of it to 2 hours and after a brief showing, was shelved.
But this picture has some of the twists and turns of stories written during that era, thats why I brought it up. No sense in doing a plot summary but I'll say this, if you like Lewis like I do see it, otherwise, wait for the DVD or spend your coin elswhere. It's a good flick that ends badly ... there are no good guys here. Just about everyone noteworthy is a scammer. And in a few parts its gets pretty overdramatic, uncharacteristically so (considering the reserved manner the film is acted in), especially in the ending scene. Also I wasn't impressed with the makeup job on one of the actors, Paul Dano, who looks like a kid even 15 or 20 years supposedly later in the story.
And who is Paul Dano? Whoever cast him as a preacher should lose their license. Talk about miscast. The dude tried but...thats just not what he can do. He's supposed to have amassed a little money reaching on the radio but with that stringy voice he would have been lucky to get a job singing commercials. He looks terribly out of place spiritually "leading" the typecast American Gothics...

(if ya don't know what I mean)
who they surrounded him with in this film. I didn't buy it.
Anyway thats my take.