Topic: Some Movies I've Watched....  (Read 48093 times)

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #80 on: August 02, 2007, 07:44:45 pm »
I thought it was wonderfull actually. My butt puckered the first time he tried to launch , and it went flying across the Texas desert. Bruce Willis cameo was pretty good also.

My daughter went to three differanct stores yesterday to find 300, and they where all sold out.

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Offline AcePylut

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #81 on: August 08, 2007, 11:46:33 am »
Hehe, my copy of 300 has already been watched 3 full times. Once by me, once by me and my wife, and once again by me.

Bourne Review and Spoilers:

I saw the latest Bourne movie.  All the critics say it's better than the first two, but I didn't think so.  One thing I liked about the first 2 movies was that the action was "semi-believable".  But in this movie?  Nope, they went the Michael Bay way and turned Bourne into an invincible superman.  Stuff like "walking away from a car crash at high speed with nary a scratch on his eye" kind of unbelievable stuff.  Also, it the camera work was a lot more "handheld jerkiness" than before, and during the fight scenes, they'd only show a camera shot for a millionth of a second before moving to the next shot.  It made the fight scenes hard to follow, hard to see what you were watching.  There was other stuff that was just "roll your eyes" kind of stuff, like having a supersecret assassin kill a guy in the middle of a shopping mall with hundreds of people standing around (and not waiting the 10 seconds for him to be out of sight), or the "CIA Spymaster" that goes nuts throughout the movie and just starts having everyone that's "bumped into" Bourne killed, or targetted. 

The thing I liked about the first two movies was the "believability" of it (for what that's worth).  This one... definitely had a lot of  ::) moments.

So those two aspects really took away from the movie, for me.  Other than that, I thought the "spy mystery plot" of the movie was decently written... and the writing for how Bourne did his stuff was pretty cool.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #82 on: August 08, 2007, 02:36:23 pm »

Bourne Review and Spoilers:

I saw the latest Bourne movie.  All the critics say it's better than the first two, but I didn't think so.  One thing I liked about the first 2 movies was that the action was "semi-believable".  But in this movie?  Nope, they went the Michael Bay way and turned Bourne into an invincible superman.  Stuff like "walking away from a car crash at high speed with nary a scratch on his eye" kind of unbelievable stuff.  Also, it the camera work was a lot more "handheld jerkiness" than before, and during the fight scenes, they'd only show a camera shot for a millionth of a second before moving to the next shot.  It made the fight scenes hard to follow, hard to see what you were watching.  There was other stuff that was just "roll your eyes" kind of stuff, like having a supersecret assassin kill a guy in the middle of a shopping mall with hundreds of people standing around (and not waiting the 10 seconds for him to be out of sight), or the "CIA Spymaster" that goes nuts throughout the movie and just starts having everyone that's "bumped into" Bourne killed, or targetted. 

The thing I liked about the first two movies was the "believability" of it (for what that's worth).  This one... definitely had a lot of  ::) moments.

So those two aspects really took away from the movie, for me.  Other than that, I thought the "spy mystery plot" of the movie was decently written... and the writing for how Bourne did his stuff was pretty cool.

Sounds like another case of the book is much better than the movie.  I read the book and it is nothing like what you described.  For one thing the book is set in the cold war era.  I wish the movies hadn't gotten away from that, I think the series would have been better that way.  If you haven't read the book yet give it a read I think you will like it more.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #83 on: August 08, 2007, 03:32:56 pm »
I haven't read any of the books, so I didn't have that stigma entering the theater.  I was just hoping it would be like the first two, and be a smartly written spy-mystery with "believable" action sequences.

It was smartly written, and I love how Bourne keeps one step ahead of the CIA, that's for sure... but the action sequences I felt were a let down.   You don't need "silly" actions sequences to "make" a good movie.  I prefer "real" action sequences over the car-flipping-guy-nearly-dead-shows-up-in-next-scene-perfectly-normal stuff.

I read about the ending of this movie being much different from the ending of the book, in that - from what I read - in the book the gov't was the "good guy", whereas the gov't is the bad guy in this film.  At least, that's what I read.

All in all, the movie was very entertaining... but to me it was disappointing because I had higher expectations.

That's something I've noticed about my movie reviewing... if I go into a movie thinking it's going to be great, and it's only so-so... then to me that movie "sucks"... whereas if I go into a movie thinking it's going to suck and it turns out so-so, then to me that movie is "great".  In both cases, the movie is so-so, but my expectations going in get factored into the equation.

Thats why I liked 300 so much, but didn't like Troy at all.  In Troy, I expected to see Homer recreated and the players on the field are just puppets to the gods, and it wasn't that at all so I didn't really like it.  On the flip side, I had no expectations that 300 would be a faithful historical accurate retelling of an actual event (becasue of the monsters and people-freaks), and it turns out that I liked the movie immensely. 

I was actually thinking of this on my drive to work this morning.  I found it funny that the "actual historical event" movie 300 was done all "gods and heros and fantasy monsters" style.... and the "gods and heros and fantasy monsters" movie Troy was done all "historically real".
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #84 on: August 08, 2007, 03:42:05 pm »
Dunno- I liked the Bourne movie alot, didn't read the book- mainly because I did pick up one of the books and it seeemd slong the lines of
"USA never does anything bad to any country for any reason, unless it's a "rogue group" within the US government"
(And I don't mean that as a shot aginst the US, be the same if Bourne had been a brit agent, Russian agent or whatever) which is kinda why I like the movies.
(Everyone's understandably bad)

I did find it (as mentioned) a little ott in just a few places... not to mention a conspicuos lack of airbags..
And the "shaky cam" was insanely annoting- especially during some of the (what may have been) cool fight scenes..
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #85 on: August 08, 2007, 04:22:39 pm »
Well today the wife was down with a stomach flu, so I basicly watched kids movies. She get's sick, I put on kids movies.

So I watched, TMNT this morning, Not bad, not the best, but not bad. If you have little ones, It's pretty good. Probably between the age of 8 -80.

She feel asleep while I was watching unaccompanied Minors. Very cute X-mas movie. I liked this one alot actually. Once again, got kids, pick it up for at least a rental.

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Offline AcePylut

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #86 on: August 08, 2007, 04:57:40 pm »
Well today the wife was down with a stomach flu, so I basicly watched kids movies. She get's sick, I put on kids movies.Stephen

So, uh, the wife is the brains in the family and you are the one with the 8year old mentality?  Is that why you watch the kids movies when she's in the other room  :D

 ;D  j/k hehehehe  ;D

I watched the first 30 minutes of Transformers the other night (friend of mine had a great pirated copy).  The opening sequence was pretty awesome. I've seen a lot of good movie entrances by actors in my time, and that entrance by the "bad" Xformer ranks up there as quite an entrance.  But then, the movie switched to the "geek and the beauty" plot line and that was just gay.  Why is it that the superhot highschool chick always is a secret genius car mechanic?
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #87 on: August 09, 2007, 07:01:07 am »

On the big screen..

Fantastic Four, The Rise of The Silver Surfer...It wasn't as good as the first movie but these characters do come alive.   It was a bit of a cop out though for I read those original comic books about this saga.  Like most movies that deal with remakes of print it was a composite but really I think there was too much of an omission here.  Without spoilers I won't go on.

Harry Potter...Execellent!  The best HP yet.  Saw it with my daughter.  I don't usually like the HP movies but this one really was good.  I guess this is the last one but it actually had me wanting to see more.  Maybe there will be more.

Bridge to Terabithia...Sad but very good.  A tear jerker.  This movie hits ya unexpectedly so if your not in the mood for a tear jerker avoid.   

I've got to disagree with your assessment of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.  I have a few gripes on the matter.  First of all, its too short.  This is the longest of the seven books, yet the shortest of the movies released so far, so as you can imagine, there was a great deal of the book cut out.  The initial scene of the dementors was totally different, but I'll admit I actually liked the movies interpretation better.  After that, it kind of went downhill for me. 

The "special quill" that Umbridge had was only used on Harry in the book.  By using it on all of the DA in the movie, they took away the element of persecution present in the book.  When the Order comes to save Harry toward the beginning, they fly way too low.  There is no possible way that Moody would have allowed this, as it is of utmost importance to the "good wizards" that we muggles know nothing of the existance of the wizarding world.  My biggest concern, tho, was the use of the "Avada Kerdava" curse on Sirius Black by Bellatrix Lestrange.  This never happened in the book.  Sirius was killed by an un-named red curse in the book.  The Avada Kerdava is first green and, more importantly, it kills instantly.  There is an element of not knowing exactly what happened to Sirius other than he fell through the veil and no longer is "living" as we know it that has been removed by the use of the killing curse.

However, I will admit that I enjoyed the movie and think they did a decent job with the time allotted.  Once again, it was just too short.  If Peter Jackson's "Lord of the Rings" trilogy has proven anything, its that a three hour plus movie can and will keep the attention of an audience and make money if it is done correctly.

The movies are actually quite good and keep to the books quite well up to "Goblet of Fire", but these last two have taken a lot of artistic liberties.  I highly recommend reading the books, if you haven't.  Other than the first one, they are most definately not childrens books, though they are aimed at kids.  The ideals, especially the central theme of how different people deal with death, are quite adult in nature.

I am glad that you enjoyed the movie, Rondo, and if you haven't read the books, which I gather you haven't, I agree it was quite good.  You'll be happy to know that this was not the last film.  There are two more and all the principle actors are already signed on for them.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #88 on: August 19, 2007, 02:50:33 pm »
I saw 'Pan's labyrinth' last night, I HIGHLY recommend it.

It's not a kid movie with an "R" rating tho it's about a kid and imaginary critters but don't let that keep you from seeing it.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #89 on: August 19, 2007, 05:50:05 pm »
Some "series" just run of of gas.  Star Trek had quite a run.  It too has run out of gas.

I don't think Trek is out of gas.  The problem is that the people running Trek recently haven't understood the series or audience and were out to do their own thing.  If they had been doing an original show instead of trek perhaps it would have broken new ground but most likely have been cancelled after the first season.  Give Trek a producer and director who understand it and its audience and Trek still has life.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #90 on: August 31, 2007, 04:08:54 pm »

On the big screen..

Fantastic Four, The Rise of The Silver Surfer...It wasn't as good as the first movie but these characters do come alive.   It was a bit of a cop out though for I read those original comic books about this saga.  Like most movies that deal with remakes of print it was a composite but really I think there was too much of an omission here.  Without spoilers I won't go on.

Harry Potter...Execellent!  The best HP yet.  Saw it with my daughter.  I don't usually like the HP movies but this one really was good.  I guess this is the last one but it actually had me wanting to see more.  Maybe there will be more.

Bridge to Terabithia...Sad but very good.  A tear jerker.  This movie hits ya unexpectedly so if your not in the mood for a tear jerker avoid.   

I've got to disagree with your assessment of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.  I have a few gripes on the matter.  First of all, its too short.  This is the longest of the seven books, yet the shortest of the movies released so far, so as you can imagine, there was a great deal of the book cut out.  The initial scene of the dementors was totally different, but I'll admit I actually liked the movies interpretation better.  After that, it kind of went downhill for me. 

The "special quill" that Umbridge had was only used on Harry in the book.  By using it on all of the DA in the movie, they took away the element of persecution present in the book.  When the Order comes to save Harry toward the beginning, they fly way too low.  There is no possible way that Moody would have allowed this, as it is of utmost importance to the "good wizards" that we muggles know nothing of the existance of the wizarding world.  My biggest concern, tho, was the use of the "Avada Kerdava" curse on Sirius Black by Bellatrix Lestrange.  This never happened in the book.  Sirius was killed by an un-named red curse in the book.  The Avada Kerdava is first green and, more importantly, it kills instantly.  There is an element of not knowing exactly what happened to Sirius other than he fell through the veil and no longer is "living" as we know it that has been removed by the use of the killing curse.

However, I will admit that I enjoyed the movie and think they did a decent job with the time allotted.  Once again, it was just too short.  If Peter Jackson's "Lord of the Rings" trilogy has proven anything, its that a three hour plus movie can and will keep the attention of an audience and make money if it is done correctly.

The movies are actually quite good and keep to the books quite well up to "Goblet of Fire", but these last two have taken a lot of artistic liberties.  I highly recommend reading the books, if you haven't.  Other than the first one, they are most definately not childrens books, though they are aimed at kids.  The ideals, especially the central theme of how different people deal with death, are quite adult in nature.

I am glad that you enjoyed the movie, Rondo, and if you haven't read the books, which I gather you haven't, I agree it was quite good.  You'll be happy to know that this was not the last film.  There are two more and all the principle actors are already signed on for them.

Well...there is always a problem when you read a work then see it translated to the screen.  I never read the Potter books but I did read LoTR.  Consequnetly I was initially very critical of Jacksons screen Trilogy until the Return of the King at the Siege of Minas Tirath when the rider of Rohan come up on the scene and the King gives his rallying speech...

Théoden: Arise! Arise, riders of Théoden! Spears shall be shaken, shields shall be splintered; a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises!

Ride now! Ride now! Ride! Ride for ruin and the world's ending!
Forth Eorlingas!

I hit me that that I was watching one flippin GOOD movie, book or not book.  I was cured and saw the movies as works in their own right.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #91 on: August 31, 2007, 06:54:49 pm »
Well, not LOTR, But I found something Noble in Wild Hogs.

IT's the whole Middle age crises thingie, But in the end, they save many against an army, Ok, 4 against 55, But It's not an A-team type movie how they save small town Midrad.

Def. a rental, or a buyer, if 20 years ago, you held a patch.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #92 on: September 08, 2007, 10:42:52 pm »
Rondo, Two words.

Peacefull Warrior.

See IT Live IT, Great Movie bro.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #93 on: October 03, 2007, 05:15:55 pm »
Ok Delta Farce, was actually a pretty smart movie, without a great RedNeck POV. The basic Premis, is that three weekend warriors from Georgia, are sent to Iraq, Except Certain Problems have them and there Sgt. who they think is dead, Land in Mexico.

They take on the mission anyways, and start to Liberate a Village from Insurgentants (read Banditos).

At one point, when the Villagers group together, One of the guys, yells "Remember the Alamo" and the bartender tells him "hush, we are still kinda sensative about that.

While discussing Operation Sombraro, I heard one of the best lines "I'm more nervous then a cub scout at Neverland ranch".

Will Larry the Cable guy, Bill Engval, and DJ Qualls, save the village from Carlos Santana? Watch this one to find out.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #94 on: October 09, 2007, 03:46:14 pm »
I watched Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer.

My recommendation.  Wait until it's out on Encore.  Don't bother spending money on this pile of crap.

Even the best part of the entire movie - that being Jessica Alba's hotness - was crap.  Seriously.  She had so much face-paint she looked silly.  Her hair looked like it was dyed blonde by a 1$ bargain bin hair color product it was so fake and crappy.  I'd kick her out of bed if she looked like that and tried to jump into it.

This movie was just plain bad.  Really bad. 

Watch it and you'll see.

Well maybe I wouldn't kick Jessica Alba out of bed.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #95 on: October 09, 2007, 03:55:28 pm »
Bill Engvall is one of the funniest 'redneck' comics I've ever seen. I worked in a comedy club as a door guy during college, and he came to the club a coulpe of times for shows.  Drop dead funny when compared to other redneck comics.

Larry the Cable Guy?  I don't get his appeal at all.  I've watched his shows... and he's just not funny imho.  Seemed like his shows were all "lame joke, no laugh lame joke, no laugh, lame joke, no laugh, git-R-done, uproariously funny". 

Best comedian EVER imho is Brian Regan.  Dana Gould comes in a close second. 

Best comedy "group" is most definitely those that do not fit into any specific group.  It's like... ok we got a chick coming to the club, chances are that the act is about periods, couch potato men, and shopping.  Most black comics talk about ghetto women, crack, and white racists.  Redneck comics are about hillbillies.  etc. etc.

Then there's those comics who aren't in any one group.  Chris Rock (while he does talk about the ghetto women, crack, and white racists, he also talks about the classy women, peep "high on life", and black racists), Brian Regan, Dana Gould, Jon Stewart. 

Jon Stewart will have my everlasting respect... for what he did when he came to the club.  This was right after his MTV show was cut - so there were lots of little cutie-pie mtv'ers in the crowd during his shows.  After the shows, there were quite a few number of little chickies that wanted to "meet" Jon.  He said that "he doesn't do that.  Lots of people do, but he doesn't do the groupie thing".  Of course he probably has, don't get me wrong.  Sexy boobies is hard to pass when they get flung at you every weekend... but that was pretty cool of him.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #96 on: October 13, 2007, 08:57:38 pm »
Went and watched "We Own the Night" with the wife.  'eh....  Mark Whalberg, Eva mendes, Joachim Phoenix, Robert Duvall...  it was ok, nothing to write home about, recommend it as a rental... unless you really want to see Eva Mendes's left nipple on the big screen  :D
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #97 on: October 17, 2007, 09:05:22 pm »
Ratatoille from disney pixard was great. when the healt inspector arrive in the kitchen and see the pack of rats, that was funny  ;D

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #98 on: October 17, 2007, 10:07:45 pm »

Did anyone see "Stardust"...?  It looked half-interesting.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #99 on: October 17, 2007, 10:14:15 pm »
I liked Stardust, really an "adult fairy tale" as it was described though.
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