Topic: Some Movies I've Watched....  (Read 50320 times)

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Offline _Rondo_GE The OutLaw

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Some Movies I've Watched....
« on: April 09, 2007, 06:37:43 pm »
Here are a few flicks I've seen int he last month.  I don't go to movies that much due to the cost BUT I invested ina  bog screen and a surround sound system so its not missed much.  The only flick I cared to pay oput the $9.00 to see was 300 in the three months.

The Good Shepard.  Spy thriller supposedly based on the "actual" account of the formation of the CIA told from the point of view of a "fictional" character.  Right.

Robert Deniro (Director and supporting role in movie) seems to have control (somewhat) of his medium but this movie suffers from "plot muddle" and credibility. 

What the movie tries to do is make you feel uncomfortable  ..  the CIA is made to look like the brainchild of the "ruling elite" of Anglo Saxon protestants who attend Yale and Harvard and are pretty ,much a bunch "bigots"... "the rest of you are just visiting" says Wilson when asked what he thinks of blacks, Jews, Catholics, etc…

Stupido stuff...  For example I can hardly believe the CIA dumped a bunch of locusts to destroy some countries crops right in broad daylight with a whole mess of witnesses.  Another situation has the young Wilson putting on his dad's (who is an admiral) navy jacket and the jacket is actually that of a Captain.

Mystery...The actress that gets thrown out of a plane is unaccredited even though she is a major plot device.  Sayyy  maybe this is a snuff movie!!

Miscast... Angelina Jolie is totally ravishing as Wilson's wife.  It's hard to believe that this guy preferred much uglier women over her.  Totally unbelievable. Also the part where Wilson meets with his chief and most deadly soviet rival during a family you would ever have this kind of guy around your family?

The theme...  Country vs Family ...  (but we don't see it fully developed until later in the movie).

Overall:  Flawed but interesting.

HollywoodLand.  The death of George Reeve (Superman inthe 1950's) as told from the point of view of a private dectitive.

The movie uncovers three theories...  Suicide,  accident with his bitchy/slutty girlfirend, and the most freakish is perhaps a murder instigated by Eddie Mannix, the thuglike "producer" of a major studio because Reeves dumped his wife to marry some slutty

The big mystery isn what happned to George Reeve.  Based on what we know Reeve was a fading alcoholic dissatisfied with his own life.  There is far more evidence for suicide than there is for anything else in the movie.  The big mystery then is Why are we interested in this fictional dectives life?  Perhaps had he been a real person the parallelisms made between him and Reeves ,might have had some impact.   

Overall:  Like The Good Shephard the movie attempts to handle historical events through the eyes of a fictional character, probably a composite made up of a number of real life people.  This device is getting old and just breaks down in this movie. 

300:  The battle of as seen through the eyes of comic book artist Frank Miller, one of the great comic book artist/writers.  Good performances by a good cast.  Excellent movie making but historical rubbish.  Xerxes was no seven foot androgynous bald guy. The Persians themselves look like some of the folks taken out of Mel Gibsons "passion", demonic and utterly evil.   Also I do not think the Spartans or Greeks ever made any use of the testudo formation seen at the end of the movie.  This was a Roman invention based off the Legion and used on the attack as a siege device.  Somewhat annoying though was the glorification of the Spartans at the end of the movie which sees them taking on Xerxes army with a full Spartan force.  As we all know the Persians were actually beaten by the Athenian at sea; it was the Athenian fleet that finally stopped and destroyed xerxes army when he made a mistake very similar to the one Mark Anthony would later make. In a force of some 360+ ships Sparta only contributed 16 and the Spartan commander nearly ruined the whole thing with his constant bickering.  Themistocles the Athenian is usually credited with the real victory there.

300 can be seen as a continuation of the film nior techniques seen in Sin City.  While not strikingly original from that stance it still expands on the visual range for technique.  I couldn't help imagining how good a Robert E Howard adaptation might be uisng this kind of cinematography. I'm hoping as I would rather see it used in a fantasy setting rather than a historical one, the film still worked as entertainment for me.
The Departed.  All Star Cast about an under cover cop who infiltrates a local mobsters gang and crosses swords with a cop who the gang has corrupted to infiltrate the police.  Really good performances and perhaps Jack Nicholson's last "major" serious or acclaimed role.  He is scheduled to appear in something called The Bucket List with Morgan Freeman, a "black/white" buddy movie (another theme starting to get old) produced by Meathead (Rob Reiner) fresh off of two bombs at the box office.
I would rate this movie rather high and recommend a look see.

Borat.  Well I finally saw it.  It had some genuine humor in it but some stuff was so weird and bizarre that you have to wonder why it made any money at all.  Borat is a dark comedy about some dude from one of the new ex-Soviet Republics that comes to America to see if our wonderful high class country can rub off on him.  The movie was not suitable to kids which I learned the hard way … maybe I need to read those ratings in the future.  One scene that looks like suggestive incest and a number of very strong homo-erotic (gross more like it) scenes peppered in the movie.  Sacha Cohen uses a scam journalist technique to fool some of his victims into believing they are participating in a serious interview.  Some people didn’t like it. Even though they signed some release form stating they could use their images for the movie, hence all (or most) of the legal problems the movie has received.

This movie is probably better seen when your drunk or high… or both. 

Children of Men.  SciFi …near future “end of the world” flick.  With some indirect social commentary on “illegal aliens” thrown in.

Actually not too bad a flick.  All women become infertile and mankind only has another 50 or so years before extinction, the youngest person being 18 or 19 years old and of course by then there won’t be anyone to man up the old age homes so the life expectancy of  75 years won’t fly.

In the decade or so since the crisis began chaos has ensued and civilization has broken down except for jolly old England, which has become an oppressive Dystopia fueled by a rigid useless government and lots of “hate” groups directed at “illegal immigrants”.   Lo and behold though an apple falls from the tree and we find ONE woman has indeed become pregnant.  The movie starts slow and picks up steam where the director films some pretty neat sequences.  As you might expect when one rather helpless person has something no else in the world has there is an opportunity to further explore the oft used theme of Man’s Inhumanity To Man.

Perhaps had this movie been done forty years ago it might be more believable and timely.  But since then it is hard to believe that with all the advances in genetics, in vitro fertilization, cloning, that this little problem would actually signal the end of man kind it collapses somewhat.  In many ways this movie is “anti-science fiction” and anti scientific.  There is nothing new here even though I rather feel there could have been a whole lot new here had they just embraced a slightly more creative set of circumstances.

Still worth a look on DVD.


For example lets just say the scientists can't find a way to make people instead they start cloning people.  Who gets cloned? Who doesn't?  How many generation deep can someopne go and be cloned?  What if a number of clones start becoming defective or mutaing into hostile forms?  That's just a number of interesting ways this material could have been handled.  Instead humkans are pretty much left helpless by the problem with almost NO answer other than some modern day Nativity scene.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2007, 06:57:03 pm by _Rondo_GE The OutLaw »

Offline Javora

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2007, 07:19:40 pm »
I saw The Good Shepard the other day, and I thought it was boring.  One thing I will say is that if I had choose between a woman that is hot or a woman that I can relate to I would pick the woman that I can relate to any day of the week.  So I had no problem with the story line between the two women in the movie.

I loved The Departed.  It was definitely worth watching.  I haven't seen any of the others so I can't comment.

Offline _Rondo_GE The OutLaw

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2007, 01:41:04 am »
I saw The Good Shepard the other day, and I thought it was boring.  One thing I will say is that if I had choose between a woman that is hot or a woman that I can relate to I would pick the woman that I can relate to any day of the week.  So I had no problem with the story line between the two women in the movie.

I loved The Departed.  It was definitely worth watching.  I haven't seen any of the others so I can't comment.

I suppose your right per se. Kind of like the "Archie Comic Book Syndrome" if you ever read those things.  But the two women he "relates" to are either spys or agents controlled by spys (although its not explicitly laid out the ex-girlfriend of his youth must have been working as an agent... or very skillfully placed).  But...maybe thats why he relates to them so well, he's a spy too.

But PLEASE I would love to be raped be Ms. Jolie and then forced into a marriage  ...  I know it sounds bad.  ahhhhhhh 


I almost forgot...

Rocky Balboa.   Hopefully the final episode int he Rocky series unless we get to watch him arm wrestle in an old folks home.  What can I say...junk.  Rent it at a discount if you must.


Casino Royale.  Daniel Caig as the new James Bond because Pierce Brosnan is supposed to be too old.  (He's 54 born in 1953).  Craig (39 or so) IMHO is still too old and I think they should have found someone yet younger since this is 007's first adventure.  Also his hair isn't dark enough.

However Craig is truly a physical specimen to be sure.

Other than that not a bad flick.  Craig does a pretty passable job despite all that.  I'd recommend it for sure.  The villians were pretty good too and there sure are a lot of them when you think about it.  Bond is pretty much surrounded by unfriendlies.

Ian Fleminig's vision of James Bond.

Offline Javora

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2007, 11:42:52 am »
IMHO I thought Casino Royale sucked and that Daniel Caig is the worst Bond ever.  I hope they find someone else for the next Bond movie as I might not watch it if Daniel Caig is in it.

Offline Dash Jones

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2007, 03:44:46 pm »
I loved Rocky Balboa.  Thought it was one of the best Rocky's made.
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Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


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Offline _Rondo_GE The OutLaw

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2007, 07:01:52 pm »
IMHO I thought Casino Royale sucked and that Daniel Caig is the worst Bond ever.  I hope they find someone else for the next Bond movie as I might not watch it if Daniel Caig is in it.

Ummm...I'd rate him below Connery and Brosman.  I hated Roger Moore and to this day havent even watched his version of Bond but Moonraker which I was forced to watch.

George Lazenby (1969)  No.  I saw that flick.  Not dashing enough. 
Timothy Dalton (1987–1989)   Did a good job but something was missing.  He looked Too evil for one.  Can't put my finger on the rest of it.

Offline _Rondo_GE The OutLaw

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2007, 07:02:29 pm »
I loved Rocky Balboa.  Thought it was one of the best Rocky's made.

What did you like about it?

Offline Sirgod

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2007, 10:38:45 am »
I loved Rocky Balboa.  Thought it was one of the best Rocky's made.

What did you like about it?

He was kinda down on his luck (sure he had the resteraunt), but he kept trying to do the right thing for that Gal and steps. The dynamics of his son growing up in his shadow. To me the fight was so ancillary to just a good story.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2007, 11:07:24 am »
I personally feel that Craig portrayed Bond closer to the Fleming version than any other actor (possible exception of Timothy Dalton).  He had that killer intensity he had in the novels, whatever color his hair was.  And while I appreciate that some people are attached to the preening metrosexual version of Bond, I liked having him be convincingly male, for once.

I was buzzed when I walked out of CR.  Probably my favorite Bond.
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2007, 11:14:55 am »
I've only seen Casino Royale once, and I missed most of it because of my idiot friends who like to constantly yap during a movie. However, what I did see didn't really impress me. I didn't think he had the Bond 'look', and he didn't really seem any more intense than Pierce Brosnan. Who, by the way, is definitely the best Bond, past, present, or future. At least in my opinion.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2007, 03:39:32 pm »
I really liked Craig as Bond. Then again, I'm not big Bond fan by any stretch, though I do like the concept.

I found the story/pacing to be much more realistic than previous films I've seen (Die Another Day, Tomorrow Never Dies, and maybe 2 before that).
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Offline Dash Jones

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2007, 07:16:26 pm »
On Rocky, I liked...well...just about everything about the movie.

Just like the First one it's about a guy who's a little on the low side of life...who's surviving (except in this case instead of finances low, it's more like family not being around as much with his wife dead and son trying to sever ties), who turns it all around, makes a comeback, and stands up for the little guy (or in this case, the older guy).

The story is actually inspired by George Foreman's boxing...who is now still boxing pro (though no longer for the heavy weight title) at nigh 50 years of age.  Which is wild to think about.

It's everything about the Rocky Movies come back once again for another one, two, knock em out fight.

It's everything that Rocky 5 was not.

I agree about Roger Moore...I've seen his movies of yesteryear as Bond and haven't really been too impressed with him.

Connery was the best, followed by Brosnan.  And yes, Dalton did look evil.  I think almost every other movie I've seen him in he plays the bad guy.
"All hominins are hominids, but not all hominids are hominins."

"Is this a Christian perspective?

Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


We have whale farms in Jersey.   They're called McDonald's.

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Offline _Rondo_GE The OutLaw

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2007, 03:27:36 am »
I loved Rocky Balboa.  Thought it was one of the best Rocky's made.

What did you like about it?

He was kinda down on his luck (sure he had the resteraunt), but he kept trying to do the right thing for that Gal and steps. The dynamics of his son growing up in his shadow. To me the fight was so ancillary to just a good story.


Hmmm...maybe its worth another look.  Both you and Dash have made some good points.   

I think what it was missing is that the first one had a great protagonist, Apollo Creed.   The second one was a reprise I guess.  The third had another excellent protagonist, Clubber Lang; a black guy so obnoxious even Apollo Creed hated him.  Then the fourth one was interesting  ...  the Russian Golem  (which we now actually see in true life with the rise of this 7' heavyweight Nikolai Valuev; who by the way just lost his crown to a fighter from Uzbekistan (Borat would be proud) on April 14).  He teamed up with Brigitte Nielsen to form a composit protagonist....

Ludmilla: You call him a killer. He's a professional fighter, not a killer. You have this belief that you are better than us. You have this belief that this country is so very good and we are so very bad. You have this belief that you are so fair and we are so very cruel.
Nicoli Koloff: It's all lies and false propaganda to support this antagonistic and violent government.
Paulie: Whoa. Violent? Hey, we don't keep our people behind a wall with machine guns.
Nicoli Koloff: Who are you?
Paulie: Who am I? I'm the unsilent majority, bigmouth.

Drago: My name is Drago. I'm a boxing fighter. I've came from Soviet Union. Soon I'll fight with Rocky Balboa and I'll beat him. Soon all the world will know my name.


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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2007, 12:14:13 pm »

I thought David Daniel Craig was an excellent James Bond...  Far less comic-booky and far more 'human' than any of them since Sean turned in his License to Kill...  Casino Royale was hands-down the best Bond movie in 25 years, even with the weak ending.  The chase and fight scenes just felt real - no "one quick judo chop and the bad guy hits the ground".

I'm a bit of a Pierce Brosnan fan, but I never liked him as Bond, and I though Dalton was awful.  'Could be that I just didn't think that the movies those guys did were all that, too.

I did like Lazenby, and I know that I'm in a bit of a minority with that...
« Last Edit: April 20, 2007, 08:41:42 pm by Neo-Barabbas »
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2007, 02:44:02 pm »
I believe that you two are the only two people IN THE KNOWN UNIVERSE that actually LIKED Timothy Dalton's Bond.

Although, if we're going for realism, how in the hell could Roger Moore have pulled it off is beyond me, but he's still my favorite.

Behind Pierce Brosnan of course.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2007, 03:08:53 pm »
Actually, I wasn't completely against Timothy Dalton's Bond.  The Living Daylights was pretty good, IMO.  What screwed Dalton was that God-awful storyline in License to Kill. 

The plotline for that movie was so un-Bond-like it was ridiculous.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #16 on: April 20, 2007, 06:12:23 pm »
I'm not so sure I liked Craig as bond.  Yeah, he is definitely a physical specimen, but he just didn't seem to have that "something" that one gets from Connery and Brosnan.  Both of them gave Bond a far more "polished gentleman" type of acting that Craig didn't have.  Can't really place a finger on it, but Craig doesn't "look" like the type that would be sitting there at a 15million dollar private poker game.  I liked the moive though.  Dalton sucked because he's a sucky wooden actor.  It seemed like he had to force everything.  George Lazenbry (sp) I didn't like either.  Roger Moore was ok.

My favorite bond movie is a toss-up between Live and Let Die and You Only Live Twice.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #17 on: April 20, 2007, 06:15:00 pm »
Lets see, my 2 sentence review of some movies Ive seen.

300 - liked the movie, because I went in "not expecting history brought to life".  Definitely worth the money to see it at the theater.

Good Shepart - boring.  I almost fell asleep watching it.  The movie really limited Damon's acting talent.  But I guess playing a wooden stiff was the role.

Departed - good movie, not great, but good.  Not Scorcese's best work by a long shot, but even his "bad" work is still good.

GhostRider - waste of money.  Quickly forgotten, unless you spent money on it.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #18 on: April 20, 2007, 08:51:25 pm »
I'm not so sure I liked Craig as bond.  Yeah, he is definitely a physical specimen, but he just didn't seem to have that "something" that one gets from Connery and Brosnan.  Both of them gave Bond a far more "polished gentleman" type of acting that Craig didn't have.  Can't really place a finger on it, but Craig doesn't "look" like the type that would be sitting there at a 15million dollar private poker game.  I liked the moive though.  Dalton sucked because he's a sucky wooden actor.  It seemed like he had to force everything.  George Lazenbry (sp) I didn't like either.  Roger Moore was ok.

My favorite bond movie is a toss-up between Live and Let Die and You Only Live Twice.

I agree that Craig wasn't as 'polished' as Connery or Brosnan (or any of the others, for that matter...) but in context this movie was set 'early' in Bond's career, despite it's modern setting.  Craig's Bond was supposed to be growing into the later Bond - He was supposed to have more rough edges than the others.

And I really liked You Only Live Twice, too...  Really dumb plot, but awsome scenery, great music throughout, good individual scenes and Japanese girls!

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #19 on: April 22, 2007, 08:56:51 am »
I forget who told me of this link...

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Offline _Rondo_GE The OutLaw

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #20 on: April 22, 2007, 09:33:40 pm »
Ok well now for another round... they'll just keep coming I'm afaraid...

A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints Not everyones cup of tea but being an ex-New Yorker like myself helps.  In the "tradition" of Martin Scorsese's Mean Street and Deniro's  A Bronx Tale, this is a fine effort by a first time director.  It also generated a fairly amusing one line "put down review" on the net...

"Shia LaBeouf plays a kid who grows up to be Robert Downey, Jr. Isn't that every boy's dream?"


I live for stuff like that.

Anyway Downey does a pretty good job.  He appears to working hard (so far) to erase a bad rep and an equally bad type cast as a seriously disturbed flake or villian.  He's normal in this movie.   

Teen rivalry (small gang style) and some violence.  The usual nudity etc...(duh).  Darn where were these girls when I was growing up?  I might have stayed.

 Seen on Pay per view... recommended for those from New York (epecially guys like me born in Queens) or folks that like this kind of movie.   The urge to "escape from New York" runs deep in me which is one reason why I joined the Navy and took off. 

Rent -  a rarity... a musical.    Follows a year from 1989 to 1990 when the AIDs epidemic began to impact the rather "front line" lifestyles of the artsy types living in what looked like the East Village of NY (or perhaps SOHO).  Interesting performances by all and I got to see a very good performance by an up and coming actress I have been tracking, Rosario Dawson.  Very talented lady she is.

And not bad to look at either.  Sorry folks another "New York" flick and not recommended for those that don't like to watch a few scenes of gays smooching, although the movie appears to center somewhat around a heterosexual relationship.  For what thats worth.

Recommended for those with urbane tastes.  I liked it but then I kinda like watching this actress do her thing.  She played a stripper in this one.  Highly versatile performer.  She also played a single mom in the last the "girl left behind"by Robert Downey...   well THAT explains it cause there would be NO WAY I would be leaving her behind.     

Rented CD.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #21 on: April 22, 2007, 09:45:30 pm »
Meet The Robinsons (Disney).  Saw it with my kid at the theater.  Computer animation.  Looked a lot like the Incredibles.  Good "bring the kid to a movie" flick.  You know...matineee and it STILL managed to gouge me for bucks.  Not bad.

Offline Javora

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #22 on: April 23, 2007, 06:37:34 am »
I watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles last week.  *Sigh*  Unless you have little kids like I do, you can skip this movie...   ::)   :D

Offline _Rondo_GE The OutLaw

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #23 on: April 24, 2007, 11:45:29 pm »
I watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles last week.  *Sigh*  Unless you have little kids like I do, you can skip this movie...   ::)   :D

My 10 year old passed on it.  Thank GOD!  I got a pass on that one.  :)

I don't mind taking kids to the movies.  The better kids movies try to put enough "adult" humor (not dirty just sophistitcated) to prevent you from nodding off. 

Blood Diamond -  starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Djimon Hounsou.  A movie about the senseless killing in the Sierra Leone Civil War.  Leonardo plays a "Rick" type of character , gun smuggler, etc.  He does a fine job actually.    Djimon Hounsou does another good solid support job...but this movie seems to tell me that he will forever be second fiddle, he seems to have only a few notes even though he plays them well.

This seems to be one of those "Oh the Horror" of it all flicks.   These rebels appear to have maxed out the phrase rebels without a cause; young boys driving around shooting their weapons in the air, smilng, jeering while being lead by older psychopaths.  Most people don't know, or WANT to know, the recent history of Africa and its eternal strife.  Due to that the movie is moved mostly by its plot that centers around one very large gemstone and seems nothing more than a sadistic romp with a little unconvincing love interest thrown in for good measure.   Without Capria and Hounsou putting in some good work this movie would be a good B movie basically.

The National Board of Review ranked this movie as the number 3 movie of 2006 which tells me 2006 was a bad year for movies or that the NBR is full of poop. 

No recommendation.  See it or don't but you won't be missing anything unless you are a Leonardo DiCaprio fan.  I liked the Departed much better.


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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #24 on: April 25, 2007, 09:20:47 pm »
Has anyone seen Hot Fuzz?  That looks like it could be pretty funny.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2007, 11:55:10 pm »
Has anyone seen Hot Fuzz?  That looks like it could be pretty funny.

Not yet.

Offline KBF MalaK

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #26 on: April 28, 2007, 10:53:08 am »
Sin City- absolutely loved it !!
The Departed- Umm not sure I liked it but worth a look just for Jack Nicholson (this film should be the prequel to the original Batman)
V for Vendetta- Most excellent film I've seen this year.

Am still looking forward to seeing Children of man and the 300.

...And I thought Timothy Dalton was the best Bond since Connery but as stated the scripts killed him.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #27 on: April 30, 2007, 02:18:29 pm »
SpiderMan III out this coming weekend.

Offline Electric Eye

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #28 on: April 30, 2007, 11:14:19 pm »
Here are a few flicks I've seen int he last month.  I don't go to movies that much due to the cost BUT I invested ina  bog screen and a surround sound system so its not missed much.  The only flick I cared to pay oput the $9.00 to see was 300 in the three months.


300 rocked! There were a few details missing though. In front of the council Theron accused the queen of adultery, which the Spartans had no concept of at the time.

Women, being more independent than in other Greek societies, were able to negotiate with their husbands to bring their lovers into their homes. According to Plutarch in his Life of Lycurgus, men both allowed and encouraged their wives to bear the children of other men, due to the general communal ethos which made it more important to bear many progeny for the good of the city, than to be jealously concerned with one's own family unit. However, some historians argue that this 'wife sharing' was only reserved for elder males who had not yet produced an heir[citation needed]. For this reason, Plutarch claims that the concept of "adultery" was alien to the Spartans, and relates that one ancient Spartan had said that it was as possible "to find a bull with a neck long enough to stand on a mountain top and drink from a river below", as to find an adulterer in Sparta.


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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #29 on: April 30, 2007, 11:23:04 pm »
I actually thought the sex portions of the movie worsened it.  I found no real plot relavance that any of the sex scenes added.  It would have been just as easy for her to slice him open for his putting her down in the council and show the money without that scene, and no idea why they had the scene in the beginning with her husband if she'd just go out and do it with some scoundrel from the council who she had no idea if he would really support her or not anyways.

Those portions of 300 actually made an otherwise spectacularly awesome movie into just an awesome movie.

They served no real purpose in my eyes...other than to try to put sex and nudity in for no other reason than to and nudity.
"All hominins are hominids, but not all hominids are hominins."

"Is this a Christian perspective?

Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


We have whale farms in Jersey.   They're called McDonald's.

There is no "I" in team. There are two "I"s in Vin Diesel. screw you, team.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #30 on: May 01, 2007, 03:23:28 pm »
You did not like the girl that was moving around at the Oracle? I thought the sex scenes were great, especially when Leonidas was behind  the queen.  ;D It was already rated R for the violence and bloodshed, and everyone knows sex sells.  ;)

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #31 on: May 02, 2007, 11:14:26 am »
I finaly caught Casino Royale on PPV last night.

Ehh, it was ok. I didn't like Craig at all. Mono tone voice, only emotion was when he was getting beat towards the middle. And when the hell has Bond ever talked about his soul. They just turned him into another MetroSexual IMHO.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #32 on: May 05, 2007, 04:21:06 am »
I finaly caught Casino Royale on PPV last night.

Ehh, it was ok. I didn't like Craig at all. Mono tone voice, only emotion was when he was getting beat towards the middle. And when the hell has Bond ever talked about his soul. They just turned him into another MetroSexual IMHO.


He's violent and good at taking simulated torture.

But that hair.  Looks like he used a bad electric razor with wet hands.  I watched "Layer Cake" the other day, another of his movies and his hair was exactly the same.  The Nappy haired 007.

Hehe "Metrosexual"... an original!  Thats good.   I think thats what the people in "Rent" were.


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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #33 on: May 05, 2007, 10:51:19 am »
Rent was Ok, but then I'm a huge fan of musicals. From Lloyd Webber to Jerry's girls with Carol Channing. Shoot way back when I was younger, I took part in the Claremore theaters version of Will Rogers at home, and even sang. Albiet it badly.

Hehe, Yeah I figured You of all people would get a kick out of that Metro Sexual line. I was really hoping that the bond in the film would be closer to the novels, It almost started that way, and then he wussed out on us towards the end.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #34 on: May 05, 2007, 11:57:22 am »
The Return:

Filmed in Austin and Granger, TX.

The Hitcher:


2 good horror flicks although if you watch the Hitcher get the one that includes deleted scenes and other bonus stuff.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #35 on: May 05, 2007, 04:56:24 pm »
I thought the original movie The Hitcher was better then the one that just came out.  Not sure why, it just didn't impress me.

Offline KBF MalaK

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #36 on: May 06, 2007, 08:55:37 am »
I thought the original movie The Hitcher was better then the one that just came out.  Not sure why, it just didn't impress me.

yup, I agree- the original was better than the re-release.

The Devils Rejects- currently on cable. You gotta see this (and I thought Rob Zombie's first film was gory)
Jacob's Ladder- also currently on cable. An oldie but you'll notice it hasn't been remade yet. You just can't improve on near perfection.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #37 on: May 06, 2007, 09:45:17 am »
Turistas rocked!

I'm watching Children of Men also, had to sleep last night mid-way through the movie, but so far it's been pretty cool.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #38 on: May 06, 2007, 10:25:59 am »
Turistas rocked!

I'm watching Children of Men also, had to sleep last night mid-way through the movie, but so far it's been pretty cool.

J/K you EE , but You also liked Lords of War with Nicolas Cage, Your a great friend, but I'm not taking any movie Reviews from you. :D :D :D

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #39 on: May 06, 2007, 12:46:26 pm »
I thought Lords of War was pretty cool, especially since it was based on a true story.

Peace sells, but who's buying? International arms sales accounts for 75% of our military industrial complex's profits.  ;) I can very well believe that some of our arms dealers have a lot more clout in getting out of legal situations courtesy of our govt. than we are led to believe.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #40 on: May 06, 2007, 01:02:45 pm »
I thought Lords of War was pretty cool, especially since it was based on a true story.

Peace sells, but who's buying? International arms sales accounts for 75% of our military industrial complex's profits.  ;) I can very well believe that some of our arms dealers have a lot more clout in getting out of legal situations courtesy of our govt. than we are led to believe.

This is one of those we will disagree on Bro. I saw it as a hit piece against America, no where did they mention why arms deals where being made by us. Bleh, we just have to agree to disagree on that. Hey one good film though was the Good Shepard. Denny ordered that yesterday, and I actually enjoyed it, even though it was slow in a few parts.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #41 on: May 07, 2007, 06:28:00 am »
I watched Alpha Dog last night, and I must say I was impressed with the way they did the movie.

It is almost down to the bone factwise, aas the prosecutor released a lot of classified info on the case to the filmaker and served as an unpaid consultant. Unfortunately the upper management of the court system in Cali recused him from anything more with the case afterwards because they finally caught Jesse James Hollywood years later.

One crime, 3 days of knowing about it and not doing something before it got out of hand, 38 witnesses. That's sad.  >:(

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #42 on: June 04, 2007, 07:01:09 pm »

Seen on the big screen.  Nothing new just old twists on old jokes but it was fun to watch anyway.  Saw it on the Big Screen on the Theaters.


Nicely done movie about a kid who finds out that life acan be VERY exciting while under House Arrest.  Shia LaBeouf plays Kale, and underacheiving, troubled kid who loses his dad and bashes his stupid butt teacher in the face.  I got hooked on it right away even though it was nothing special or groundbreakiung, just well done.  The Kale character seems to be an extension of the David Lightman charcter played by Mathew Broderick in WARGAMES (1983), but not as fanciful.

Oddly enough this film has no really big time thematic material or message but it really is well done.  I actually had tickets to see Spiderman III that day but got bored waiting inthelobby so wandered into the Disturbia theater as it was just starting.  The movie sets itself up so quickly then starts clicking and building suspense.

I'd still recommend you go see Spiderman III but this flick will work on DVD just fine.   

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #43 on: June 08, 2007, 07:14:41 am »
I watched "The Good German" last night, thinking that "Oh God, another love story that I have to watch with wifey." Boy, was I surprised. What really got to me is the storyline is loosely based on a very true chapter of WW2 history, Camp Dora was very real, and we were more than willing to forgive Nazi sins so long as we got the brains behind the rocketry program of Nazi Germany vs. the Soviets getting the brains.

Cate Blanchett rules in the film, although I liked the blonde German woman too.

This is not a movie for kids, even though Spiderman is in the movie (The actor, not the character Spider Man). He plays a bad character and the movie is very frank about adult situations.

Another great film, IMHO, is "Pan's Labryinth." It was a movie that you just couldn't seem to stop playing or pause once it began.  ;)

I saw a warning on it at Hollyweird video though "Not for kids, graphic scenes of violence." To that I say "Bah!" They see far worse on TV and in other movies.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #44 on: June 12, 2007, 06:04:05 pm »
I watched "The Good German" last night, thinking that "Oh God, another love story that I have to watch with wifey." Boy, was I surprised. What really got to me is the storyline is loosely based on a very true chapter of WW2 history, Camp Dora was very real, and we were more than willing to forgive Nazi sins so long as we got the brains behind the rocketry program of Nazi Germany vs. the Soviets getting the brains.

Cate Blanchett rules in the film, although I liked the blonde German woman too.

This is not a movie for kids, even though Spiderman is in the movie (The actor, not the character Spider Man). He plays a bad character and the movie is very frank about adult situations.

Another great film, IMHO, is "Pan's Labryinth." It was a movie that you just couldn't seem to stop playing or pause once it began.  ;)

I saw a warning on it at Hollyweird video though "Not for kids, graphic scenes of violence." To that I say "Bah!" They see far worse on TV and in other movies.

i CAN GET pan'S labyrinth ON dvd.  GIVE IT A GO.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #45 on: June 12, 2007, 06:35:22 pm »
I can't believe I missed a movie from 1996 that I saw on Sat tv today. Check it out, it rocks!

What can I say? Tom Hanks wrote and directed it.  ;)

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #46 on: June 12, 2007, 06:41:54 pm »
Alpha Dog


This is a very good movie.  A sleeper I think.  Mostly a bunch of nobodies with Bruce Willis and Sharon Stone playing supporting roles

Emile Hirsh, with cameo's by Sharon Stone & Bruce Willis...a true story about a kidnapping that goes wrong.  Very similar in some respects to FARGO in it's basic plot.  It's also an interesting expose' on the gangsta wannabe California drug culture in the southern Cali suburbs.  This is a crime that never had to happen but the just about everyone makes the wrong decision.  Like FARGO the police are never called into the act until the tragedy is done ... the kidnappers are so afraid of doing "hard time" that they decide choose murder instead ...  a perfect example of how our overcrowded prisons are probably adding to the crime rate.

It's frustrating to watch this movie in some ways because the victim has the best time of his life before they off him. His "handler" even offers to let him go ... twice... and the kid chooses on his own to stay.  Sheesh, talk about living in a dream world.   The head kidnapper, the "Alpha Dog", attempts to make a deal with the kid's older brother who turns out to be a bit of a psychoDog himself, another chance ruined.  The older brother doesn’t even ask whether the kid is all right or not.  Yet the movie is laid out well and as outrageous as the plot seems, it's made plausible by the way the director unfolds the easy, dreamlike “wasted” youth drug culture they all live in. 

The worst part it's all true.  I was on a Jury just recently where an assault charge was decided and some of the young witnesses they called up reminded me too much of these kids…it’s like a lot of these kids have almost NO moral base at all. 

A study in amorality.

Maybe that's what the "a" is for.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #47 on: June 12, 2007, 06:43:28 pm »
I can't believe I missed a movie from 1996 that I saw on Sat tv today. Check it out, it rocks!

What can I say? Tom Hanks wrote and directed it.  ;)

My kid was watching that the opther night too.  I've seenit a number fo times.  Good flick.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #48 on: June 12, 2007, 06:49:42 pm »

I did not know that Tom Hanks is a ST fan!  ;D

You gotta give him kudos for one thing, he believes in loyalty and family and friends when he makes a movie, a quality that is very rare in Hollyweird.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #49 on: June 12, 2007, 06:51:09 pm »
I'll second that on Alpha Dog. It's sad to know that Cali glamourizes that kind of behavior. And yes folks, it's a very true story.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #50 on: June 12, 2007, 06:57:07 pm »

I did not know that Tom Hanks is a ST fan!  ;D

You gotta give him kudos for one thing, he believes in loyalty and family and friends when he makes a movie, a quality that is very rare in Hollyweird.

He used to play AD&D to...   ;)

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #51 on: June 12, 2007, 09:15:56 pm »
Hanks connects with us because he has a lot of US in him.

Now that you mention him, I watched saving Private Ryan this weekend with my wife who had never seen it.  She really liked it.  Considering it's probably the best war movie made in the last twenty years I'd agree.  In a very distinguished career this is Steven Spielberg's masterpiece.  The movie effortlessly runs us through a small slice of one of the great battles of WWII propelled by a quirky and yet fully believable plot.  It was fun watching it again; that movie brought back the words of my Uncle Johnny who served in the Coast Guard and drove the little boats that carried those men into battle.   He watched some of the greatest battlres in history unfold from the beach,  Normandy AND Iwo Jima... 

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #52 on: June 12, 2007, 10:10:45 pm »
The Last King of Scotland

James McAvoy (who's only notable role I can remember is playing a Satyr/faun in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe) plays another unlikely character inthat if "Dr" Nicholas Garrigan, a young, privaledged and niave scotsman fresh out of medical school.   Nick decides to start off his life right...with a little fun and adventure in the storied land of...  uh...  Uganda.

Hot damn!  Bring the sun tan lotion!  Why I couldn't think of a more wonderful place than Uganda...  well maybe Cambodia...  :).

Anyway Nick arrives right in the middle of a coup that puts Idi Amin in power.  He's true to his word and has sex with a young african philly (quick cut scene) he meets on the bus.  Things are getting off to a roaring start when he meets the big guy himself and immediately impresses the dictator by shooting a water buffalo injured on the road becasue it broke his conscentration while atttenidng to the dictator. 

At this point many might want to shut her down but the real film is just beginning.  Nick Garrigan is a fictional character who never existed but Idi Amin is real...the film brings that home near the last section when things begin to fall part for Nick...

"Is there anything that you have done that is good, Nicholas? You came to Africa to play the white man. But we aren't a game. We're real. This room is real. .”

...  give an excellent actor a crazy psychopath to play and you have award winning material.  Forrest Whitaker earns his Oscar make no mistake...he captures the tyrants dangerous and playful moods...his quirky and sometimes engaging personality.  The film itself is flawed as there is little of any plot of historical value here, a cautionary tale of a niave idiot who grows up the hard way.  As the film progresses you begin to see the real basis and the very funny irony the maker of the film are spinning...that Nicholas Garrigan symbolizes all those well meaning people who still vaguely think they can help the poor "savages".

But the tables have turned...

Nicholas Garrigan: I can't. It f*cking stinks. I can't help coming back to that moment when I asked you to talk to him. This isn't me. I have to go home now.
Idi Amin: You cannot.
Nicholas Garrigan: What?
Idi Amin: Your work is not finished here yet.

Nick is trapped and things don't portend to end well for him.  He comes to africa for his own amusement and ends up becoming someone's pet.

A must see if for no other reason than Whitaker's very good performance.   

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #53 on: June 13, 2007, 08:29:20 am »
Watched Pan's Labyrinth the other week.  Got it for my daughter on her birthday.  It was very good. 

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #54 on: June 13, 2007, 12:09:56 pm »
I think the graphic scenes on the mutilations were a lil bit too much though in Last King of Scotland.

Yup, funny how those women would drop their panties in a heartbeat.  ;)

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #55 on: June 13, 2007, 03:33:59 pm »

Not sure thats going on anymore though.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #56 on: June 16, 2007, 05:23:48 pm »

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #57 on: June 16, 2007, 05:33:46 pm »
Dream Girls....

Must see, Damn good movie playing on PPV.  As a music lover, It's rare to see a drama have so much emotional attachment. Rent this, grab this Push those buttons on the remote. It's that damn good.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #58 on: June 16, 2007, 05:45:21 pm »
MMMMMMMMMMM, Dream girls. got my interest already...  ;)

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #59 on: June 16, 2007, 06:03:42 pm »
MMMMMMMMMMM, Dream girls. got my interest already...  ;)

Jack, I know you love music, and yo uwill like this, not because of your pecker, but because of the music.  there has been very few Musicals done on film. Sadly Live musicals on DVD where not part of them. (read andrew loyd weber) and then see his musicals live.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #60 on: June 22, 2007, 02:28:28 pm »
MMMMMMMMMMM, Dream girls. got my interest already...  ;)

Jack, I know you love music, and yo uwill like this, not because of your pecker, but because of the music.  there has been very few Musicals done on film. Sadly Live musicals on DVD where not part of them. (read andrew loyd weber) and then see his musicals live.


Is it a musical?  My wife likes em.

I mini-reviewed "Rent" here on this thread.  Thats a musical.  Umm not for everyone.  People who object to gays would hate it.   The movie could be seen to "defend" these life styles although I do not think it does. But for me the musical worked because those people are people I ran imnto in real life in the East Village. 

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #61 on: June 22, 2007, 02:31:21 pm »
It kinda is Rondo, It follows the careers of three black singers in the fifties. It's a good movie IMHO. They do alot of singing, but It's not quite a musical like Hello Dolly or Oklahoma.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #62 on: June 25, 2007, 06:31:16 am »
I've not seen Dream Girls but I think it's more like Ray or that movie on Johnny Cash.  Not a musical but with music in it. 

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #63 on: June 25, 2007, 01:58:30 pm »
Dang Rondo, you and my wife are a match made in a movie theater.  I think you rival her as far as "movie watching" goes.

I went and saw Ocean's 13 this weekend.  It wasn't nearly half as good as the other two.  It was missing that "something" that made the other two pretty good. 
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #64 on: June 25, 2007, 06:29:39 pm »
Dang Rondo, you and my wife are a match made in a movie theater.  I think you rival her as far as "movie watching" goes.

I went and saw Ocean's 13 this weekend.  It wasn't nearly half as good as the other two.  It was missing that "something" that made the other two pretty good. 

Like a semi sensical plot?

First one was great, second was OK, this one was just kinda... dumb.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #65 on: July 02, 2007, 05:46:30 pm »
It's what you get when Clooney, Pitt, and Damon and others are business partners in real life, I kid you not. You thought it was coincidence that a lot of the films has at least two of the bunch?  >:( They pressure the Hollywierd bigwigs into accepting one or more of the bunch, as a matter of fact, Matt Damon owes his first big chance to Brad, who told the execs about him. They were friends before that happened. I'm not knocking friends looking out for each other, but in films it does get old. I mean, when did Matt deserve an Oscar? Brad for that matter too...

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #66 on: July 06, 2007, 06:44:56 pm »
Some "series" just run of of gas.  Star Trek had quite a run.  It too has run out of gas.

The "Oceans" series was already "old"  since it was a remake of the old Rat pack stuff back in the 1960's.  Of course any rumors or realities that these actors actually deal with each other in the real world would only help the movie since the original Rat Pack film was pretty much made to capitalize on the very real life friendship (and professional association) of former Bogartians Peter Lawford, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr., Dean Martin and Joey Bishop (plus a few more.

These guys got their start hanging out with the older Humphry Bogart when he was dating Lauren Becall.  Rumor has it she actually named them.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #67 on: July 09, 2007, 12:41:21 pm »
Rondo my friend, You have to see Apocolypto, the Gibson film. Denny and I just watched it on a whim today, and man what a powerful film.

I won't mention any spoilers, except to say, His name is Jaguar paw, and Little girls who give prophesies, They are scary.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #68 on: July 09, 2007, 02:39:43 pm »
Rondo my friend, You have to see Apocolypto, the Gibson film. Denny and I just watched it on a whim today, and man what a powerful film.

I won't mention any spoilers, except to say, His name is Jaguar paw, and Little girls who give prophesies, They are scary.


Yeah I saw Apocolypto as well, very good film.  I also recommend Shooter to both of you, it was a very good film and worth the cost of a rental.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #69 on: July 09, 2007, 02:50:21 pm »
What's Shooter about Javora? I'll keep an eye out for  it on PPV.

Tomorrow, I'll be checking out the Astronaut farmer, and Come back wit ha review for you guys. Heh, Today is Movie day, Finishing Hannible Rising, then Bridge to Taribithia, then Pan's Labyrinth.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #70 on: July 09, 2007, 03:06:58 pm »
What's Shooter about Javora? I'll keep an eye out for  it on PPV.

Tomorrow, I'll be checking out the Astronaut farmer, and Come back wit ha review for you guys. Heh, Today is Movie day, Finishing Hannible Rising, then Bridge to Taribithia, then Pan's Labyrinth.


It's about a sniper who is framed for attempting to assassinate the President.  He tries to find the people who set him up while running from the law.  It stars Mark Wahlberg, he also played in The Departed.  Check it out if you get a chance.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #71 on: July 09, 2007, 07:05:01 pm »
Yeah- must say I had very low expectations for Shooter and was completely surprised.
Actually is a pretty decent film
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #72 on: July 11, 2007, 02:18:01 pm »
What's Shooter about Javora? I'll keep an eye out for  it on PPV.

Tomorrow, I'll be checking out the Astronaut farmer, and Come back wit ha review for you guys. Heh, Today is Movie day, Finishing Hannible Rising, then Bridge to Taribithia, then Pan's Labyrinth.


Is this PPV?  I can't get any of that stuff yet.  Well, Pan's labyrinth.

I hate going to Blockbuster and Hollywood.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #73 on: July 11, 2007, 02:56:03 pm »
Well I watched The Devil Wears Prada last night.  Not because I "rented it" or had "planned" to watch it... but becasue I was flipping through channels and stopped on it for 5 minutes.  Before I knew it, I had watched the whole thing. 

I never "bothered" to plan that movie in my schedule, as I had always thought it was a dark comedy about the devil running a magazine.  But after about 20 mins, I turn to my wife and go "I thought she was supposed to be Satan and this was supposed to be a comedy".  Nope.  She's "the boss from hell" in a figurative sense.

Overall, I must say I enjoyed the movie.

I want to watch Apocolypto (sp), but feel that I need to be "in the mood" to watch it, and haven't been in the mood to watch it I guess.

oh well, 300 comes out at the end of the month.  Woot.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #74 on: July 11, 2007, 10:20:18 pm »

I caught Apocolypto on the boat while on vacation last week, and I thought it was excellent!  I didn't quite know what to expect going into it, but I was very impressed with what it turned out to be.

Warning:  It is quite brutal and graphic at points, so be prepared.  Also, did anyone else catch the 'Head Cam' shot at the top of the temple...?

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #75 on: July 19, 2007, 12:20:55 am »
Rondo my friend, You have to see Apocolypto, the Gibson film. Denny and I just watched it on a whim today, and man what a powerful film.

I won't mention any spoilers, except to say, His name is Jaguar paw, and Little girls who give prophesies, They are scary.


No worries there I saw it onthe big screen.

An impressive movie.  To say the least.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #76 on: July 19, 2007, 12:33:11 am »

On the big screen..

Fantastic Four, The Rise of The Silver Surfer...It wasn't as good as the first movie but these characters do come alive.   It was a bit of a cop out though for I read those original comic books about this saga.  Like most movies that deal with remakes of print it was a composite but really I think there was too much of an omission here.  Without spoilers I won't go on.

Harry Potter...Execellent!  The best HP yet.  Saw it with my daughter.  I don't usually like the HP movies but this one really was good.  I guess this is the last one but it actually had me wanting to see more.  Maybe there will be more.

Bridge to Terabithia...Sad but very good.  A tear jerker.  This movie hits ya unexpectedly so if your not in the mood for a tear jerker avoid.   

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #77 on: July 19, 2007, 06:02:16 am »

On the big screen..

Fantastic Four, The Rise of The Silver Surfer...It wasn't as good as the first movie but these characters do come alive.   It was a bit of a cop out though for I read those original comic books about this saga.  Like most movies that deal with remakes of print it was a composite but really I think there was too much of an omission here.  Without spoilers I won't go on.

I thought it was really good, I swear the CGI gets better with every movie now.  I'm glad I watched that one in the theater.

Bridge to Terabithia...Sad but very good.  A tear jerker.  This movie hits ya unexpectedly so if your not in the mood for a tear jerker avoid.   

Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who teared up with this movie.  And I read the book way (way, way) back when I was in 4th grade.  The movie stayed pretty close to the book, if you haven't read the book already I really suggest reading it before watching the movie.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #78 on: July 22, 2007, 01:27:42 pm »
My wife keeps staring at me over this one, But I'm Laughing my ass off over the RENO 911 Movie.

The gator in the pool, How the convention center was locked down, The ROCK , It's very much akin to super troopers so If you like the series, and liked Super Troopers, you will get a kick out of this movie.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #79 on: August 02, 2007, 04:07:28 pm »
Stephen you owe us a review of Astronaut Farmer.  I saw this on DVD just a few days ago but await your input.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #80 on: August 02, 2007, 07:44:45 pm »
I thought it was wonderfull actually. My butt puckered the first time he tried to launch , and it went flying across the Texas desert. Bruce Willis cameo was pretty good also.

My daughter went to three differanct stores yesterday to find 300, and they where all sold out.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #81 on: August 08, 2007, 11:46:33 am »
Hehe, my copy of 300 has already been watched 3 full times. Once by me, once by me and my wife, and once again by me.

Bourne Review and Spoilers:

I saw the latest Bourne movie.  All the critics say it's better than the first two, but I didn't think so.  One thing I liked about the first 2 movies was that the action was "semi-believable".  But in this movie?  Nope, they went the Michael Bay way and turned Bourne into an invincible superman.  Stuff like "walking away from a car crash at high speed with nary a scratch on his eye" kind of unbelievable stuff.  Also, it the camera work was a lot more "handheld jerkiness" than before, and during the fight scenes, they'd only show a camera shot for a millionth of a second before moving to the next shot.  It made the fight scenes hard to follow, hard to see what you were watching.  There was other stuff that was just "roll your eyes" kind of stuff, like having a supersecret assassin kill a guy in the middle of a shopping mall with hundreds of people standing around (and not waiting the 10 seconds for him to be out of sight), or the "CIA Spymaster" that goes nuts throughout the movie and just starts having everyone that's "bumped into" Bourne killed, or targetted. 

The thing I liked about the first two movies was the "believability" of it (for what that's worth).  This one... definitely had a lot of  ::) moments.

So those two aspects really took away from the movie, for me.  Other than that, I thought the "spy mystery plot" of the movie was decently written... and the writing for how Bourne did his stuff was pretty cool.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #82 on: August 08, 2007, 02:36:23 pm »

Bourne Review and Spoilers:

I saw the latest Bourne movie.  All the critics say it's better than the first two, but I didn't think so.  One thing I liked about the first 2 movies was that the action was "semi-believable".  But in this movie?  Nope, they went the Michael Bay way and turned Bourne into an invincible superman.  Stuff like "walking away from a car crash at high speed with nary a scratch on his eye" kind of unbelievable stuff.  Also, it the camera work was a lot more "handheld jerkiness" than before, and during the fight scenes, they'd only show a camera shot for a millionth of a second before moving to the next shot.  It made the fight scenes hard to follow, hard to see what you were watching.  There was other stuff that was just "roll your eyes" kind of stuff, like having a supersecret assassin kill a guy in the middle of a shopping mall with hundreds of people standing around (and not waiting the 10 seconds for him to be out of sight), or the "CIA Spymaster" that goes nuts throughout the movie and just starts having everyone that's "bumped into" Bourne killed, or targetted. 

The thing I liked about the first two movies was the "believability" of it (for what that's worth).  This one... definitely had a lot of  ::) moments.

So those two aspects really took away from the movie, for me.  Other than that, I thought the "spy mystery plot" of the movie was decently written... and the writing for how Bourne did his stuff was pretty cool.

Sounds like another case of the book is much better than the movie.  I read the book and it is nothing like what you described.  For one thing the book is set in the cold war era.  I wish the movies hadn't gotten away from that, I think the series would have been better that way.  If you haven't read the book yet give it a read I think you will like it more.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #83 on: August 08, 2007, 03:32:56 pm »
I haven't read any of the books, so I didn't have that stigma entering the theater.  I was just hoping it would be like the first two, and be a smartly written spy-mystery with "believable" action sequences.

It was smartly written, and I love how Bourne keeps one step ahead of the CIA, that's for sure... but the action sequences I felt were a let down.   You don't need "silly" actions sequences to "make" a good movie.  I prefer "real" action sequences over the car-flipping-guy-nearly-dead-shows-up-in-next-scene-perfectly-normal stuff.

I read about the ending of this movie being much different from the ending of the book, in that - from what I read - in the book the gov't was the "good guy", whereas the gov't is the bad guy in this film.  At least, that's what I read.

All in all, the movie was very entertaining... but to me it was disappointing because I had higher expectations.

That's something I've noticed about my movie reviewing... if I go into a movie thinking it's going to be great, and it's only so-so... then to me that movie "sucks"... whereas if I go into a movie thinking it's going to suck and it turns out so-so, then to me that movie is "great".  In both cases, the movie is so-so, but my expectations going in get factored into the equation.

Thats why I liked 300 so much, but didn't like Troy at all.  In Troy, I expected to see Homer recreated and the players on the field are just puppets to the gods, and it wasn't that at all so I didn't really like it.  On the flip side, I had no expectations that 300 would be a faithful historical accurate retelling of an actual event (becasue of the monsters and people-freaks), and it turns out that I liked the movie immensely. 

I was actually thinking of this on my drive to work this morning.  I found it funny that the "actual historical event" movie 300 was done all "gods and heros and fantasy monsters" style.... and the "gods and heros and fantasy monsters" movie Troy was done all "historically real".
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #84 on: August 08, 2007, 03:42:05 pm »
Dunno- I liked the Bourne movie alot, didn't read the book- mainly because I did pick up one of the books and it seeemd slong the lines of
"USA never does anything bad to any country for any reason, unless it's a "rogue group" within the US government"
(And I don't mean that as a shot aginst the US, be the same if Bourne had been a brit agent, Russian agent or whatever) which is kinda why I like the movies.
(Everyone's understandably bad)

I did find it (as mentioned) a little ott in just a few places... not to mention a conspicuos lack of airbags..
And the "shaky cam" was insanely annoting- especially during some of the (what may have been) cool fight scenes..
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #85 on: August 08, 2007, 04:22:39 pm »
Well today the wife was down with a stomach flu, so I basicly watched kids movies. She get's sick, I put on kids movies.

So I watched, TMNT this morning, Not bad, not the best, but not bad. If you have little ones, It's pretty good. Probably between the age of 8 -80.

She feel asleep while I was watching unaccompanied Minors. Very cute X-mas movie. I liked this one alot actually. Once again, got kids, pick it up for at least a rental.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #86 on: August 08, 2007, 04:57:40 pm »
Well today the wife was down with a stomach flu, so I basicly watched kids movies. She get's sick, I put on kids movies.Stephen

So, uh, the wife is the brains in the family and you are the one with the 8year old mentality?  Is that why you watch the kids movies when she's in the other room  :D

 ;D  j/k hehehehe  ;D

I watched the first 30 minutes of Transformers the other night (friend of mine had a great pirated copy).  The opening sequence was pretty awesome. I've seen a lot of good movie entrances by actors in my time, and that entrance by the "bad" Xformer ranks up there as quite an entrance.  But then, the movie switched to the "geek and the beauty" plot line and that was just gay.  Why is it that the superhot highschool chick always is a secret genius car mechanic?
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #87 on: August 09, 2007, 07:01:07 am »

On the big screen..

Fantastic Four, The Rise of The Silver Surfer...It wasn't as good as the first movie but these characters do come alive.   It was a bit of a cop out though for I read those original comic books about this saga.  Like most movies that deal with remakes of print it was a composite but really I think there was too much of an omission here.  Without spoilers I won't go on.

Harry Potter...Execellent!  The best HP yet.  Saw it with my daughter.  I don't usually like the HP movies but this one really was good.  I guess this is the last one but it actually had me wanting to see more.  Maybe there will be more.

Bridge to Terabithia...Sad but very good.  A tear jerker.  This movie hits ya unexpectedly so if your not in the mood for a tear jerker avoid.   

I've got to disagree with your assessment of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.  I have a few gripes on the matter.  First of all, its too short.  This is the longest of the seven books, yet the shortest of the movies released so far, so as you can imagine, there was a great deal of the book cut out.  The initial scene of the dementors was totally different, but I'll admit I actually liked the movies interpretation better.  After that, it kind of went downhill for me. 

The "special quill" that Umbridge had was only used on Harry in the book.  By using it on all of the DA in the movie, they took away the element of persecution present in the book.  When the Order comes to save Harry toward the beginning, they fly way too low.  There is no possible way that Moody would have allowed this, as it is of utmost importance to the "good wizards" that we muggles know nothing of the existance of the wizarding world.  My biggest concern, tho, was the use of the "Avada Kerdava" curse on Sirius Black by Bellatrix Lestrange.  This never happened in the book.  Sirius was killed by an un-named red curse in the book.  The Avada Kerdava is first green and, more importantly, it kills instantly.  There is an element of not knowing exactly what happened to Sirius other than he fell through the veil and no longer is "living" as we know it that has been removed by the use of the killing curse.

However, I will admit that I enjoyed the movie and think they did a decent job with the time allotted.  Once again, it was just too short.  If Peter Jackson's "Lord of the Rings" trilogy has proven anything, its that a three hour plus movie can and will keep the attention of an audience and make money if it is done correctly.

The movies are actually quite good and keep to the books quite well up to "Goblet of Fire", but these last two have taken a lot of artistic liberties.  I highly recommend reading the books, if you haven't.  Other than the first one, they are most definately not childrens books, though they are aimed at kids.  The ideals, especially the central theme of how different people deal with death, are quite adult in nature.

I am glad that you enjoyed the movie, Rondo, and if you haven't read the books, which I gather you haven't, I agree it was quite good.  You'll be happy to know that this was not the last film.  There are two more and all the principle actors are already signed on for them.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #88 on: August 19, 2007, 02:50:33 pm »
I saw 'Pan's labyrinth' last night, I HIGHLY recommend it.

It's not a kid movie with an "R" rating tho it's about a kid and imaginary critters but don't let that keep you from seeing it.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #89 on: August 19, 2007, 05:50:05 pm »
Some "series" just run of of gas.  Star Trek had quite a run.  It too has run out of gas.

I don't think Trek is out of gas.  The problem is that the people running Trek recently haven't understood the series or audience and were out to do their own thing.  If they had been doing an original show instead of trek perhaps it would have broken new ground but most likely have been cancelled after the first season.  Give Trek a producer and director who understand it and its audience and Trek still has life.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #90 on: August 31, 2007, 04:08:54 pm »

On the big screen..

Fantastic Four, The Rise of The Silver Surfer...It wasn't as good as the first movie but these characters do come alive.   It was a bit of a cop out though for I read those original comic books about this saga.  Like most movies that deal with remakes of print it was a composite but really I think there was too much of an omission here.  Without spoilers I won't go on.

Harry Potter...Execellent!  The best HP yet.  Saw it with my daughter.  I don't usually like the HP movies but this one really was good.  I guess this is the last one but it actually had me wanting to see more.  Maybe there will be more.

Bridge to Terabithia...Sad but very good.  A tear jerker.  This movie hits ya unexpectedly so if your not in the mood for a tear jerker avoid.   

I've got to disagree with your assessment of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.  I have a few gripes on the matter.  First of all, its too short.  This is the longest of the seven books, yet the shortest of the movies released so far, so as you can imagine, there was a great deal of the book cut out.  The initial scene of the dementors was totally different, but I'll admit I actually liked the movies interpretation better.  After that, it kind of went downhill for me. 

The "special quill" that Umbridge had was only used on Harry in the book.  By using it on all of the DA in the movie, they took away the element of persecution present in the book.  When the Order comes to save Harry toward the beginning, they fly way too low.  There is no possible way that Moody would have allowed this, as it is of utmost importance to the "good wizards" that we muggles know nothing of the existance of the wizarding world.  My biggest concern, tho, was the use of the "Avada Kerdava" curse on Sirius Black by Bellatrix Lestrange.  This never happened in the book.  Sirius was killed by an un-named red curse in the book.  The Avada Kerdava is first green and, more importantly, it kills instantly.  There is an element of not knowing exactly what happened to Sirius other than he fell through the veil and no longer is "living" as we know it that has been removed by the use of the killing curse.

However, I will admit that I enjoyed the movie and think they did a decent job with the time allotted.  Once again, it was just too short.  If Peter Jackson's "Lord of the Rings" trilogy has proven anything, its that a three hour plus movie can and will keep the attention of an audience and make money if it is done correctly.

The movies are actually quite good and keep to the books quite well up to "Goblet of Fire", but these last two have taken a lot of artistic liberties.  I highly recommend reading the books, if you haven't.  Other than the first one, they are most definately not childrens books, though they are aimed at kids.  The ideals, especially the central theme of how different people deal with death, are quite adult in nature.

I am glad that you enjoyed the movie, Rondo, and if you haven't read the books, which I gather you haven't, I agree it was quite good.  You'll be happy to know that this was not the last film.  There are two more and all the principle actors are already signed on for them.

Well...there is always a problem when you read a work then see it translated to the screen.  I never read the Potter books but I did read LoTR.  Consequnetly I was initially very critical of Jacksons screen Trilogy until the Return of the King at the Siege of Minas Tirath when the rider of Rohan come up on the scene and the King gives his rallying speech...

Théoden: Arise! Arise, riders of Théoden! Spears shall be shaken, shields shall be splintered; a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises!

Ride now! Ride now! Ride! Ride for ruin and the world's ending!
Forth Eorlingas!

I hit me that that I was watching one flippin GOOD movie, book or not book.  I was cured and saw the movies as works in their own right.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #91 on: August 31, 2007, 06:54:49 pm »
Well, not LOTR, But I found something Noble in Wild Hogs.

IT's the whole Middle age crises thingie, But in the end, they save many against an army, Ok, 4 against 55, But It's not an A-team type movie how they save small town Midrad.

Def. a rental, or a buyer, if 20 years ago, you held a patch.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #92 on: September 08, 2007, 10:42:52 pm »
Rondo, Two words.

Peacefull Warrior.

See IT Live IT, Great Movie bro.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #93 on: October 03, 2007, 05:15:55 pm »
Ok Delta Farce, was actually a pretty smart movie, without a great RedNeck POV. The basic Premis, is that three weekend warriors from Georgia, are sent to Iraq, Except Certain Problems have them and there Sgt. who they think is dead, Land in Mexico.

They take on the mission anyways, and start to Liberate a Village from Insurgentants (read Banditos).

At one point, when the Villagers group together, One of the guys, yells "Remember the Alamo" and the bartender tells him "hush, we are still kinda sensative about that.

While discussing Operation Sombraro, I heard one of the best lines "I'm more nervous then a cub scout at Neverland ranch".

Will Larry the Cable guy, Bill Engval, and DJ Qualls, save the village from Carlos Santana? Watch this one to find out.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #94 on: October 09, 2007, 03:46:14 pm »
I watched Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer.

My recommendation.  Wait until it's out on Encore.  Don't bother spending money on this pile of crap.

Even the best part of the entire movie - that being Jessica Alba's hotness - was crap.  Seriously.  She had so much face-paint she looked silly.  Her hair looked like it was dyed blonde by a 1$ bargain bin hair color product it was so fake and crappy.  I'd kick her out of bed if she looked like that and tried to jump into it.

This movie was just plain bad.  Really bad. 

Watch it and you'll see.

Well maybe I wouldn't kick Jessica Alba out of bed.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #95 on: October 09, 2007, 03:55:28 pm »
Bill Engvall is one of the funniest 'redneck' comics I've ever seen. I worked in a comedy club as a door guy during college, and he came to the club a coulpe of times for shows.  Drop dead funny when compared to other redneck comics.

Larry the Cable Guy?  I don't get his appeal at all.  I've watched his shows... and he's just not funny imho.  Seemed like his shows were all "lame joke, no laugh lame joke, no laugh, lame joke, no laugh, git-R-done, uproariously funny". 

Best comedian EVER imho is Brian Regan.  Dana Gould comes in a close second. 

Best comedy "group" is most definitely those that do not fit into any specific group.  It's like... ok we got a chick coming to the club, chances are that the act is about periods, couch potato men, and shopping.  Most black comics talk about ghetto women, crack, and white racists.  Redneck comics are about hillbillies.  etc. etc.

Then there's those comics who aren't in any one group.  Chris Rock (while he does talk about the ghetto women, crack, and white racists, he also talks about the classy women, peep "high on life", and black racists), Brian Regan, Dana Gould, Jon Stewart. 

Jon Stewart will have my everlasting respect... for what he did when he came to the club.  This was right after his MTV show was cut - so there were lots of little cutie-pie mtv'ers in the crowd during his shows.  After the shows, there were quite a few number of little chickies that wanted to "meet" Jon.  He said that "he doesn't do that.  Lots of people do, but he doesn't do the groupie thing".  Of course he probably has, don't get me wrong.  Sexy boobies is hard to pass when they get flung at you every weekend... but that was pretty cool of him.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #96 on: October 13, 2007, 08:57:38 pm »
Went and watched "We Own the Night" with the wife.  'eh....  Mark Whalberg, Eva mendes, Joachim Phoenix, Robert Duvall...  it was ok, nothing to write home about, recommend it as a rental... unless you really want to see Eva Mendes's left nipple on the big screen  :D
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #97 on: October 17, 2007, 09:05:22 pm »
Ratatoille from disney pixard was great. when the healt inspector arrive in the kitchen and see the pack of rats, that was funny  ;D

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #98 on: October 17, 2007, 10:07:45 pm »

Did anyone see "Stardust"...?  It looked half-interesting.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #99 on: October 17, 2007, 10:14:15 pm »
I liked Stardust, really an "adult fairy tale" as it was described though.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #100 on: October 21, 2007, 12:30:52 am »
Well, Saw "The Brave One" with Jodie Foster tonite and Terrance Howard.  A 'chick vigilante' movie. 

It was, 'eh, ok.  If you're a serious movie buff, you'll see it.  If you're a "wait for video" buff, wait for video.

Jodie Foster is too "intense" of an actress to do this.  I think it was supposed to be some sort of semi-character study about her "losing" her "pre-fiance murder" self and becoming this 'stranger' that was unleashed after the murder, but it didn't do that very well.  It also kinda of dragged there for a bit...  aand... well... I'm a movie guy that wants to see something "believable" if it's supposed to be some sort of "believable" movie.

And with this movie, there were so many holes in the vigilantism that I started doing the "rolleyes, what ridiculous thing will they do next"... oh... I don't know... like maybe have a chick get whacked with a crowbar in the arm, but oh wait, the guy with the crowbar decided to * drop * the crowbar for, oh, I don't know, how about run over to the edge of the building so that when the chick picks up the crowbar and smacks the guy in the head, he falls over the ledge and dies. 

Or * spoiler alert * (can we just go ahead and make this whole thread a spoiler alert)... the last scene... so the good cop "lets the chick off" after she takes out the three guys that murdered her fiancee.  But wait, one of the guys got shot square int he forehead from 2 feet away, one guy got shot in the back three times, and one guy guy a gun planted on his head while he was laying on the ground... now way in hell that scene will match the "story" the good guy cop was going to tell.

Oh well, better luck in the future for me.  I just don't see any movies that grab me, except for that Tom Cruise movie about Count Stauffenbergs July 20th attempt on hitler.... but that's because I'm interested in the time period.  Beowolf?  Blah.  Looks like a cheap LOTR knockoff with bad CG.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #101 on: October 21, 2007, 03:33:21 am »
Thanks for that review Ace, My wife and I have been wondering about that one. I found a trailer to National Treasure: Book of secrets over at and It looks like it might be the X-mas time movie I go see.

It's a shame the guy at got busted. Esp. since he was a small time player, compared to the billionaires on google who show the same damn movies.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #102 on: October 21, 2007, 04:52:54 am »
It's a shame the guy at got busted. Esp. since he was a small time player, compared to the billionaires on google who show the same damn movies.

Ah Hell!!!!!!!  No wonder it wasn't coming up today. When did he get busted? Thats one of my favorite sites.

Ok I found the Story,,2195407,00.html

Major pirate website shut down

Katie Allen
Friday October 19, 2007
Guardian Unlimited

The site allowed users to illegally download shows like 24
One of the world's most-used pirate film websites has been closed after providing links to illegal versions of major Hollywood hits and TV shows.

The first closure of a major UK-based pirate site was also accompanied by raids and an arrest, the anti-piracy group Federation Against Copyright Theft (Fact) said today.

A 26-year-old man from Cheltenham was arrested on Thursday in connection with offences relating to the facilitation of copyright infringement on the internet, Fact said.

The arrest and the closure of the site - - came during an operation by officers from Gloucestershire County Council trading standards in conjunction with investigators from Fact and Gloucestershire Police.

Fact claims that was providing links to illegal film content that had been camcorder recorded from cinemas and then uploaded to the internet. The site also provided links to TV shows that were being illegally distributed.

Visitors to the site could get access to major feature films, sometimes within days of their initial cinema release. Recent links took users to illegal versions of the Disney/Pixar animation sensation Ratatouille as well as to most of this summer's blockbusters.

"Sites such as TV Links contribute to and profit from copyright infringement by identifying, posting, organising, and indexing links to infringing content found on the internet that users can then view on demand by visiting these illegal sites," said a spokesman for Fact.

The group's director general Kieron Sharp said TV Links was the first major target in a campaign to crackdown on web piracy.

"The theft and distribution of films harms the livelihoods of those working in the UK film industry and in ancillary industries, as well as damaging the economy," he said.

Roger Marles, from Trading Standards said sites such as TV Links allowed people to break UK copyright law.

"The 'users' are potentially evading licence fees, subscription fees to digital services or the cost of purchase or admittance to cinemas to view the films," he added.

The British Video Association estimates that at least £459m was lost to the video, film and TV industries due to piracy in 2006.

[img width=600 height=150]

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #103 on: October 21, 2007, 05:52:37 am »
Doh! I should have posted that story above, my bad there.

But yeah, IT was a good site, esp. when I missed some tv shows, because of schedule conflicts.

The other sad thing, I s I was making a few friends in there forums over there.

I'll keep a look out for other sites though, and post them in this thread.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #104 on: October 23, 2007, 11:57:10 am »
Watched Transformers last night.  If I was 13, the movie would rock.  But I'm not, so I was pretty disappointed in it.  Best thing going for it was the transformers transforming, and some of the one-liners by Megatron (a good guy xformer:  "You want a piece of me?".  Megatron (rips the good guy in two): "No, I want two pieces")

Of course, you've got the super hottie high school chick who... stop me if you've heard this before... "learned everything there is to know about cars in her dad's car shop". 

Overall, this movie was written for a 13 year old kid, and I was kinda disappointed in that.  I figured since the "transformer cartoon crowd" is about 26-30 years old, the movie would have targeted that audience.  But it didn't.  Oh well.

Best part of the movie was in the beginning, before the cheesy kid crap started.  I must say, the first bad transformer made a heck of an entrance.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #105 on: October 23, 2007, 09:09:34 pm »
I have to say I was bored stiff by the first 2/3 of the movie.  The last third was okay, but wasn't all that interesting except it was one big explosion fest.  Don't know what all the hype is about the movie and why people on the internet seemed to love it.
"All hominins are hominids, but not all hominids are hominins."

"Is this a Christian perspective?

Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


We have whale farms in Jersey.   They're called McDonald's.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #106 on: October 26, 2007, 01:02:33 pm »

Well maybe I wouldn't kick Jessica Alba out of bed.

Yeah, I was thinking "Gee, doesn't Ace have a light switch?!?!  Poor Guy"

As for transformers... bah... I want a Mechwarrior movie by the Galactica producers.  I prefer my giant robots with enemy infantry between the toes.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #107 on: October 26, 2007, 04:04:13 pm »
hehe, first thought on that plot line was some Japanese monster movie import like "Mechatron vs. Godzilla" or something.

With a purposeful grin an insatiable smile
he pulls those spinning high tension wires down
helpless people on subway trains
scream my god as he looks down on them...

he picks up a bus and he throws it back down
as he wades through the village towards the center of toooowwwwnnnnnnnn.

(or something. However that BOC song went, with my interpretation of it)
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #108 on: October 31, 2007, 05:16:35 pm »
Well, Saw "The Brave One" with Jodie Foster tonite and Terrance Howard.  A 'chick vigilante' movie. 

It was, 'eh, ok.  If you're a serious movie buff, you'll see it.  If you're a "wait for video" buff, wait for video.

Jodie Foster is too "intense" of an actress to do this.  I think it was supposed to be some sort of semi-character study about her "losing" her "pre-fiance murder" self and becoming this 'stranger' that was unleashed after the murder, but it didn't do that very well.  It also kinda of dragged there for a bit...  aand... well... I'm a movie guy that wants to see something "believable" if it's supposed to be some sort of "believable" movie.

And with this movie, there were so many holes in the vigilantism that I started doing the "rolleyes, what ridiculous thing will they do next"... oh... I don't know... like maybe have a chick get whacked with a crowbar in the arm, but oh wait, the guy with the crowbar decided to * drop * the crowbar for, oh, I don't know, how about run over to the edge of the building so that when the chick picks up the crowbar and smacks the guy in the head, he falls over the ledge and dies. 

Or * spoiler alert * (can we just go ahead and make this whole thread a spoiler alert)... the last scene... so the good cop "lets the chick off" after she takes out the three guys that murdered her fiancee.  But wait, one of the guys got shot square int he forehead from 2 feet away, one guy got shot in the back three times, and one guy guy a gun planted on his head while he was laying on the ground... now way in hell that scene will match the "story" the good guy cop was going to tell.

Oh well, better luck in the future for me.  I just don't see any movies that grab me, except for that Tom Cruise movie about Count Stauffenbergs July 20th attempt on hitler.... but that's because I'm interested in the time period.  Beowolf?  Blah.  Looks like a cheap LOTR knockoff with bad CG.

"chick vigalante movie".... we have come a long way....

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #109 on: November 01, 2007, 04:34:07 pm »
It's not a 'chick-flick' if that's what you mean.  It's a vigilante movie with a 'chick' as the lead.  Me, I'd recommend Death Wish if you're in the mood for some on-screen vigilantism.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #110 on: November 04, 2007, 12:19:52 am »
Saw American Gangster tonite.  I recommend it.  Was good.  Ridley Scott did a good job mixing the cop and criminal stories together pretty well. 

It's not a "crime-action" movie.  It's crime drama.  The couple sitting next to us "didn't care for it because there was hardly any action".  There was only one shootout in the whole movie. 

Denzel Washington reminds me a lot of Mel Gibson.  In that, when you're watching the movie, you never forget that you're watching Denzel or Mel, but they are such great actors and bring so much to the screen that anything they do is pretty powerful.  Russel Crowe did a good job too, definetly no slouch, but this movie belonged to Denzel Washington.  I don't think I've ever heard him "talk" like a black gangster - and some of the lines he belted out made me go "wow".

Any Deadwood fans out there will notice Sal Star :)  THat was a nice treat.  And if anyone watched "Oz", Robson from Oz has a part in the movie.

One of the things that - to me - is an indicator of a good movie is if the movie doesn't "feel" like it was 2.5 hours long (or 2 hours, or however long the movie may be).  This movie didn't feel like it was 2.5 hours long, but it was.

Also, get ready to roll back to the '80's.  One of the previews was for a new Rambo movie.  Sly Stallone must need to pay rent or something.  First a return to Rocky a couple years or so ago, now a return to his action-stud character, John Rambo.  There was also a  new Tom Hanks movie coming out... "Chuck Wilson's War" (can't remeber the title).... "based on facts" account of our covert war against the Sov's in Afghanistan.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #111 on: November 04, 2007, 06:46:55 am »
Here you go Ace,,163374855.0.html I had posted the Rambo Trailer awhile back.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #112 on: November 04, 2007, 04:19:48 pm »
I haven't been to a new movie since "Team America" came out. Seriously, there's been nothing that's excited me since. Afterall, what could match Cartman singing 'Heat of the Moment'?

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #113 on: November 04, 2007, 04:25:50 pm »
Heck, I go about once am onth to town, But If A movie isn't on sattelite, I don't watch it. Take for example The last FF4 movie, Even with a zit, I still had a craving for Jessica Alba.

seriously, Me and the wife have been watching older movies, Like the quit man with John wayne and Maureen O'hara.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #114 on: November 26, 2007, 10:18:56 pm »
I've been short on change lately to see the big screen.

I DO want to see American Gangster.  I like both leads.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #115 on: November 26, 2007, 10:29:51 pm »
O yeah...I forgot.  Saved up a lot of dough and bought a 1080 hi def plasma TV.  42"s....

oooooo   8)

At long last.  But I need a hi def DVD which i dont have money for yet. 

Anyway saw "Wild Hogs" on DVD.  Funny flick.  Travolta, Tim Allen, Martin Lawrence, and the dweeby guy with glasses (I looked him up..William H Macy)....its a good laugh.  Ray Liotta and a bunch of faces played the heavy.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #116 on: November 27, 2007, 11:14:50 am »
I got a kick out of wild hogs also. I'll go into town on the 4th, and probably pick up Live Free or Die hard, and maybe a few others.

I watched Hostel 2 last night, and was bored out of my mind. I'd miss it to be honest.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #117 on: December 03, 2007, 12:34:03 pm »
Tho' I haven't seen a recent movie (Transformers being the last (yawn), if you want to see a good translation (IMHO) look for Beowulf (2001???) starring Christopher Lambert. Made by the same team that did Mortal Combat I found this film is the most unlikely place- my local public library.

I just wish I could find is for purchase. Looked in every catalog I could find for 3 months- no luck (apparently not released in America), but worth the hunt if your into that kinda thing.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #118 on: December 03, 2007, 01:14:59 pm »
Ok, haven't been to the big screen since American Gangsters...

but this weekend, I saw "The Thin Red Line" in the $5 bin at Wal-Mart... looked at all the names in it *(George Clooney, Nick Nolte, John Cusack, John C Reilly, Woody Harrelson, Adrian Brody, John Travolta, the Terminator 3 guy, Jared Leto, Jim Caveziel (SP - Jesus from Passion) ) and picked it up.

It was absolutely horrible.  So fricking horrible that it put me to sleep in about 1 hour.  Yes.  It was that bad.

Not only was the entire plot (whatever that was) terrible imho, but shees... wtf are producers putting the ARMY in Guadacanal?  WTF were P-39's doing on Guadacanal?  WTF were C47's doing on Guadacanal so early in the campaign?

I would write a review about it, if I knew what it was supposed to be about.

Here's AP coming at you, $5 less rich after that mistake. 

Sad thing is that I watched the movie a long time ago and thought it was awful then.  And this movie was up for like 7 Academy Awards including Best Picture?  Shees.

Anyone else watch this movie and think differently?  If so, I'm curious as to why.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #119 on: December 03, 2007, 03:36:34 pm »
The wife and I saw it awhile back, and we both feel the same way you do Ace. Another one that we where dissapointed in was Invisible.

We thought it might be at least a good show akin to Ghost from so many years ago, instead, it was a predictible peace of melodrama crap.

Anyone catching Tinman on Scifi? not bad so far, very adult themed in the since of say the Tin man himself. He was trapped in a device forced to watch his family tortured and murdered over and over for years. It's not a kid Friendly version of OZ, in fact, the land is the O.Z.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #120 on: December 06, 2007, 12:43:35 pm »
Ok, haven't been to the big screen since American Gangsters...

but this weekend, I saw "The Thin Red Line" in the $5 bin at Wal-Mart... looked at all the names in it *(George Clooney, Nick Nolte, John Cusack, John C Reilly, Woody Harrelson, Adrian Brody, John Travolta, the Terminator 3 guy, Jared Leto, Jim Caveziel (SP - Jesus from Passion) ) and picked it up.

It was absolutely horrible.  So fricking horrible that it put me to sleep in about 1 hour.  Yes.  It was that bad.

Not only was the entire plot (whatever that was) terrible imho, but shees... wtf are producers putting the ARMY in Guadacanal?  WTF were P-39's doing on Guadacanal?  WTF were C47's doing on Guadacanal so early in the campaign?

I would write a review about it, if I knew what it was supposed to be about.

Here's AP coming at you, $5 less rich after that mistake. 

Sad thing is that I watched the movie a long time ago and thought it was awful then.  And this movie was up for like 7 Academy Awards including Best Picture?  Shees.

Anyone else watch this movie and think differently?  If so, I'm curious as to why.

Haven't seen it I admit, but weren't there army units sent in as back up after the marine landings?
Same thing (iirc) with P-39's, I thoguht that some aaf units had been flown in as well.
Could be wrong, it's been years since I've read anything about the Pacific war, so dunno..

Thanks for the heads up though, have also been lookin at this is the dicsount bins. (Though it's like 12.99 here)
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #121 on: December 06, 2007, 01:43:18 pm »
The army was there.  But after the initial attack.  They were a releiving force along with the 2nd Marines.

"In November 1942, when the Japanese Army gave up hope of retaking Guadalcanal, and the Japanese Navy ceased trying to send reinforcements, the bloodied First Marine Division was withdrawn. Meanwhile, the 164th Infantry and the 2nd Marines had arrived. These were elements of the Americal Division of the U.S. Army and the Second Marine Division."


When the Guadalcanal campaign began, it was the first land offensive by the United States against any Axis power. It continued to be the only land offensive by the United States until the major Allied invasion of North Africa in November 1942. Under the "Europe first" doctrine of the Allied leadership, the material for Guadalcanal was assigned grudgingly. This made it "Operation Shoestring" to those involved. The future of the operaton was also immediately put in doubt by the disaster of the Battle of Savo Island. Nevertheless, the American public was far more incensed about Japan than about Germany and was eager for news of American attacks, after many months of American forces being defeated and captured in the Philippines, and on Wake and Guam. Thus, an account of the earliest days on Guadalcanal, Guadalcanal Diary, by combat reporter Richard Tregaskis, was a sensation, and a reasonably faithful movie version was turned out within a year (even if obviously shot in California). The land fighting on Guadalcanal was also immortalized in James Jones' The Thin Red Line, made as a movie in 1964 and recently remade by Terrence Malick in 1998.

The fighting in The Thin Red Line, however, comes from fairly late in the campaign, after the Battles of the Tenaru River, Bloody Ridge, and Henderson Field. All the early fighting was right on the perimeter of Henderson Field, with the Japanese trying to break in during night attacks. The Japanese had trouble appreciating the seriousness of the American threat. The first Japanese attack, led by Colonel Kiyono Ichiki, was the result of serious material and moral miscalculation. The Japanese believed that about a regiment of Americans had landed, not the better part of a division. Ichiki's regiment was thus sent to retake the island. Since Ichiki also believed that one good surprise night attack would cause the Americans to run, he did not even wait for his whole unit but advanced with no more than a battalion. He didn't even have the advantage of surprise and so died with nearly all his men. The next Japanese commander, Major General Kiyotake Kawaguchi was more prudent, using his own regiment and the remnants of Ichiki's with more care. He still gravely underestimated the American forces, however. The Battle of Bloody Ridge, although harrowing for the Marines, nevertheless gained the Japanese nothing of their objective.


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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #122 on: December 06, 2007, 02:03:34 pm »
This movie was supposed to be about a battle late in the campaign?  Well I guess that explains the Army presence (although I consider "late" to be anything after the initial battle where the Marines were left all alone)

This just highlights another downfall of this movie.  No background given to it!  The movie doesn't play out like a "late campaign battle" at all.

The movie plays out like it was the intial attack... there was this build-up to an amphibious assault that turned out to be anti-climatic, the japs "were there but had just fled", the japs were holding a ridge overlooking the airfield,  (given this movie came out a year or so after Saving Private Ryan, it was a nice touch by the director building up the "Is this amphib assault going to be better or worse than SPR" feeling, only to have "nothing happen")

« Last Edit: December 06, 2007, 02:25:38 pm by AcePylut »
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #123 on: December 06, 2007, 03:40:20 pm »
I thought the thin red line was about soldiers that did an unspeakable act, and talking about the thin line that divides one from doing what is a reasonable action, and an unreasonable one, and how thing that line really is.
"All hominins are hominids, but not all hominids are hominins."

"Is this a Christian perspective?

Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


We have whale farms in Jersey.   They're called McDonald's.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #124 on: December 10, 2007, 01:40:54 pm »
Here's a plot synposis I pulled off of one of the websites...

In World War II, the outcome of the battle of Guadalcanal will strongly influence the Japanese's advance into the pacific. A group of young soldiers is brought in as a relief for the battle-weary Marine units. The exhausting fight for a key-positioned airfield that allows control over a 1000-mile radius puts the men of the Army Rifle company C-for-Charlie through hell. The horrors of war forms the soldiers into a tight-knit group, their emotions develop into bonds of love and even family. The reasons for this war get further away as the world for the men gets smaller and smaller until their fighting is for mere survival and the life of the other men with them. Written by Julian Reischl {}

In 1943, the first major U.S. offensive of World War II is drawing to a close on the South Pacific island of Guadalcanal. To put an end to this campaign, the United States Army arrives with a full division of troops and equipment, deployed to break the last resistence of the Japanese. The exploits of this Division are seen from a number of perspectives amongst the soldiers; to include a war weary Sergeant, a power hungry Colonel, a Private who has known only desertion and AWOL, and a Company Commander is is struggling with his abilities as a leader. Written by Anthony Hughes {}

Anyway based on what I read here there is nothing ground breaking about this flik. (not like Private Ryan which I though was ground breaking in terms of a number of things it showed).  however the production values and quality have been cited as high. Might be worth a look now that we all have some background on it.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #125 on: December 10, 2007, 02:42:49 pm »
ROndo, rent it out and let me know what you think of it.  Me, I think you're going to be thinking that you lost $2.85 and 3 hours of your life on it.

The camera work in this movie was the best thing about it.  The problem with the "camera work" is not the actual "camera work", it's where that camera is pointed at.  Does focusing on a dying bird for about about 30-45 seconds minute "add" to the movie that's already too long - when you've already got plenty of the "man = nature ; man vs. nature" camera shots in the film?  IMHO no.

The scenery shots are great, but they just don't seem to match a stinking festering rotting tropical jungle.  It looks more like more like Iowa on a warm summer day.  Even when a guy is creeping along a stream and gets shot, it sure didn't feel like we were in Guadalcanal, it felt like I was looking at a nice mountain stream from Colorado. 

SPR blew the pants off war movies that's for sure.  It's depiction of battle changed the way war movies were made. 
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #126 on: December 18, 2007, 11:26:37 am »
I'm going to see if the wife wants to see National Treasure this weekend.

The first one was "fun".  Good popcorn flick worth seeing, not much to talk about afterwords.  Me, i kinda like the "conspiracy theory" movies, well, the ones that aren't rying to be serious conspiracy theory movies.  I hope this one is fun, also.  And at worst case, Diane Kruger is a hottie, so the eye-candy is there.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #127 on: December 18, 2007, 02:27:00 pm »
Mrs. Barabbas & I rented "Amazing Grace" this past weekend about William Wilberforce and his efforts to end the slave trade in England and it was EXCELLENT.

For all you politico's out there, while the focus of this movie is Wilberforce's personal conviction and how he was driven to fight the evil he saw, it also shows a lot of British Parlimentary wheeling and dealing and works well on both levels.

Alpha Dog is in the HOUSE!!!  (But he needs to go out...)

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #128 on: December 19, 2007, 09:40:20 pm »
Ok I saw The Golden Compass, this years controversy.

The movie was based on a number of novels that definitely had anti-religious themes to them.  Some attempt was made to water down the message in the movie and what results will probably not satisfy aethests/agnostics OR religious people.

First of all something with these kinds of "deep" symbols, having a companion that actually is your "soul", really isn't for kids.  Teenager maybe but not kids.

Secondly, naming your soul a "daemon"  (pronounced demon) is a play on words most kids would not appreciate...

"The words daemon, dæmon, are Latinized spellings of the Greek δαίμων (daimon),[1] used purposely today to distinguish the daemons of Ancient Greek religion, good or malevolent "supernatural beings between mortals and gods, such as inferior divinities and ghosts of dead heroes" (see Plato's Symposium), from the Judeo-Christian usage demon, a malignant spirit that can seduce, afflict, or possess humans."

Also the "good guys" are scruffy looking gypsies ("gyptians") and witches, people not always associated with "good" while the "bad" guys look pretty much like priests or are soldiers.  The most "evil" person in the movies (nicely played by Nicole Kidman) likes smacking her rather twisted soul around and goes by the name of Mrs. Coulter .  Where exactly Mr. Coulter is remains a mystery throughout the movie. 

Even if  there were no questions about religion in the movies I think some of the moral messages are not suitable to the average kid below age 13.  For example at one point our pre -pubescent heroine upon talking to a friendly witch notices her deference toawrds one of the scuffy "gyptians" and insightfully comments..."he was your lover once?"   In another we find an alchoholic digitally animated bear living out of an alleyway swilling (booze?) instead of food.  Definitely a late stage alchoholic but apparently with no physical consequences.  Maybe it was just food.  I dunno.

The editing is bad sometimes.  The actors don't always look straight at the animated bear or you can tell during solo cuts scenes during conversations that there was no one the actor was actually talking to. 

Not recommeneded to see on the big screen and NOT recommended for kids under14.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #129 on: December 21, 2007, 06:59:00 am »
We watched the latest Harry Potter on DVD the other night.  Order of the Phoenix I believe.  It was OK.  If you didn't know what was going on with the story you would have been very lost at the beginning.  It just took off into the weirdness of the Ministry lying about Potter and the gay man and saying Voldemort (sp?) was not back, etc.  Nothing in the way of introduction or a short wrap up for those who missed the last movie or book.  Overall it was pretty good.  Those kids are getting a lot older, too old to play their characters much longer.  Not sure what they will do for the last to movies.  Personally if I was the studio I'd shoot them back to back here pretty soon and just wait to release them. 

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #130 on: December 21, 2007, 09:37:41 am »
Farce of the penguins: Me and my wife couldn't stop laughing at the dialog, I MUST put this one on DVD for future (battleing of the blues).
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #131 on: December 27, 2007, 06:38:53 am »
Has anyone seen Charlie Wilson's War?  It looks like it could be good. 

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #132 on: December 27, 2007, 05:07:35 pm »
Has anyone seen Charlie Wilson's War?  It looks like it could be good. 

I saw it- was a great movie, however I don't know how realistic it is, I've read it's what happened and that he really had nothing to do with it.
It's also interesting that it seems to focus (for a while) on the Stinger's to shoot down the Soviet airpower, but never links them to him , instead showing him mostly setting up soviet arms shipments.

Still- while I can't vouch for it's accuracy (and I'm pretty sure one of the shots of a Soviet plane being shot down was a F-16) , I will say that it's a funny and entertaining film.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #133 on: January 01, 2008, 01:41:04 pm »
Shoot em Up...

a horribly chiched movie, with no sense of direction, No idea of physics, and plot holes large enough to put the Titanic in.

But I loved it. Never before have I seen a man kill another with a carrot in so many ways. Not for kids, due to the Brothel and over all gore, but Funny and fun all the same. Mr. Smith does the anti-hero very well. Def. a rental or PPV movie.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #134 on: January 01, 2008, 08:16:01 pm »
got a boxed set for Xmas and slowly milked it for all its worth after watching the first disk...


Anime remake of Akira Kurosawa's The Seven Samurai (i'm a huge fan of Kurosawa's have nearly everything on DVD or VHS.(still waiting for the criterion collection of Ran))

it is very very impressive, and even based on some of the previews included with the set i'm going to have to start looking up/borrowing more anime.(ive mostly avoided the genre).

its seems Anime is dealing with the kinds of complex issues Science Fiction writers  (vs SCI-FI using Ellison's definition) have been working with for ages and hollywood movie/television studios pretty much ignore.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #135 on: January 01, 2008, 08:34:52 pm »
Shoot em Up...

a horribly chiched movie, with no sense of direction, No idea of physics, and plot holes large enough to put the Titanic in.

But I loved it. Never before have I seen a man kill another with a carrot in so many ways. Not for kids, due to the Brothel and over all gore, but Funny and fun all the same. Mr. Smith does the anti-hero very well. Def. a rental or PPV movie.


I'll second this.
If you're looking for a complete shoot em up movie that doesn't take itslef seriously, yet still (imo) manges to have some greta acting performances, this is the one to watch.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #136 on: January 02, 2008, 08:17:08 pm »
got a boxed set for Xmas and slowly milked it for all its worth after watching the first disk...


Anime remake of Akira Kurosawa's The Seven Samurai (i'm a huge fan of Kurosawa's have nearly everything on DVD or VHS.(still waiting for the criterion collection of Ran))

it is very very impressive, and even based on some of the previews included with the set i'm going to have to start looking up/borrowing more anime.(ive mostly avoided the genre).

its seems Anime is dealing with the kinds of complex issues Science Fiction writers  (vs SCI-FI using Ellison's definition) have been working with for ages and hollywood movie/television studios pretty much ignore.

So you got a Samurai 7 box set?  How is it?  I catch it every now and then late on the Cartoon Network.  (Or is that the one that was on the Indie film channel for a while?)

I have both Ran and The Seven Samurai.  What other movies would you suggest?  I love the Japanese samurai/karate movies and the Indie film channel is good for that.  Saturday mornings they usually have one and they had a couple Sonny Chiba (sp?) movies on Monday.  I also like the Chinese action movies that have been out recently like CTHD, Hero, Fearless, etc. 

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #137 on: January 04, 2008, 01:28:09 pm »
Suppose I could offer my wit and wisdom here for the yokels (that be you)

AvP= Horrible. I don't expect much other than being able to watch Aliens fight Predators when I went to this movie and was still aghast at how bad the movie is.

Hitman= Bad, (although far better than AVP) has some OK in a over-the-top kinda way action scenes. Not really recommended unless it's a free rental and you have nothing else to so.

Sweeny Todd- Not really into musicals so I'm not the best to judge, don't think Depp can sing, and to me the story dragged a little several times (a fault of teh story, not te singing) Alan Rickman's pretty good (though he's not in it much) and Helen Bonham Carter is amazing- she best be getting an oscar for this. (IMO)

National Treasure- About the same as the first one, it's not bad for what it is, the steps of logic that Cage's character seems to be able to jump to are really annoying.

Charlie Wilson's War was entertaining, don't think it was hugely realisitic, but Tom Hanks is pretty funny and Hoffman's performance as a disgruntled 9to say the least) CIA employee is worth a rental by itslef.

I am Legend- Good movie, Will Smith is great, I really should like this movie more, bu (for some reason) thought it was going to be like the short story- which is (if I may be so crude) F'ing amazing (can I say f'ing here?) I couldn't help but not like it given the differnces from the book, but admit I' probably being unfair to the movie.

Elizabeth the Golden Age was dissapointing, thought the first movie was great. This is more of a half assed love story than the political machinations I like about the first.

The Mist was OK, probably good to see if you liked the King short story, and have nothing else to rent. Not a bad movie (though not great).
Much of the dialogue (to me) seemed lifted out of the book and didn;t really work as movie dialogue.
Ending (imo) was brilliant- I really didn't see it coming.

Walk Hard dragged on in parts, in others it was friggen hillarious. Kinda s stupid but smart comedy all a the same time. I'd really recommend this if you're at all interested in that type of comedy.I honeslty thought I'd hate it. Huge surprise when I saw it.


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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #138 on: January 04, 2008, 07:01:11 pm »
got a boxed set for Xmas and slowly milked it for all its worth after watching the first disk...


Anime remake of Akira Kurosawa's The Seven Samurai (i'm a huge fan of Kurosawa's have nearly everything on DVD or VHS.(still waiting for the criterion collection of Ran))

it is very very impressive, and even based on some of the previews included with the set i'm going to have to start looking up/borrowing more anime.(ive mostly avoided the genre).

its seems Anime is dealing with the kinds of complex issues Science Fiction writers  (vs SCI-FI using Ellison's definition) have been working with for ages and hollywood movie/television studios pretty much ignore.

So you got a Samurai 7 box set?  How is it?  I catch it every now and then late on the Cartoon Network.  (Or is that the one that was on the Indie film channel for a while?)

I have both Ran and The Seven Samurai.  What other movies would you suggest?  I love the Japanese samurai/karate movies and the Indie film channel is good for that.  Saturday mornings they usually have one and they had a couple Sonny Chiba (sp?) movies on Monday.  I also like the Chinese action movies that have been out recently like CTHD, Hero, Fearless, etc. 

 absolutely loved the Box set, (not sure when/if it was shown on US tv channels)

There is some 'suspension of disbelief"  is required due to them transferring the 7 Samurai story to a futuristic  world where the bandits have become mechania (and the heroes remain human) but its done consistently and well throughout. Ultimately just like Kurosawa's original the story is about the rice and the farmers, the samurai are the vehicle.

as far ss Kurosawa originals Yojimbo, Sanjiuro and Throne of Blood are required viewing for the genre pieces as well as the modern "Dreams" (a series of short stories)

of the Chinese movies in addition to those mentioned I also enjoyed House of the Flying Daggers (you have to accept the wire-fu ofc as part of the style, but there is a great love tale going on there as well)

also Shadow Warriors Series has been released as Box sets recently for the Sonny Chiba fans (and those looking for the origins of "Hattori Hanzo" recently revisited in Kill Bill.

Edit: ah i think the Cartoon Network show you are referring to is "Samurai Champaloop" (sp to lazy atm to go get it off the shelf) Ive got a couple of them on DVD as well and am waiting for the entire series packaged together to get more..

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #139 on: January 06, 2008, 10:04:38 am »
Thanks.  I have been wanting to get Yojimbo but considering I can get most DVDs for like 15-16 dollars some of the ones I want are almost double the price.  It may be the Samurai 7 was shown on IFC then.  They usually have a good movie on saturday mornings, this weekend they had Samurai I, the first of the three on Musashi.  They had a couple of Sonny Chiba movies on last weekend.  Good stuff.  I also like the Zatoichi movies. 
« Last Edit: January 09, 2008, 06:29:23 am by S'Raek »

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #140 on: January 08, 2008, 03:47:48 pm »
Jees Hexx... you go on a mass movie watching drive in the last month or so?  :)
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #141 on: January 08, 2008, 04:02:04 pm »
Jees Hexx... you go on a mass movie watching drive in the last month or so?  :)

LOL contract I was working had me around for a few hours in the morning and a few at night (well I was supposed to be there for 8 hrs a day, but neither I nor the local office really saw the point as they didn't have an extra office or even a cubicle for me). Place happened to be located less than 5 minutes from a multiplex.
Honestly I think I probably saw *everything* that showed there from  September-December.

Although probably should point out that (imo) 3:10 to Yuma was by far the best movie of the last few months.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #142 on: January 15, 2008, 09:19:05 am »
After reading all the posts on this thread, and no, I still haven't seen a movie in a theater since "Team America" in '04, but here are some thoughts:

"Casino Royale"-I enjoyed it a lot, and since I've read most of Ian Fleming's original 007 stories, this was one of the few Bond flicks that tried to stay as close to the original story. I also liked Daniel Craig. The only real issue I have is that Judi Dench plays M in what is supposed to be Bond's mission that elevates him to 00 status, then disappears till the Cold War is over while Sean, Lazenby, Moore, and Dalton had the other M, who's definitely not a female(+ karma bump to the first one who knows what the M character's name was).

BTW: Tim Dalton was my favorite Bond because he brought out the hard-edge that Fleming's 007 had.

"Ocean's 12"-not nearly as good as "Ocean's 11"(the Clooney version is far better than the Rat Pack's), but it still had its moments, and I haven't seen 0-13.

Older, underrated movies: Somebody mentioned "Jacob's Ladder", which we watched one night at the frat house while imbibing many adult beverages. Definitely a strange flick, but decent. Other good movies from the '80s and 90s that are kind of forgotten, or just underrated, include:

-"The Breakfast Club": not really forgotten, but it seems all everybody remembers from John Hughes' Brat Pack movies is "Ferris Bueller's Day Off", this one has all the teen angst Hexx could ever hope for!

-"Heat": Pacino, Deniro, Val Kilmer, etc. in a great cops & robbers movie.

-"Gorky Park": very underrated(and mostly forgotten) movie about a Moscow police detective investigating a triple murder. Classic police procedural flick with William Hurt, a very easy on the eyes Joanna Pacula, and Lee Marvin in one of his last roles.

-"Grosse Point Blank": John Cusack, Minnie Driver, and Dan Aykroyd in a very dark(and very funny) comedy about a hitman who goes home for his high school reunion, and a hitjob. Great soundtrack of '80s music.

-"No Way Out": the only Tom Cruise or Kevin Costner movie on this list! Costner, Gene Hackman, and Sean Young(yow baby! yeah!) in a love triangle that leaves Young dead, Costner on the run, and Hackman trying to cover his own *ss. Would have been better if it had been Kevin dead, Young on the run, etc, because then we could have seen more of that sexy babe, and had to endure less of Costner, but despite that, it's still a decent film.

-"Full Metal Jacket": somewhat overlooked because of all the hype surrounding "Platoon", but a gritty film about Vietnam with Lee Ermey unforgettable as the main character's DI at Parris Island.

-"Searching for Bobby Fischer": the only kids flick, but definitely a good one. Semi-true story about a young chess grandmaster, this is the only movie on this post that you don't have worry about letting the kids see by themselves while you flick on the Playboy Channel in another room.

-"Whose Life Is It Anyway?": Richard Dreyfuss plays a sculptor who's paralyzed from the neck down in a car accident, and sues for the right to die. Dark, but very powerful movie with great acting from all the lead players.

Just plain bad movies of the last 20 years or so:

-all Costner and Cruise films since the above mentioned "No Way Out", and "A Few Good Men".
-Any Oliver Stone movie since "Platoon"("Natural Born Killers"= worst, movie, ever).
-"The Thin Red Line"(mentioned many times already on this thread), somebody tried to cash in on "Saving Private Ryan" and failed. Badly.
-All "Rocky" movies after IV, all "Police Academy" movies period, "Godfather III", and nearly every other sequel, except for the LoTR trilogy. And speaking of sequals:
-"Star Wars" Episodes 1-3. Nowhere near as good as the original trilogy, and the Annakin of the last two movies is so annoying you want him to get mutilated repeatedly so we can proceed to his Darth Vader days with James Earl Jones' voice.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #143 on: January 16, 2008, 06:44:52 am »
Groose Point Blank is one of my favorite movies.  I throw it in every now and then and laugh every time I watch it.  I have seriously thought about becoming a hitman after I retire, just so when they ask what I'm doing now I can say "I'm a professional killer."  And then when they don't believe me I laugh all I want. 

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #144 on: January 16, 2008, 07:47:42 am »
Groose Point Blank is one of my favorite movies.  I throw it in every now and then and laugh every time I watch it.  I have seriously thought about becoming a hitman after I retire, just so when they ask what I'm doing now I can say "I'm a professional killer."  And then when they don't believe me I laugh all I want. 

I first saw it about 8-9 years ago, and I still laugh at the "Professional Killer" line, especially when he tells his old girlfriend's dad, who says, "Ah, a growth industry".  8)

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #145 on: January 24, 2008, 09:13:32 pm »
Well Stephen you'll be interested in this one...  my mom got me an amazon gift certificate, so I went and bought an engligh subtitled version of the Ww2 Japanese war drama Yamato

and also this movie about the 39-40 WInter War in Finland

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #146 on: January 24, 2008, 09:32:25 pm »
Well Stephen you'll be interested in this one...  my mom got me an amazon gift certificate, so I went and bought an engligh subtitled version of the Ww2 Japanese war drama Yamato

and also this movie about the 39-40 WInter War in Finland

No doubt, I'll have to keep an eye out for the yamato movie. When I was in Hawaii a few years ago, Alien took me to see the Arizona, and It was amazing, but I'll never forget talking to a Marine general who was doing a book signing on the Pacific war, we must have talked for hours.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #147 on: January 29, 2008, 10:39:59 pm »
The Winter War arrived.

Watched it, wasn't bad at all.  Considering it was made in 1989, I think it would have been the "saving private ryan" of the time, had it had a larger audience.

There wasn't a lot of background to the war, but that's understandable... given that the audience was Finnish and every Finn knows about the Winter War.  When the war stops, they just say "peace at 11", the Russkies start cheering, and it fades to black.  Not helpful to a "non-Finnish viewer that's unfamiliar with that war".

The story was about a company of soldiers sent to defend the Mannerheim Line (which again probably means nothing to the average Joe US Public - but to a Finn, it would be like saying Pearl Harbor).  Action ensues (lots of it).  Soldiers die.  The ones alive get progressively less-optimistic over their chances of survival.

The action was great, imho.  The story was ok... again, intimate knowledge of the history behind the battle would make it a lot easier to follow.  I knew about the Mannerheim Line before I watched the movie, but they refer to it a couple times with various slang.

I always get a kick out of reading subtitles in movies, because it's funny seeing the grammar screwups.

The movie was worth watching if you're a war movie buff.  The action was great.  And there were some Finn boobies!  We're talking boobies on a real human being, not that plastic pump crap that everyone in hollywood has.

Next up, Yamato, came in today.  Gonna watch it tomorrow.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #148 on: January 30, 2008, 04:58:21 pm »
I Am Legend- A remake of The Last Man on Earth-Vincent Price and Omega Man- Charleton Heston.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #149 on: January 30, 2008, 05:34:47 pm »
I Am Legend- A remake of The Last Man on Earth-Vincent Price and Omega Man- Charleton Heston.

Which were based on the short story " I Am Legend"

BTW- Book is far better than any of the movies.
If anyone is at all a reader I can't recommend it highly enough.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #150 on: January 31, 2008, 07:55:01 am »
Saying this as somebody who remembers Charlton in "Omega Man", how was "I Am Legend"? It looks like one of the few movies that seems interesting these days.

BTW: Hexx, is that the title of the book? And do you know the author? Sounds like an interesting read.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #151 on: January 31, 2008, 01:47:20 pm »
Author is Richard Matheson . The name of the book (here in Canada anyway) is I Am Legend, although more correctly that's the name of the short story it's based on.
( So if you happen to stumble on a cheap collection of Richard Matheson short stories it might be in there) Couple of other short stories are included, some of them weren't bad- but to be honest I can't remember any of them other than the main one.

Written very much in the style of the 50's Sci Fi (if that makes any sense to you).

The new movie's not bad, although I have no idea why it's called I am legend, it's not really even close to the book (well other than the "last guy alive " bit)
Honestly really liked it, but hated the ending so..
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #152 on: January 31, 2008, 02:32:28 pm »
Got two for you today.

War with Jet Li and jason Stathom (sp) . Not bad, kinda hvy action flick that has abit of Drama in it. Reminds me abit of the Punisher.

The other is Balls OF Fury. Reminds me of Enter the Dragon, except, it's funny.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #153 on: February 01, 2008, 01:08:39 am »
A couple of other movies based on Matheson's work are The Incredible Shrinking Man (The Shrinking Man) and Duel (story has the same title). Dennis Hopper was in Duel. Its about a guy being chased by a bigrig. Stephen King read the book and it inspired him to create the movie Maximum Overdrive. King said that "without Matheson I wouldnt be here".

Oh, and Hexx. Ive never seen a movie based on a book that was as good as the book.

I think we need to start a book thread.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #154 on: February 01, 2008, 08:34:12 am »
Oh, and Hexx. Ive never seen a movie based on a book that was as good as the book.

I think we need to start a book thread.

Great idea on a book thread. I would disagree slightly on one point, though. As much as I love Tom Clancy's books, I think the film version of "Patriot Games" was better than the book. I refused to see "The Sum of All Fears" when it came out because there was no way I could ever take Ben Affleck seriously as Jack Ryan, so I can't comment, but I don't think anything was more riveting than the last 100 pages or so of the novel.

Captain: USS Majestik Moose NCC-1712

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #155 on: February 01, 2008, 01:04:07 pm »
A couple of other movies based on Matheson's work are The Incredible Shrinking Man (The Shrinking Man) and Duel (story has the same title). Dennis Hopper was in Duel. Its about a guy being chased by a bigrig. Stephen King read the book and it inspired him to create the movie Maximum Overdrive. King said that "without Matheson I wouldnt be here".

Oh, and Hexx. Ive never seen a movie based on a book that was as good as the book.

I think we need to start a book thread.

It was Dennis Weaver not Hopper in Duel.

I have to disagree on book based movies never being as good as the book. Both Alistair MacLean's Where Eagles Dare and Ice Station Zebra translated extremely well to the big screen. It does help quite a bit to have a director that appreciates the writers work and also having the very best acting talent to work with.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #156 on: February 01, 2008, 04:30:24 pm »
Oh, and Hexx. Ive never seen a movie based on a book that was as good as the book.

I think we need to start a book thread.

Great idea on a book thread. I would disagree slightly on one point, though. As much as I love Tom Clancy's books, I think the film version of "Patriot Games" was better than the book. I refused to see "The Sum of All Fears" when it came out because there was no way I could ever take Ben Affleck seriously as Jack Ryan, so I can't comment, but I don't think anything was more riveting than the last 100 pages or so of the novel.

I agree with you 100%. I did eventually see it, but I think it was just on regular TV one lazy Saturday morning. That reminds me, I need to get the Bear and the Dragon back from my son.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #157 on: February 02, 2008, 12:30:01 am »
A couple of other movies based on Matheson's work are The Incredible Shrinking Man (The Shrinking Man) and Duel (story has the same title). Dennis Hopper was in Duel. Its about a guy being chased by a bigrig. Stephen King read the book and it inspired him to create the movie Maximum Overdrive. King said that "without Matheson I wouldnt be here".

Oh, and Hexx. Ive never seen a movie based on a book that was as good as the book.

I think we need to start a book thread.

It was Dennis Weaver not Hopper in Duel.

I have to disagree on book based movies never being as good as the book. Both Alistair MacLean's Where Eagles Dare and Ice Station Zebra translated extremely well to the big screen. It does help quite a bit to have a director that appreciates the writers work and also having the very best acting talent to work with.

I dont know why I said Hopper instead of Weaver. Anyway, my bad.

I havent read "Where Eagles Dare", but I didnt think the movie "Ice Station Zebra" was as good as the book. Call me picky, but I have yet to see a movie that was as good as my imagination when I read. I become part of the story.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #158 on: February 02, 2008, 01:51:39 pm »
A must see Movie for those with Children, and Old farts alike...


I'll paraphrase my wife here, when I say, We need more films like this. No cursing, just a good Movie that Kids can enjoy, and even with a PG rating, It delivers for the adult fans also.

It even goes Retro, as underdog at the beginning of the movie, keeps liking shoes, hence his Family calls him Shoe Shine. It features also, Walburton, from the TICK fame, as a second bit Criminal. Give him a burnt Thesaurus with only the "P" pages left intact, and It's a riot.

Must see guys.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #159 on: February 05, 2008, 09:40:02 pm »
hmmm my post was lost  :(

so i nead to say it again  :P

well the movies i have view are: the simpsons, nothing to say since its a know movie  ;)

2nd is god war (i think its the right name), 500 years ago a child was born with a tattoo of a dragon on her left shoulder, she's kinda the chosen one who when she reach her 20th birth day she will join the god, the boy who was suppose to protect her until it was the right time was in love with her and instead of giving her to one of the giant serpent who's there to get her to the god, the village where she was living was attack by by another group who want her for a sacrifice, both run away from the village and jump in the ocean, 500 years later she's reincarnated and she was giving a new chance to get with the god.

the story is its suppose to be a Korean legend BUT the character are Chinese and the alphabet is also Chinese, when the demon or what ever they are arrive in los angeles to get the girl are attacked by the military, the use thanks and chopper, the where able to kill some of the flying dragon and the giant serpent.

the movies is not excellent but is wort viewing.

the 3th movie is resident of evil, that was mostly stupid, the underground laboratory is so uge that you wonder how it was built?, its a good 20 floors bellow ground, you don't know what power source it has, the world is dead and there a lot of zombies that seem to hide in the city's, there kinda smart for zombies.

a few humans are always on a convoy to nowhere they are armed but some of them don't seem to using there weapons when they are attacked by the zombies, the finally get a chopper and there around 20 peoples and will go to Alaska in a chopper, where will they get the fuel ?, there in Nevada and they're lucky they know how to pilot a chopper.

so that movie is mostly stupid

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #160 on: February 06, 2008, 10:47:57 am »
My last post was lost too!  It was like a 5 paragraph deal on the movie "Yamato".

In short:  It's a great flick.  Doesn't make a political statement.  Doesn't vilify the Americans - they are just the nameless faceless enemy. 
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #161 on: February 06, 2008, 11:45:54 am »
is it a recent movie?

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #162 on: February 06, 2008, 01:01:27 pm »
It was made in 2005, but was made in Japan and not distributed in the US.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #163 on: February 06, 2008, 01:24:26 pm »
is it a movie or is it computer animation?

where did you get it and heard of it?

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #164 on: February 06, 2008, 02:02:41 pm »
It's a movie, not a computer animation...

here's the trailer:

I heard about it on matrixgames forums, bought a subtitled version off of Amazon with a Christmas gift certificate.  It was worth it imho, if for anything else just to see a different take on a battle.

There wasn't any political commentary (nearly every US war movie has to turn a 18 year old dumbass into a wisened political genius that knows everything about the geo-political situation, this movie didn't do that... it was more like "you are young japanese men and are expected to serve your Emperor when your Emperor calls, and the Emperor calls."  Now, a US movie would be all like "emperor bad - this 18 year old jap that is anti-emperor is the hero", which imho would be pretty unrealistic of a portrayal of the Japanese person). The movie didn't take any pro or anti stand on Hiroshima (just hinted at it... as when the main characters love takes a job in a munitions factory in Hiroshima a couple days before the main char left), no "evil bad american" antagonist.

The movie was more of a "this is what happened", rather than "this is what happened and I'm going to present the view that it was all wrong or right"

It was about a daughter that wanted to find out about what her dad did in the war, she finds this old guy who just happened to be his close friend, and the movie is a "titanic" style flashback, where the main char (the old guy) recounts episodes of the war, from teh day he got on the Yamato as a recruit to it's final mission.

It's actually kind of sad, and not that "all his buddies die", but just sad.  I don't know how to explain it.

The main thinking aspect of the movie was basically how each main char dealth with the inevitable defeat of Japan, and what they would do/how they would approach the end of the war that they all knew was coming, but was unthinkable because it would be a loss and "surrender" is the greatest crime they could commit.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2008, 02:17:11 pm by AcePylut »
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #165 on: February 06, 2008, 07:51:06 pm »
the old man remind me of obiwan kenobi :)

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #166 on: February 23, 2008, 01:15:09 am »
It's a movie, not a computer animation...

here's the trailer:

I heard about it on matrixgames forums, bought a subtitled version off of Amazon with a Christmas gift certificate.  It was worth it imho, if for anything else just to see a different take on a battle.

There wasn't any political commentary (nearly every US war movie has to turn a 18 year old dumbass into a wisened political genius that knows everything about the geo-political situation, this movie didn't do that... it was more like "you are young japanese men and are expected to serve your Emperor when your Emperor calls, and the Emperor calls."  Now, a US movie would be all like "emperor bad - this 18 year old jap that is anti-emperor is the hero", which imho would be pretty unrealistic of a portrayal of the Japanese person). The movie didn't take any pro or anti stand on Hiroshima (just hinted at it... as when the main characters love takes a job in a munitions factory in Hiroshima a couple days before the main char left), no "evil bad american" antagonist.

The movie was more of a "this is what happened", rather than "this is what happened and I'm going to present the view that it was all wrong or right"

It was about a daughter that wanted to find out about what her dad did in the war, she finds this old guy who just happened to be his close friend, and the movie is a "titanic" style flashback, where the main char (the old guy) recounts episodes of the war, from teh day he got on the Yamato as a recruit to it's final mission.

It's actually kind of sad, and not that "all his buddies die", but just sad.  I don't know how to explain it.

The main thinking aspect of the movie was basically how each main char dealth with the inevitable defeat of Japan, and what they would do/how they would approach the end of the war that they all knew was coming, but was unthinkable because it would be a loss and "surrender" is the greatest crime they could commit.

I want tro see this movie.

Here's a cut scene really good.

From what I get out of it the Director knew his business and had a sense of something extraordinary, the end of an Age of warfare.  The Yamato was obsolete.  It marked the end of the conventional Battleship.  You can see it in the one scene where she shoots those massive 18" guns in the air at the approaching fighters.  A futile, beautiful, terrible, and ineffective shot.  Amazing to see.  The pacing is phenomenal.  The Alamo comes to mind.

Each and every time she pulled in to drydock they upgraded only one thing, anti aircraft guns.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #167 on: February 23, 2008, 05:46:59 pm »
Just one more thing.  That music sound track, you see how well it meshes into the picture.  Wow, first rate.  Right up there with Lord of the Rings.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #168 on: February 23, 2008, 07:24:19 pm »
you can download the movie with emule, its in 2 part and only in Japanese.

well maybe there a few one with sub title but i don't remember see one.

a great movie that show what happen, good fx, you can see sometime that its gci but well made.

so also here a few good movies

undercover blues:

the stories of a couples of spies who spend they're vacation in new orlean and the he get attacker by a small local thief by the name of muerty (death) in Spanish, he bet him with the baby carriage but later the thief call him and want his revenge and keep losing and keep trying to kill him and his boss at the fbi or cia want him to do a mission, if you want to laugh go buy it or rent it cause on emule i only find it in fench.

Offline _Rondo_GE The OutLaw

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #169 on: February 25, 2008, 12:35:14 am »
"There Will Be Blood"

Interesting.  I saw this movies Saturday, before Lewis won his Oscar for it.  I was bored, my wife was working, (matinee), and my kid wasn't interested in watching a kiddy movie.  CHARGE!!!!!  The perfect getaway from em!  (Her older brother was home minding her but she scrammed to her fiend's house).

Lewis plays a turn of the century (1898) silver prospector turned oil man beating out Tommy Lee Jones and whoever.  Now I can see that.  Jones is a very emotive actor but his base personality is so strong he often appears to play himself  (or perhaps another version of the same character he plays).  While I'm sure he did batter than that inNo Country for Old Men he was up against a favorite of mine who is truly a pure craftsmen.   Lewis has fine protean qualities and is one of the best pure voice actors in the business...he transforms his voice for many pictures and this is usually done seamlessly.  Without looking, if you were to hear an audio of him playing Hawkeye (Last of the Mohican's), Bill the Butcher (Gangs of New York), and Daniel Plainview you would probably not know they were the same guy.

About the movie.  I don't know if its based on a novel or not but the story reminds me a little of the naturalistic Frank Norris Novel called "McTeague", about a brute who becomes a dentist because he can pull peoples teeth out with his bare hands.  His wife wins a lottery which turns out to be his downfall as his wife becomes obsessed with the winnings, even sleeping on them.  He beats the hell out of his best friend during a playfull wrestling match during a picnic who turns into his worst enemy etc etc etc ...  and ends up in the desert someplace dying of thirst.  Whew! 

O I read the novel while in college for an Amercing lit class and if your going to ask well "did they make a movies out of it" they sure as hell did, a silent one in the 1920's and one of the all time WHOPPERS ever made, by Eric von Stroheim, that kidding... 24 hours.  hehe, well Hollywood cut the crap out of it to 2 hours and after a brief showing, was shelved.

But this picture has some of the twists and turns of stories written during that era, thats why I brought it up.  No sense in doing a plot summary but I'll say this, if you like Lewis like I do see it, otherwise, wait for the DVD or spend your coin elswhere.  It's a good flick that ends badly ...  there are no good guys here.   Just about everyone noteworthy is a scammer.  And in a few parts its gets pretty overdramatic, uncharacteristically so (considering the reserved manner the film is acted in), especially in the ending scene.  Also I wasn't impressed with the makeup job on one of the actors, Paul Dano, who looks like a kid even 15 or 20 years supposedly later in the story. 

And who is Paul Dano?  Whoever cast him as a preacher should lose their license.   Talk about miscast.  The dude tried but...thats just not what he can do.  He's supposed to have amassed a little money reaching on the radio but with that stringy voice he would have been lucky to get a job singing commercials.  He looks terribly out of place spiritually "leading" the typecast American Gothics...

(if ya don't know what I mean)

who they surrounded him with in this film.  I didn't buy it.

Anyway thats my take.


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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #170 on: February 25, 2008, 10:44:08 pm »
I like Daniel Day Lewis a lot.  He's a great actor.  I haven't seen him in a movie where he didn't "become" the character.  Very few actors can do that.  He's one of them.  I plan on watching it soon.

Looks like WW2 is becoming quite the Japanese film industry "go to" era.  A new movie about kamakazi's is coming out (if not already).  First I heard of it.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #171 on: March 20, 2008, 10:27:04 am »
i was looking at old Godzilla movie, erk that so bad and boring, if you get one in English the voice are just doll.

a bad translation and the story is always the same the monster destroyed all and leave, they keep using the same think but keep loosing.

a lot of building are destroyed and the economy don't seem to be affected by that  :BoeseSmilies (71):

one is not bad and its from 1993, the created a mechanical Godzilla to battle him, they lose since it got destroyed but Godzilla leave with the baby and in 2003 its happen after they created a new one and beat Godzilla, with the help of a giant moth, not too bad but its worse that the power ranger, and power ranger can be boring  :D

so a good movie wold be alvin and the chipmunks, good animation and good music, but old song re sing with beat to make it more 2007, they should have sing new song.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #172 on: March 29, 2008, 11:31:42 pm »
No Country For Old Men

Somebody may have reviewed this already but here's mine.

I see it as another assault of the America’s small town archetypes and maybe some "dregs of the west" type thematic material thrown in for good measure.  The two clowns that made this movies made Fargo.  But they did better twith Fargo because it was a true story.  Here they made up a list of stereo typical goodies and baddies (well one baddie) with twists built in.  But the result is not entertaining and no way is this movie "deep".

The movie starts off with a run down cowboy (actually a welder) out hunting.  He misses.  Then he sees a wounded dog (haha maybe he thinks he hit the dog with such a bad shot).  Comes on a busted drug seen with dead bodies everywhere.  Finds some money.  Decides to keep it...and the plot and drama begins.

The villain, well played by Javier Bardem who puts in the best performance in the film, is real psycho-candy who wins because he is pretty much self reliant, more so than anybody else he is pitted against.  He even performs surgery on himself predator style (indeed I see some similarities here).  He’s also pretty smart and has a unique weapon (some kind of air gun).  Just how he gets on the radar and how such a loner is somehow involved in this big drug deal is another strange and large gaping hole in the plot.

The sheriff, a man nearing retirement played by Tommy Lee Jones, is essentially a non combatant and there is never the old west style confrontation between good and evil.    The movie is almost halfway done when we actually see him.  And when we do it isnt much; he’s content to sit back with the newspaper in a diner and spin folksy wisdom.  How Tommy Lee Jones got a nomination for academy award for this is beyond me.  We find out later in the film that he feels “overmatched” by his nemesis.    Ok I get it.  He’s old.

Woody Harrelson also makes a cameo appearance as a bounty hunter and true to form Woody ends up losing in the sweepstakes to catch the bad guy.  The fact that he goes meekly to his death in a very public place is something one wouldn’t think a typical bounty hunter would do…haha I remember being told by a TV Bounty Hunter on one of those police shows that you NEVER let someone take you to a secondary crime scene because your chances of survival are much less than the first crime scene.  That stuck with me.  Maybe Woody shoulda watched that show because it sure as “Sugar” he gets it.  We find out he’s an accountant (or something) in his day job (bawhahahahaha).

The bad guy finaly gets justice.  But not really.  More like the justice the average motorist gets on the LA Freeway from time to time.  He mustn’t have been wearing his seat belt.  Lol!

The movie ends abruptly after another folksy passage from the good sheriff  as if the people who made it were saying…”ok, that’s enough, you can go home now.”  Either that or they ran out of money or characters to throw at the bad guy.

Game over Bad Guy XX (lots of bodies in the double digits) Good Guys 0. 

Save your money.  Nothing to see here.

« Last Edit: March 30, 2008, 04:13:28 pm by _Rondo_GE The OutLaw »

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #173 on: March 31, 2008, 08:53:16 am »
Dang Rondo, that's exactly how I felt.

After the movie I was like "dude, this movie sucked.  I can't believe it was up for all these awards"
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #174 on: March 31, 2008, 12:35:01 pm »
If you're watching Japanese sub-titled movies, don't skip Akira Kurosawa's "Seven Samurai".

It was the basis for the "Magnificant Seven".

Actually, a lot of Kurosawa's movies have been remade in the West (not Western Genre).
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #175 on: April 03, 2008, 11:43:25 am »
I believe that you two are the only two people IN THE KNOWN UNIVERSE that actually LIKED Timothy Dalton's Bond.

Make me three.

I really liked Dalton as Bond.  Living Daylights is still a movie I enjoy re-watching.  Unfortunately, License to Kill sucked, and Dalton's Bond career went down with that film.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #176 on: April 03, 2008, 11:45:11 am »
I believe that you two are the only two people IN THE KNOWN UNIVERSE that actually LIKED Timothy Dalton's Bond.

Make me three.

I really liked Dalton as Bond.  Living Daylights is still a movie I enjoy re-watching.  Unfortunately, License to Kill sucked, and Dalton's Bond career went down with that film.



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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #177 on: April 03, 2008, 11:49:08 am »

The Good Shepard.  Spy thriller supposedly based on the "actual" account of the formation of the CIA told from the point of view of a "fictional" character.  Right.

Robert Deniro (Director and supporting role in movie) seems to have control (somewhat) of his medium but this movie suffers from "plot muddle" and credibility. 

What the movie tries to do is make you feel uncomfortable  ..  the CIA is made to look like the brainchild of the "ruling elite" of Anglo Saxon protestants who attend Yale and Harvard and are pretty ,much a bunch "bigots"... "the rest of you are just visiting" says Wilson when asked what he thinks of blacks, Jews, Catholics, etc…

Here's a funny fact for you to consider:

Damon's character was based upon the real CIA agent, James Jesus Angleton.

As you might guess from his name, he was Mexican-American.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #178 on: April 11, 2008, 06:37:17 pm »

The Good Shepard.  Spy thriller supposedly based on the "actual" account of the formation of the CIA told from the point of view of a "fictional" character.  Right.

Robert Deniro (Director and supporting role in movie) seems to have control (somewhat) of his medium but this movie suffers from "plot muddle" and credibility. 

What the movie tries to do is make you feel uncomfortable  ..  the CIA is made to look like the brainchild of the "ruling elite" of Anglo Saxon protestants who attend Yale and Harvard and are pretty ,much a bunch "bigots"... "the rest of you are just visiting" says Wilson when asked what he thinks of blacks, Jews, Catholics, etc…

Here's a funny fact for you to consider:

Damon's character was based upon the real CIA agent, James Jesus Angleton.

As you might guess from his name, he was Mexican-American.


Actually I wouldnt since he could have been a bible belt hillybilly too.  But your right he was half that through his mother and his dad was an Army officer.

I found this film interesting in a strange way; the elments of Angeltons life are all rearranged as they often are with thinly veiled "fictional" biographies of real people.   A strange film for Robert Deniro to direct.  I sense some of Deniro's own paranoia there.

A think a direct  take on Angelton's life would have been better;  his life (Like that of Idi Amin), would have been interesting enough without recourse to this mode.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #179 on: May 09, 2008, 02:53:41 pm »
Iron Man
Last weekends blockbuster lives up to some of the hype.  Saw it on the big screen and this is definitely a movie for the big screen.

Like most of these remakes from the comic book the film is a composite of various elements in the Iron Man saga but Pepper Potts survives the cut and (Gwyneth Paltrow) puts in a credible performance playing her.  Tony Stark/Iron Man is played by Robert Downey Jr., who like his fictional counter ego, has had some real life problems with booze, drugs, and generally growing up.  Cigar chomping Obadiah Stane is played by Jeff Bridges who puts in a pretty good performance.  Matter of fact it took me a while to recognize him.

The movie itself is actually the first movie completely controlled by Marvel, so any quibbles we fans and former fans may have with the actual story line in the comic book fall by the wayside.  Like they did with Captain America in the 40', 50' then 70's, they are quite literally remaking not retelling their character to fit the times.

And it's an interesting story with some well placed humor here and there.  During a PR trip to Afghanistan to show off his latest nasty missile to the troops, Tony Stark's convoy is attacked and slaughtered by the bad guys in an ambush in which he's almost killed  (shrapnel now lodged near his heart).  Taken prisoner and kept alive by some crude magnets a fellow scientist inmate has devised, Stark is told to build his captors some quality weapons or else.  So Tony Stark creates his alter ago through necessity, in a gambit to gain his freedom from the bad guys who we find out later were hired to kill him (but renege on the deal). In the process Stark notices that a lot of his weapons are being used by the Insurgents.  Stark tricks them and escapes using a crude prototype of things to come.

Back home Stark as a change of heart. Haunted by his companies logo on most of the weapons the Terrorists are using and decides to stop making weapons.  Well.. all but one weapon, a new improved version of his crude Iron Man suit he uses to escape.  He decides to remake on his little invention in Afghanistan.   He tests it out on his "friends" back in Afghanistan. He he, not a great start for a guy whose looking to turn over a new leaf  but the victims are all the bad guys.  :)

At this point the plot thickens.  His business partner Obadiah Stane gets a hold of his original Iron Man prototype and starts working on his own version, one that reminds me of Iron man's comic book nemesis the Titanium Man.

I won't divulge much further and spoil the fun.  Good flick.  If you have a few coins left after gas go see it while it's still on the big screen.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #180 on: May 09, 2008, 04:18:14 pm »
Iron Man

At this point the plot thickens.  His business partner Obadiah Stane gets a hold of his original Iron Man prototype and starts working on his own version, one that reminds me of Iron man's comic book nemesis the Titanium Man.

I won't divulge much further and spoil the fun.  Good flick.  If you have a few coins left after gas go see it while it's still on the big screen.

actually its iron monger (spoiler warning on links
also, I don't like Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury.  Noone could play the role better than David Hasselhoff :laugh:

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #181 on: May 09, 2008, 06:32:54 pm »

Hmm, Iron Man 200 is when the "Iron Monger" first appeared. After my time I'm afraid to say...(ack I'm old!) Stane appeared in the mid 150's and I was aware of him.  "Demon in a Bottle", perhaps the most famous or noted Iron Man issue (sells for quite a bit these days) was in the 120's.  My memory is a bit fuzzy.

Of course The Mandarin was Iron man's true nemisis...a rather dated  figure he would be today unless you have him based out of K-Mart importing lead baby products.  :)

My understanding is that there will be 2 more Iron Man' one in 2010.  Also Downey plays Stark in  cameo in the Hulk movie coming out.  Based on interviews I've read from the director Downey was truly motivated to play this role.  Since others took on the role of Iron Man (Jim Rhodes) we may see two.  Also I think they are going to explore Tony Starks alchoholism in the sequel.

Based on it's success so far I'd say Iron Man II is a shoo-in for production.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #182 on: May 09, 2008, 06:38:11 pm »
Elements of Mandarin were already in part 1.  I don't know if you caught it, but the name of the terrorist group was something like brotherhood of the ten rings.  I'm fairly sure that the villain in the next one will be the Mandarin, but he will probably be heavily altered to make him seem less dated.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #183 on: May 09, 2008, 09:53:59 pm »
Hehe Rondo, you watch movies at the same frequency as I do.  I just went to Iron Man with my wife.  I must say your review was spot on.  I really liked the movie, it was fun.  I don't read comics and I knew nothing about the Tony Stark character.  I thought they did a pretty good job of char development, and I was able to get his background pretty easily.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #184 on: May 09, 2008, 10:39:20 pm »
Hehe Rondo, you watch movies at the same frequency as I do.  I just went to Iron Man with my wife.  I must say your review was spot on.  I really liked the movie, it was fun.  I don't read comics and I knew nothing about the Tony Stark character.  I thought they did a pretty good job of char development, and I was able to get his background pretty easily.

I did read Iron Man (ages ago).  They did a great job on character update, it was logical and well done.  I think character development was done very well also, it was alittle slow (compared to most modern gun toting blasting movies, but I enjoyed it more then those other ones).  It gave them some time to work on how he built up the suit instead of just, wham here is the new suit lets blast the bad guy.

Only bad part was I think the ending could have been alittle longer.  The fight seemed to have been rushed in timing, but it was still good.  And heck, I did pick out the Iron Monger armor.
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #185 on: May 11, 2008, 03:40:58 pm »
Has anyone seen the documentary "Zoo."  I'm thinking about getting a used copy off Amazon.  I have a fascination with these odd stories.  I waited for months for "Super-Size Me" to premier, and I couldn't stop talking about "Grizzly Man" after I saw it.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #186 on: May 12, 2008, 09:17:55 pm »
Ohhhhhhhhhh  my next foreign film purchase... about one of my childhood idols!

The chick plays Sara Conner in the tv series, and played King Leonidas's wife in 300.  Ohh lalala.

In the trailer they showed the Red Baron holding a picture of himself... and believe it or not, I have that same picture in an 8.5x11 frame that was on my bedroom wall at my parents house.  I still have that picture!
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #187 on: May 27, 2008, 08:15:27 pm »
I just saw the new Indiana Jones film.  To tell you the truth, it was a real disappointment.  It pales in comparison to its predecessors.  I don't want to give away too much about the plot, but the film had a bad opening, and the main plot involved things that really don't belong in an Indy film.  Although, I have to admit, that Cate Blanchett was an excellent villain.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2008, 10:28:52 pm by knightstorm »

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #188 on: May 29, 2008, 04:53:20 pm »
Yeah, I heard.  Aliens, nuclear explosions???  What a rip-off.  Indy's always been about the occult and booby traps, not aliens and nuclear explosions.

Oh well, Lucas was probably looking at the "not quite what he thought" returns from the Star Wars prequels, saw that it wasn't enough, and knew he could put out some crap movie with "Indiana Jones" on it and cover whatever he thought he was supposed to make.  Or something.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #189 on: May 30, 2008, 07:42:17 pm »
Yeah, I heard.  Aliens, nuclear explosions???  What a rip-off.  Indy's always been about the occult and booby traps, not aliens and nuclear explosions.

Oh well, Lucas was probably looking at the "not quite what he thought" returns from the Star Wars prequels, saw that it wasn't enough, and knew he could put out some crap movie with "Indiana Jones" on it and cover whatever he thought he was supposed to make.  Or something.

It gets even worse wait until you see how he escaped the nuclear blast.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #190 on: May 31, 2008, 07:19:31 pm »
Did he Duck and Cover?  ;D
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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #191 on: May 31, 2008, 09:34:08 pm »
Did he Duck and Cover?  ;D

Almost as bad.

Here is the scene for anyone interested in spoilers
« Last Edit: May 31, 2008, 09:52:41 pm by knightstorm »

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #192 on: June 19, 2008, 04:43:33 pm »
I saw the new Hulk film.  It was very well done.  The storyline and special effects were top notch.  Also, as an added treat for anyone who liked the television series, in addition to the requisite cameo, Lou Ferrigno also provided the voice for the Hulk.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #193 on: July 18, 2008, 05:41:10 pm »
Batman 2 was amazing, the Joker made the movie... shame about Heath Ledger though.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #194 on: July 19, 2008, 08:16:08 am »
I was bored stiff through much of the second Batman movie.  It kept...going...and going...and going...

Like the Energizer Bunny.  Would have been better if it were about 30 minutes shorter.

Depressing end as well.  Depressing movie.  I suppose that's why it's called the Dark Knight, but I sure hope the next one has rays of light.

Batman Begins was a LOT better...IMO.
"All hominins are hominids, but not all hominids are hominins."

"Is this a Christian perspective?

Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


We have whale farms in Jersey.   They're called McDonald's.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #195 on: July 22, 2008, 07:29:51 pm »
Batman Begins was a masterpiece, and is a hard act to follow.  This one was a great effort.  The joker was really well done.  As for the length of the film, that tends to happen alot these days.  Because of the internet, directors don't use test audiences anymore.  As a result, they cut less footage, and the movie becomes longer.  While the ending was grim, I still liked it except for one element which I will not disclose because it's a spoiler.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #196 on: July 23, 2008, 12:15:30 am »
Saw Wall e with the kids last night and we all thought it was boring.  If you want to watch it I'd suggest waiting for video.

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #197 on: July 24, 2008, 02:02:52 am »
Saw Wall e with the kids last night and we all thought it was boring.  If you want to watch it I'd suggest waiting for video.

Huh, my daughter loved the show (she is 13), but my neice was bored (she is 3) pacing is not set for little kids.
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Offline Don Karnage

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Re: Some Movies I've Watched....
« Reply #198 on: July 24, 2008, 06:10:18 am »
in iron man what i like was his 3D table, the way the move his armor and remove parts he did not like, whould be fun to use it do make a .mod of the enterprise with that software and hardware he use :)

for another movie, wall e, the film was a bit boring, not text, and not much of a story like cars was.

like what happen to the other wall e unit and where are the animals on the planet?