
Should Dizzy Delete his second poll since it apparently seeks to sker results from the first?

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Topic: Should Dizzy Delete his second poll ?  (Read 1193 times)

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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Should Dizzy Delete his second poll ?
« on: April 07, 2007, 12:19:26 am »
My Question is whether Dizzy should drop his second poll as it apparently seeks to disregard other options including those previously leading in his earlier poll by grouping a defeated option into a larger package, and one that was dicussed on the other thread that seemed to have support.

Dizzy put up the following poll:

1. A line ship is exempted from the disengagement penalty unless opposed by another line ship.

2. A line ship is worth no points if faced on a 1v1 by a DN or larger ship.

If adopted, the Legendary Crew will be amended to allow for any CA/CC line ship to count rather than just count with CC kills. Due to the nature of the Legendary ships, this particular part will always be CA and this rule has no bearing on the above.
the options were

1. All of it

2. None of it

3. 1 but not 2.

I found this poll not to include all the options including 2 but not 1, the option of the BCH level instead of the DN level which led the previous poll and seemed to be preferred, or the option of no disengagement required in any case for line ships which was grought up in discussion, the idea of legendary crews for smaller ships was also excluded (though there may be a valid reason for that point, that I'm open to listen to)

Therefore I find this new poll ridiculous and apparently aimed at putting in a DN level requirement which was previously voted down in favor of the BCH requirement.  

Additionally this is not the rule that had been promoted on the other thread.

Lepton had commented:

If you are willing to entertain the idea of exempting line ships from disengagement rule, then I'd be willing to go with Chuut's language and idea.  Any line ship is not subject to the disengagement rule no matter the circumstance.  Period.  Stop.  End of sentence.  All other ships subject to disengagement rule.  For any potential last minute change like this, it would be best to keep it simple.  However, I can see that this might seem to go too far, but if put up to a vote, then at least people will have a chance to register their feelings on it and discuss.

I want to know WTF happened to this idea.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2007, 12:41:54 am by KAT Chuut-Ritt »

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Should Dizzy Delete his second poll ?
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2007, 06:16:55 am »