OK, since it doesn't look like the warp missions will be server-stable in time for SGO7, I went through the conventional scripts - tweaking the maps, drafting, and ai-stripping.
The most server-friendly (IMO) scripts are here:
http://www3.telus.net/NuclearWessels/sfc/downloads/EDPatrols.exeThe complete pack is here:
http://www3.telus.net/NuclearWessels/sfc/downloads/NWPack.exeThe blurb below describes the current status of the missions in more detail, read only if you're really interested 
I've broken them up by their maximum drafting capabilities, and listed what the sides will be by default (i.e. if it's just you and the AI the sides may be different than if there are humans involved).
missions coloured yellow are the ones I'd probably take as a core set for a server (just my opinion of course)
The following missions handle 3v3 drafting WITH AI stripping:In Enemy Hexes:
- ED5FleetAction: default sides 3v3
- ED6Patrol: default sides 2v2v1 (pirate or convoy)
- ED10PatrolEnemy: default sides 3v3v1 (pirate or convoy)
- ED17PatrolEnemy: default sides 1v1 - HexxAndro: default sides 3v3, chance of 1 or 2 Intruders
- HexxPatrolEnemy: default sides 1v1, chance of spontaneous terrain generation during the mission
- DizzyPatrolEnemy: default sides 2v2, black holes appear spontaneously, appears in shipping lanes and listening post hexes
In Friendly Hexes:
- ED5PlayerFleet: default sides 3v2
- ED10Patrol: default sides 3v2v1 (pirate or convoy)
- ED10PiratesInTheMiddle: default sides 2v2v2 (two pirates in the mission, one spawning close to each team)
- ED10Monster: default sides 2v2v1 (note this monster mission DOES affect DV) does NOT strip the monster
- ED10Colonization: default sides 3v3v1: the two sides race to take possession of a small moon, does NOT strip the colony
- ED17Patrol: default sides 1v1 - ED17PatrolAllied: default sides 1v1
- DizzyPatrol: default sides 2v2, black holes appear spontaneously, appears in shipping lanes and listening post hexes
The following missions handle 3v3 drafting WITHOUT AI stripping:In Enemy Hexes:
- ED10FleetAssault: default 3v3+ pirates: SB/homeworlds, pads all teams to 5 ships (15ships vs 15 vs pirates)
- NW2HoldingAction: default 2v2 + listening post, attacker is out to retrieve data and escape
- NW5FleetAction: default 3v3
- NW7BaseStationAssault: default 3v2+base, BS hexes only
- NW7BattleStationAssault: default 3v2+base, BATS hexes only
- NW7StarbaseAssault: default 3v2+base, SB hexes only
- NW7CourierIntercept: default 3v2+courier, attacker is out to kill/cap the courier ship
- NW7TheGauntlet: default 1v1 + player must run a long narrow map, eliminating a sequence of enemy defsats guarding the path
- NW7OutpostSweep: default 3v3 + attacker is trying to eliminate enemy listening posts in an asteroid field
- NW7ConvoyRaid: default 1v1 + convoy, attacker must eliminate entire convoy to win
- NW7Scout: default 1v1, attacker must scan a collection of moons/asteroids from range < 10, and escape with the data
- NW8ShipAssault: default 3v3+shipyards, any kind of base hex
- NW9PlanetaryAssault: default 3v2+planet, Core/Colony worlds hexes - DizzyAssault: default 3v3+planet, a planet assault with orbiting defense platforms
- DizzyHvyAssault: default 3v3+planet, a planet assault with orbiting battle stations
- DizzyStargate: default 3v3+starbase, starbase hexes, generates N-DMY near SB for Dizzy's stargate
- NW9TimedAssault: default 3v2+planet, Core/Colony world hexes, can be won by damage to the planet - NW10PatrolEnemy: default 3v3v1 (convoy, pirate, or monster)
- NW17PatrolEnemy: default 1v1
* NW18HomeworldAssault: default 3v2+HW, actually only supports 3v2 drafting, homeworld hexes only
- NW26AsteroidAssault: default 2v1+ast. base, asteroid hexes onlyIn Friendly Hexes:
- NWBasePlacement: default 3v3, a draft-friendly version of starbase construction - NW5PlayerFleet: default 3v3
- NW6Patrol: default 2v2v1 (convoy, pirate, or monster)
- NW10Patrol: default 3v3v1 (convoy, pirate, or monster)
- NW16ShipDefense: default 2v2+yards, any base or planet hex
- NW16PlanetDefense: default 2v2+planet, any planet hex, defender has several minutes to take spares off the FRDs - NW17Patrol: default 1v1
- NW17PatroAllied: default 1v1
- NW27AsteroidDefense: default 1+base v 2, asteroid hexes onlyThe scripts below do NOT support 3v3 drafting
The following missions handle 2v2 drafting WITHOUT AI stripping:In Enemy Hexes:
- NWEnemyPatrol
- NWBaseStationAssault: BS hexes only (orbiting defense version)
- NWBattleStationAssault: BATS hexes only (orbiting defense version)
- NWStarbaseAssault: SB hexes only (orbiting defense version)
- NWPlanetAssault: Planet hexes only (orbiting defense version)
In Friendly Hexes:
- NW19Scan: default 1v1
- NWPlayerPatrol: default 2v2
- NWPlayerBaseDefense: any base hex (orbiting defense version)
- NWPlayerPlanetDefense: any planet hex (orbiting defense version)
- NWAlliedPatrol: default 2v2
- NWAlliedBaseDefense: any base hex (orbiting defense version)
- NWAlliedPlanetDefense: any planet hex (orbiting defense version)
The following missions handle 1v1 drafting (AI stripping irrelevant):In Enemy Hexes:
- NW1Scout: note you have to get closer for longer than in the stock version
- NW14Enigma:
In Friendly Hexes:
- NWOneOnOne:
The following missions handle 1vN drafting WITHOUT AI StrippingIn Enemy Hexes:
- NW3Ambushee: draft limitations are 1v2
- NW11ConvoyRaid: draft limitations are 3v1, shipping lane hexes
In Friendly Hexes:
- NW4Ambusher: draft limitations are 2v1
- NW12ConvoyEscort: draft limitations are 1v3, base/planet/shipping lane hexes