Well, finally saw the ship that I wanted to use as a basis.. the Terran Empire
So I started to redo the textures on it using the old ship as a basis.. and here's where I was as of last night (and I'm farther along today).
I think that I am going to replace the warp engines on this ship though and replace them with either the original warp engines, or else grab some new ones from DCS.. (edit: went and downloaded the LN-68 engines, think that they're the best suited for the refit)
Addition to the back story is that this ship is around 17-20 years after the original ship (Lost Era), and the original ship has been refit with some updated and uprated technologies.. and experiments are still being conducted onboard to adapt Minbari jumpgate engine technology to Federation power systems and technologies. The current development has a jumppoint forming in warpspace, but it is still too unstable to allow the ship to pass through into hyperspace. Experimentation is being done on two fronts to retrofit transwarp or highwarp technologies to open a jumppoint, and development of a gravitic engine using modified deflector and tractor beam technologies to try and form a jumppoint.
Crew roster has increased from the original 45 Rangers to almost 90 crew, with new members coming from Vulcan, Human, and even a few Klingon and Romulan recruits (who find the strict Ranger code of honor and service to be very appealing).