Topic: Monty Python: The Hobbit (finally!)  (Read 70747 times)

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Re: Monty Python: The Hobbit (finally!)
« Reply #60 on: November 07, 2007, 04:47:29 pm »
The Hobbit: Scene 8

Lake-town, Lake-town, Lake-town

Narrator:  Flowing east from the kingdom of the wood elves, the forest river rushes in great sweeps until it empties into the great inland sea called the Long Lake.  Being an advanced and environmentally conscious race who live in harmony with middle earth, the elves dump their leftover beverage and foodstuff containers into the river.
Legolas:  It is a "recycling" program-- honestly!
Narrator:  The barrels that make it intact from the palace of King Thranduil all the way to the Long Lake are eventually gathered up at the strange town built right out on the surface of the lake on huge piles of forest trees.  Oddly enough, some of the barrels seem to move against the swirl of the current as they gather.
Bilbo:  (invisible) Confound these heavy barrels-- Ooof!
Narrator:  Once called Esgaroth, before the coming of the dragon, this busy wooden city on the water is now simply called Lake-town by those who live and trade here.  At the moment, oblivious to the barrels, the citizens of Lake-town gather up fish from the morning catch.

People of Lake-town:  (suddenly bursting out in song and slapping each other with fish)
Lake-town, Lake-town, Lake-town...
That's the trysting place for me!
[music begins playing that combines with the various animal noises of everyday commerce]
Master of Town:  (singing) Lake-town is the village where we dance,
Lake-town is the island where we play.
Here in Lake-town, boys and girls can find true romance,
In the traditional valley of Dale way!
People of Lake-town:  (singing) Schlip! Schlap!
Master of Town:  (singing) Schlip-a-schlap-a-vay.
People of Lake-town:  (singing) Schlip! Schlap!
Master of Town:  (singing) Schlap away all day.
People of Lake-town:  (singing) Schlip! Schlap!
Master of Town:  (singing) You simply can't go wrong,
With the traditional fish-schlapping song!
People of Lake-town:  (singing) Lake-town, Lake-town, Lake-town...
Men of Lake-town:  (singing) The place where I quite want to be.
Bärd the Bowman:  (singing) Barrel rolling--
Andrømëdå:  (singing) Or camping--
Sorëys the Boatman:  Or just going fishing!
People of Lake-town:  (singing) Lake-town, Lake-town, Lake-town...
That's the trysting place for me!

(one of the recently arrived barrels suddenly breaks open)

Thorin:  (standing on very shaky legs) I am Thorin son of Thrain son of Thror... King under the Mountain! (swaying) I return!
Bilbo:  Oh bother.

(several more barrels pop open, each unceremoniously releasing a thoroughly cramped up dwarf)

Master of Town:  Where is Bärd?
Bärd the Bowman:  I am here, master.
Master of Town:  Take our unexpected guests here to get cleaned up and fed.
Bärd the Bowman:  But, master, I was--
Master of Town:  How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me butt-master?!
Bärd the Bowman:  I didn't--
Master of Town:  And, while you are at it, stop schlip-a-schlapping my daughter Andrømëdå!
Andrømëdå:  But, father--
Master of Town:  Oh-- don't you start that!
Bärd the Bowman:  Rømmë and I were only--
Master of Town:  Enough!  Just go and attend to the dwarves as you were ordered.
Bärd the Bowman:  Yes, master.

(Bärd gathers up the drenched hobbit and 13 waterlogged dwarves, gets them cleaned up, and then takes them to the best restaurant in Lake-town... which, unfortunately, isn't saying much)

Thorin:  Alright, then.  Everyone get seated so we can eat.
Dwarves:  Right-- okay.
Bombur:  I'm ravenous!
Balin:  When are you not?!
Bilbo:  (to waitress) Good morning!
Waitress:  Morning!
Thorin:  What have you got ready to feed a famished party of 14?
Waitress:  Well... there's egg and bacon, egg sausage and bacon, egg and cram, egg bacon and cram, egg bacon sausage and cram, cram bacon sausage and cram, cram egg cram cram bacon and cram, cram sausage cram cram bacon cram tomato and cram--
Guards:  (chanting) Cram cram cram cram...
Waitress:  ...cram cram cram egg and cram, cram cram cram cram cram cram baked beans cram cram cram--
Guards:  (singing) Cram! Splendid cram! Marvelous cram!
Waitress:  ...or Trout Girion au Dale with a westernesse sauce served in an Esgarothian manner with almonds and carrots garnished with a truffle pate, fire brandy, with a fried egg on top... and cram.
Thorin:  Have you got anything without cram?
Waitress:  Well, there's cram egg sausage and cram... that's not got much cram in it.
Thorin:  What if I don't want any cram?!
Bilbo:  (looking at the menu) Why can't he have egg bacon cram and sausage?
Thorin:  That's got cram in it!
Bilbo:  It doesn't have as much cram in it as cram egg sausage and cram, has it?
Guards:  (chanting) Cram cram cram cram...
Thorin:  Could you do the egg bacon cram and sausage without the cram?
Waitress:  Urgghh!
Thorin:  What do you mean urgghh?!  I don't want cram!
Guards:  (singing) Splendid cram! Marvelous cram!
Waitress:  Shut up!
Guards:  (singing) Glorious cram! Wonderful cram!
Waitress:  Shut up!
(the cluster of Lake-town guards stop singing)
Waitress:  Bloody guards! You can't have egg bacon cram and sausage without the cram.
Thorin:  (shouting) I don't like cram!
Bombur: Now Thorin, please don't cause a fuss... I'll have your cram. I'd eat it even if I wasn't starving. I think I'll have cram cram cram cram cram cram cram baked beans cram cram cram and cram!
Guards:  (singing) Cram cram cram cram. Marvelous cram! Glorious cram!
Waitress:  Shut up already!!! Baked beans are off.
Bombur:  Well... could I have his cram instead of the baked beans then?
Waitress:  You mean cram cram cram cram cram cram--
Guards:  (singing forcefully) Cram, cram, cram, cram. Splendid cram! Marvelous craaam! Glorious cram! Wonderful cram. Cra-a-a-a-a-a-a-am! Cra-a-a-a-a-a-a-am! Cra-a-a-a-a-a-a-am! Cra-a-a-a-a-a-a-am! Marvelous cram! (Marvelous cram!) Glorious cram! (Glorious cram!) Wonderful craaam! Cram, cram, cram, craaaaam!
Thorin:  (sighing) Whatever you have, we'll take it to go.
Bilbo:  At least they don't have Spam.
Bombur:  SPAM-- where?!
Balin:  Oh, stop it!
Thorin:  We have received a warm welcome, but we really should keep going.
Bilbo:  This is a rather silly place, isn't it?
Bärd the Bowman:  Don't get me started... I'm going so mad living here that I'm starting to think the ruddy birds are trying to talk to me!
« Last Edit: November 07, 2007, 08:27:59 pm by Hstaphath_XC »
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Offline Czar Mohab

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Re: Monty Python: The Hobbit (finally!)
« Reply #61 on: November 07, 2007, 05:27:56 pm »



Don't think I saw that one coming...

Freakin' Hilarious, the whole bit. Another wonderful job, as usual.

Only one very very very very very very very tiny thing I noticed; one of your "Bard"s doesn't have the umlaut over the "a". I don't want to be all "spelling police" here, but I wasn't sure if anyone else would catch it. It is so very very very very very very very tiny, after all. Just pointing it out so the end product (which I assume will be made visible at XC, no?) wouldn't have the "wafer thin" dots missing.

Czar "Wonderful cram...? Howsabout wonderful ... tale" Mohab.

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Re: Monty Python: The Hobbit (finally!)
« Reply #62 on: November 07, 2007, 07:52:00 pm »
...Czar got such a fantastic role! Cheezy bastich, must be ruddy Hsta's pet!

Honestly, I just liked the idea of Thranduil having to say "Czaw" over and over again.   ;)

And Comedy Kadh... wow... talk about casting against type! hehehehe

LOL, have you never seen Kadh when he's been hitting the bloodwine?!  He DID get to pillage a village, you know... and he may be back for the battle of 5 armies.

...Awesome Awesome Awesome stuff! Keep it coming!

Thanks, I have been going all out on this lately!  Scene 9 needs a LOT of work before it will be ready, but Scene 10 is nearly complete just because I couldn't resist jumping ahead to the big musical number. of your "Bard"s doesn't have the umlaut over the "a". I don't want to be all "spelling police" here, but I wasn't sure if anyone else would catch it...

HOLY CRAM!!!  You caught more than you know!  Evidently, I messed something up when copying the file at 1am to take to work with me to finish this morning and didn't realize I was working from an old version that was missing (I feel, anyway) a couple of key lines of dialogue!   :o

The scene has now been repaired, with my very sincere thanks to you.  Please do NOT hesitate to bring typos and such to my attention!
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Re: Monty Python: The Hobbit (finally!)
« Reply #63 on: November 07, 2007, 07:58:59 pm »
... the end product (which I assume will be made visible at XC, no?)

Whoops, forgot to answer this... YES.  First in HTML and then also as an extended edition easy-to-print PDF (as I did with the trilogy).
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Re: Monty Python: The Hobbit (finally!)
« Reply #64 on: November 07, 2007, 09:49:06 pm »
Cram, cram! C-Cram-cram-cram! What the hell is cram?

--thu guv!
'It's a lot of hard work being a mean bastard...' --Captain Eric Finlander, CO USS Bedford (The Bedford Incident)

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Re: Monty Python: The Hobbit (finally!)
« Reply #65 on: November 07, 2007, 10:13:58 pm »
What the hell is cram?

Cram is a type of waybread, or biscuit, baked by the Northern Humans of middle earth as a travel ration.  By all accounts it was somewhat uninspiring to eat, but it stowed away easily and was rich in food-content.  Sort of a cheap/generic form of elven Lembas, if you will.   :P
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Re: Monty Python: The Hobbit (finally!)
« Reply #66 on: November 08, 2007, 12:35:29 am »
Kadh:  Randy bugger... up and down like the fortunes of Gondor. Heh heh heh--

"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

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Re: Monty Python: The Hobbit (finally!)
« Reply #67 on: November 08, 2007, 01:47:27 am »
heeë heeë.  Glorious stuff.  At least the master o laketown didn't say 'but, daughter'.  Can I get extra cram with that?  If you bring in an army of Klingons... hmm, that could linclude La'ra who'd have rescued Kadh from page 2.  I'm looking forward to my big musical number.  Do I get costume changes?
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Re: Monty Python: The Hobbit (finally!)
« Reply #68 on: November 08, 2007, 02:31:41 pm »

I take it that is your waying of saying "it's a fair cop", eh?

... If you bring in an army of Klingons... hmm, that could linclude La'ra who'd have rescued Kadh from page 2.

Not Klingons, though they certainly do act and look like TOS Klinks (i.e., Kadh's icon) and curse like TNG Klinks.  I am intending on them being clan leaders of rowdy northerners (cousins of the Rohirrim) that will show up to fight on behalf of Lake-town in the battle of 5 armies.  That is, if La'ra can stop chasing those elf maidens in Rivendell long enough to get over there!   :D

I'm looking forward to my big musical number.  Do I get costume changes?

LOL!  Funny you should mention that... yes, actually.   ;)
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Re: Monty Python: The Hobbit (finally!)
« Reply #69 on: November 08, 2007, 09:04:29 pm »
Actually, surprisingly enough, I did already know what cram was. Here's one: You know what a Corn Dodger is?

+ no Karma if you have to look it up on Wiki...

--thu guv!

[and La'ra can't answer for y'all...]
'It's a lot of hard work being a mean bastard...' --Captain Eric Finlander, CO USS Bedford (The Bedford Incident)

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Re: Monty Python: The Hobbit (finally!)
« Reply #70 on: November 08, 2007, 09:34:49 pm »
... Here's one: You know what a Corn Dodger is?

Haha!!!  My best friend (and ol' Army buddy) is a Texan, so you'll have to give me a harder one than that.   :D
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Re: Monty Python: The Hobbit (finally!)
« Reply #71 on: November 13, 2007, 10:53:40 pm »

+ Karma for u!

--thu guv!!
'It's a lot of hard work being a mean bastard...' --Captain Eric Finlander, CO USS Bedford (The Bedford Incident)

'Jaken...are you pretending to be dead?' --Lord Sesshomaru, Inuyasha.

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Re: Monty Python: The Hobbit (finally!)
« Reply #72 on: November 14, 2007, 01:38:50 am »
I am intending on them being clan leaders of rowdy northerners (cousins of the Rohirrim) that will show up to fight on behalf of Lake-town in the battle of 5 armies.  That is, if La'ra can stop chasing those elf maidens in Rivendell long enough to get over there!   :D

Odds are probably about 50/50... ;D
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

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Re: Monty Python: The Hobbit (finally!)
« Reply #73 on: November 16, 2007, 01:45:45 pm »
Exxxcellent!  + Karma for u!

Thanks!!!  Good karma is always appreciated!   8)

Odds are probably about 50/50...

Unless I completely change direction with what I intend to do, it is entirely up to Ronjar whether you are there or not.  Hehe... once the scene is posted, you can look back at this message and say "oh, that is what he meant!"   :o
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Re: Monty Python: The Hobbit (finally!)
« Reply #74 on: December 13, 2007, 12:03:31 am »
The Hobbit: Scene 9

Rings of Power - Special Edition

[special documentary music]
(zoom to a presenter in a fancy comfy chair behind a desk located on the side of a mountain)
Kieran Forester:  Hello and welcome to this special edition of Rings of Power.  We are coming to you today from the west face of the lonely mountain, Erebor, where thirteen dwarves and a hobbit have turned up to assail a dragon's lair on this very pleasant autumn day.  Four days journey north from the Lake-town of Esgaroth have brought them here to establish a base camp between the western spurs of the mountain and-- here they come!  From here we can see the companions scouting the west face of Erebor with Bilbo and Balin in the lead.  Bilbo looks confident... he looks relaxed, very much the hobbit in form as he consults Thorin's map.  Yes, it looks like he has found traces of a narrow track, often lost... often rediscovered, and he's off!  There they go in single file now, the narrow ledges are indeed a bit treacherous there, and finally they have come to it.  It appears to be a small steep-walled open grassy bay with a perfectly smooth flat wall at it's inner end.  Yes, the excitement is obvious as they know they have found the secret entrance!  The dwarves are thrusting and pushing at the wall-- the picks have come out and they are really giving it a beating... apparently to no effect.  A quick huddle there, and now they are using every spell of opening they can think of.  Oh dear, what a disappointing turn of events as they have been reduced to begging and pleading with the mountain to let them in!  But Bilbo is in motion again, he appears to have a plan... ummm, yes-- he is sitting down and staring off into the west... perhaps even daydreaming of his cozy hobbit hole on the other side of the Misty Mountains so very far away, Guv Ronjar.
Guv Ronjar: Well, this is true to form with secret dwarven doors, so no surprises there. Even a well marked and obvious door of this type can thwart the mightiest of wizards without the proper key or passphrase.  With these sorts of precautions, it must be no small frustration to dwarves that, regardless, their cities and strongholds somehow continue to be invaded by orcs, dragons, and, rumor has it, pamphlet pushing religious zealots... like the ones that wake me up by banging on my ruddy door every bloody morning when I think I might actually get a chance to sleep in, but noooooo... those evil mean bast--
Kieran Forester:  Whoa!  I’m sorry to interrupt you there, Ronjar, but we have some activity in progress at the dwarven base camp.  Bombur appears to be about to get up from a nap he has been having and finally play a decisive role in this quest!  He is definitely stirring-- rolling over now.  Yes, this could be it!  Oh dear... he has started snoring again.
Guv Ronjar:  It's like reading the Silmarillion all over--
Kieran Forester:  But, back on the doorstep, it appears the hobbit may have an idea... could he be about to use his magic ring, unbeknownst to him but certainly "knownst" to us as the One Ring, to somehow gain access to Erebor?!
Guv Ronjar:  Ring of Power usage is why we are here on the west face of the lonely mountain reporting these updates!
Kieran Forester:  No, I'm sorry.  He is just absently watching snails crawl on a large grey rock. 
Guv Ronjar:  I can understand that a healthy dose of caution on the part of the companions is more than warranted--
Kieran Forester:  They wouldn't want a repeat of the sort of events that led to the devastating dwarven "victory" at the Battle of Azanulbizar by going in the front door, for instance.
Guv Ronjar:  ...yet this is enough to make a drowsy Ent seem like a sugar-high caffeinated ferret by comparison!
Kieran Forester:  Wait a moment... Bilbo has been watching a bird, it appears to be an extroaordinarly large thrush, cracking snails against the rock I just mentioned.  Yes, the wheels are definitely turning by the look on this hobbit's face and now he has pulled out a copy of Poor Radagast's Almanac, Wilderland Edition.  Hold on-- he is up on his furry feet now!  Bilbo is looking at the bird... looking at the setting sun... looking at the area where the secret door should be... back at the setting sun... checking the almanac... counting on his fingers now... YES!  He is yelling for the dwarves!  The nearby dwarves are going wild now and the search is on for Thorin who still has the key-- they found him!
Guv Ronjar:  Rotten timing for Thorin, there, as he picked the worst possible moment to answer a call of nature!
Kieran Forester:  Just as the final glimpse of retreating sunlight on this lovely first day of the last new moon of autumn falls across the grey rock and illuminates the keyhole in the secret door, Thorin has arrived with his key-- THEY HAVE THE DOOR OPEN!  We can only hope that someone goes back to retrieve Thorin's pants later, but for now the companions are giddy with accomplishment as they push their way into the tunnel.
Guv Ronjar:  Meanwhile, back at base camp, I can confidently report that Bombur is still snoring.
Kieran Forester:  The dwarves have gathered to plan the next phase of the quest now that they are finally in the secret tunnel and have Smaug at the other end to contend directly with.  It seems that Bilbo has been elected to scout ahead... he really should have seen that one coming.  The hobbit now has the One Ring out of his pocket as he heads down into the darkness... we now have confirmed use of a Ring of Power here at the lonely mountain as Bilbo Baggins becomes invisible to the mortal world!  We take you now to join in the action currently in progress.

Thorin:  Right.  Now, uh-- item four.  Attainment of middle earth supremacy within the next five years.  Ummm... Dwalin, you've been doing some work on this.
Dwalin:  Yes.  Thank you, Thorin.  Well, quite frankly, I think five years is optimistic... unless we can slay Smaug within the next twelve minutes.
Thorin:  Twelve minutes?!
Dwalin:  Yes, twelve minutes.  And, let's face it... as dragons go, he is the big one.  So, we've got to get up off our dwarven arses and stop just talking about it!
Dwarves:  Hear!  Hear!
Loretta:  I agree.  It's action that counts, not words, and we need action now.
Dwarves:  Hear!  Hear!
Thorin:  You are right, of course.  We could sit around all day talking, passing resolutions, and making clever speeches.  It's not going to shift one gold coin out from under his dastardly reptilian behind!
Dwalin:  So, let's just stop gabbing on about it.  It's completely pointless and it's getting us nowhere!
Dwarves:  Right!
Loretta:  I agree.  This is a complete waste of time.
(Bilbo returns with a gold cup from a quick scouting mission down the secret tunnel)
Bilbo:  The dragon sleeps!
Thorin:  What?
Dwarves:  What?
Bilbo:  Smaug is sound asleep!  Plus, he has a large bare patch in the hollow of his left breast as bare as a snail out of its shell... you could take him by surprise and finish him off right now!
Thorin:  Right!  This calls for immediate discussion!
Dori:  Yes.
Bilbo:  What?!
Gloin:  Immediate.
Fili:  Right.
Loretta:  New motion?
Thorin:  Completely new motion.  That, ah-- that there be, ummm... immediate action--
Dwalin:  Once the vote has been taken.
Thorin:  Well, obviously once the vote's been taken.  You can't act another resolution till you've voted on it...
Bilbo:  Thorin-- for goodness sake, GO NOW!
Thorin:  Yes, yes.
Bilbo:  Honestly!
Thorin:  Right, right.
Dwalin:  Fine.
Thorin:  In the-- in the light of fresh information from, ahhh... burglar Baggins--
Loretta:  Ah-- not so fast, the previous resolution still--
Bilbo:  Thorin!  This is perfectly simple... all you lot have got to do is to go down this tunnel right now, grab your choice of the hundreds of weapons laying around down there, and stab the ruddy huge slumbering worm in it's one weak spot.  Revenge is yours for the taking, Thorin.  Right here and right now you can liberate your kingdom and avenge your grandfather!
Thorin:  Hmmm... hmmm...
Bilbo:  Can't you understand?!  Ohhh!
(Bilbo stomps off in disgust back down the tunnel)
Dwalin:  Oh, my.
Thorin:  I don't want to mention any names, but someone who's name is 5 letters long and starts with a "B" has been getting rather uppity of late!
Balin:  What?
Bifur:  What?!
Dwalin:  (whistling)
Thorin:  Oh-- sorry... Bifur, Balin, and Bofur--
Loretta:  Loretta.
Thorin:  Ahhh... right.  Read that back, would you?

Kieran Forester:  We interrupt this scene to take you straight to the Great Hall of Thror for the latest news regarding the Ring of Power in use here at the lonely mountain.
Guv Ronjar:  Well... the deafening noise you hear is courtesy of the now wide awake and very irate dragon in residence, Smaug the Golden.  Though using the One Ring clearly is the only reason Bilbo Baggins is still alive at this very moment, he did come off rather on the worse end of a riddle-speak match with the wily worm.  You can rest assured that this is one hobbit who will never again laugh at a live dragon!
(a large thrush flies past Ronjar in the background)
Guv Ronjar:  With the hobbit and dwarves trapped in the secret tunnel, yet just tantalizingly out of Smaug's vengeful reach, we can only guess where the dragon--
Guv Ronjar:  ...will seek to vent his formidable anger.  Guv Ronjar, Rings of Power special edition, reporting from Erebor.
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Re: Monty Python: The Hobbit (finally!)
« Reply #75 on: December 13, 2007, 12:16:45 am »
The Hobbit: Scene 10

Fire and Water - An Opera

Narrator:  Meanwhile, the people of Lake-town are mostly indoors as a sudden cold breeze has made for a chilly evening.  Only one of the few token guards on duty is truly vigilant.
[Opera Music Starts]
Bärd the Bowman:  Be very quiet... I'm watching for the dragon.
(a red glow appears to the north near the lonely mountain and begins growing larger as it heads south)
[Dramatic Music]
Bärd the Bowman:  The dragon comes!!!
Bärd the Bowman:  Cut the bridges, cut the bridges, cut the bridges!
Bärd the Bowman:  Yo ho-- to arms! Yo ho-- to arms! Yo ho--
[Warning Horns Sound]
Andrømëdå:  O' mighty warrior from the royal line of Dale.  Might I enquire to ask, ummm... what the hell?!
Bärd the Bowman:  I'm going to kill the dragon!
[Battle Music]
Andrømëdå:  O' mighty warrior, it will be quite a task.  How will you slay him, might I enquire to ask?
[Warning Horns Sound Again]
Bärd the Bowman:  I will do it with my bow and magic arrow!
Andrømëdå:  Your bow and magic arrow?
Bärd the Bowman:  Bow and magic arrow!
Andrømëdå:  Magic arrow?
Bärd the Bowman:  Magic arrow!
Andrømëdå:  (looking at the tag on the black arrow) Magic "+6 vs dragon" arrow?!
Bärd the Bowman:  Yes, magic arrow... and I have always recovered it!
(roaring his frustration in failing to take the town by surprise, Smaug passes in rage overhead)
Andrømëdå:  I will go get dressed to be of aid you!
Bärd the Bowman:  No-- you must get to safety!
(fire fills the sky as the dragon attacks, diving and circling in furious anger)
Bärd the Bowman:  Stand your ground and fire to the last arrow, men!
(arrows and darts bounce off Smaug with little effect other than to further enrage the great worm)
Bärd the Bowman:  (shouting) Andrømëdå?!
(Andrømëdå suddenly reappears dressed in a +3 chainmail bikini... and little else!)
[Romance Music]
Bärd the Bowman:  Oh-- Andrømëdå, you're so lovely!
Andrømëdå:  Yes, I know it... I can't help it.
Bärd the Bowman:  Oh-- Rømmë, be my love!
[Ballet Music]
(Bärd and Andrømëdå dance obliviously as Smaug continues to attack around them)
[Romance Music (Reprise)]
Bärd the Bowman:  Schlip-a-schlap, my love... a longing burns deep inside me.
Andrømëdå:  Schlip-a-schlap, my love... I want you always beside me.
Bärd the Bowman:  A love like ours must be--
Andrømëdå:  To schlap you and schlip me.
Bärd and Andrømëdå:  Schlip-a-schlap... won't you Schlip-a-schlap-a-vay, for my love is yours!
(a low pass by the dragon interrupts this tender moment as a house bursts into flame and part of a collapsing wall knocks Andrømëdå unconscious)
[Battle Music (Reprise)]
Bärd the Bowman:  (enraged) I will KILL the dragon!!!
(climbing voraciously to gain altitude, the dragon whirls around for another assault)
Bärd the Bowman:  Arise men!
(the scattered archers of Lake-town rally around Bärd)
Bärd the Bowman:  North division fire!  South division fire!
(a storm of projectiles arc into the sky)
Bärd the Bowman:  Spears, arrows, darts for-- SMAUG!
(a large thrush lands on Bärd's shoulder... after a moment, Bärd nods in understanding and the bird flies away)
(fiercely, the arrow leaps from Bärd's great bow of yew)
Bärd the Bowman:  Fly black arrow! Strike the dragon!
(straight and true flies Smaug's doom as the arrow strikes his one unprotected spot)
Smaug:  (roaring) Ack-- mein lieben!!!
(landing fully on the town in his death throws, the mighty Smaug the Golden and the silly fish schlapping place once called Esgaroth are no more)
[Sad Romance Music]
(Bärd pulls Andrømëdå from the wreckage of the ruined and burning Lake-town)
Bärd the Bowman:  What have I done?! I have killed the dragon and lost my love...
[Sad Romance Music (Reprise)]
Bärd the Bowman:  Poor sweet Rømmë, poor sweet Rømmë...
(Bärd carries Andrømëdå to the lake shore in his arms)
Andrømëdå:  (groggily) Well, perhaps a chainmail bikini isn't as practical as one would think...
Hilaritas sapientiae et bonae vitae proles.

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Re: Monty Python: The Hobbit (finally!)
« Reply #76 on: December 13, 2007, 02:42:08 am »
Yeah!!  I'll comment more, when I get the time.  Awesomely funny.  Nice sound effects too.  I've got a PC that wears a chainmail bikini and not much else.  Her husband made sure it was of the kind with the ties on the side.  He likes to untie them at inopportune moments.

So, how come the dragon didn't gulp down Kieran and the Guv?  (Well besides the fact that they're board members and all that)

I killed the wabbit, killed the wabbit, killed the wabbit!!
"The Andromedans," Kadh said, "will never stop coming.  Not until they are all destroyed or we are."

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Re: Monty Python: The Hobbit (finally!)
« Reply #77 on: December 13, 2007, 10:34:24 am »
Yeah!!  I'll comment more, when I get the time.  Awesomely funny.  Nice sound effects too. 

Thanks!  Being Rommie's big musical number, I wanted to go all out and see what would happen.  Hmmm... I wonder if I should have found a way to work in a link to that pic I did of her as a green Orion slave girl a few years ago...   ;)

It should go without saying that I am very anxious to know what her reaction to this scene is!  I should probably hire those extra bodyguards right about now.

I've got a PC that wears a chainmail bikini and not much else.  Her husband made sure it was of the kind with the ties on the side.  He likes to untie them at inopportune moments.

Hehe... yes.  I believe this entirely.

So, how come the dragon didn't gulp down Kieran and the Guv?  (Well besides the fact that they're board members and all that)

Being the devious lizards that they are, the reason that the green dragon from scene 4 and Smaug both left Ronjar alone while he is reporting nearby is that they wouldn't want the bad PR that comes with eating members of the Press.  Besides... he's Thu Guv!!!

I killed the wabbit, killed the wabbit, killed the wabbit!!

Well... that would explain how Kadhette got here, now wouldn't it?  :D
« Last Edit: December 13, 2007, 09:50:51 pm by Hstaphath_XC »
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Re: Monty Python: The Hobbit (finally!)
« Reply #78 on: December 14, 2007, 03:02:08 pm »
So, how come the dragon didn't gulp down Kieran and the Guv?  (Well besides the fact that they're board members and all that)

Wait... what gave you the idea that they are "board members" rather than a news anchor (K-Fo) and investigative field reporter (Guv)???

EDIT:  In the "Duh!  What was I thinking?!" category, I now realize you meant to imply that I wasn't killing them off on the basis that they are members of the Dynaverse Board... as opposed to being members of, say, the Northern Eriador Save the Giant Eagle Society board of directors.  I've been wondering what that "WHOOSH!" sound was all day, heh.  I can assure you, as an old XC cohort and dyna board member named Ward could attest, I wouldn't hesitate to kill one of you off in my parody if it advances the story (or even if I found it mildly amusing at the time).  In Ward's case, repeatedly!   :D
« Last Edit: December 14, 2007, 08:54:28 pm by Hstaphath_XC »
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Re: Monty Python: The Hobbit (finally!)
« Reply #79 on: December 14, 2007, 05:35:48 pm »
Because I'm K-Fo, world famous anchor of "Rings of Power", that's why! ;D
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"Are you just going to walk through them?"

"Calm yourself, Doctor."