Topic: Monty Python: The Hobbit (finally!)  (Read 70794 times)

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Offline Hstaphath_XC

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Re: Monty Python: The Hobbit (finally!)
« Reply #140 on: March 13, 2008, 08:56:12 pm »
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!  First one on the new server!

Oh yeah, and the PDF version is up.  Heh.   :D
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Re: Monty Python: The Hobbit (finally!)
« Reply #141 on: March 13, 2008, 09:18:36 pm »
YAY!!! Dyna's back!

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Offline Hstaphath_XC

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Re: Monty Python: The Hobbit (finally!)
« Reply #142 on: April 17, 2008, 02:56:52 pm »
Can I post my LotR song?  Wouldn't want to cut in on your thunder so I asked first.  Saw yours and had to do my own.

Hey Kadh, still waiting on you to post your LotR song... speaking of which, I still need to finish Rommie singing "I'm Bringing Sexy Back."
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Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: Monty Python: The Hobbit (finally!)
« Reply #143 on: April 17, 2008, 04:52:34 pm »
I still need to finish Rommie singing "I'm Bringing Sexy Back."

Yes, yes you do. ;D
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline kadh2000

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Re: Monty Python: The Hobbit (finally!)
« Reply #144 on: June 18, 2008, 12:22:54 am »
To the tune of Billy Joel's "We didn't start the fire"

Bilbo Baggins, Gilraen, Fell Winter, Theoden
Baranduin, Ecthelion, Bilbo finds the Ring

Galadriel, search the gladden fields, death of Old Took, Thorin Oakenshield
White Council, Gladden Fields, Bard becomes the King

Dol Guldor, Thorin, Isildur, Anduin
Gandalf, Lothlorien, the Battle of Five Armies

Saruman, Isengard, Mount Doom bursts aflame
White Council meets, spies found in Bree, Sauron pretends he flees

We didn't forge the one ring
It was made in Mordor
For the new world order
We didn't start the fire
Though we didn’t make it
But we tried to break it

Undomiel, Aragorn, they meet in Imladris
Balin dwarves, in Moria, colony doomed

Gollum, and Shelob, palantiri, Gondor
Ithilien Falls, Mordor’s shadows loomed

Frodo, the Shire, Gollum’s released from Mordor
Boromir, Faramir, Gollum captured, Rhovanion

Nazgul, Hobbiton, Minas Tirith, Orthanc
Edoras, Shadowfax, hobbits meet Bombadil

We didn't forge the one ring
It was made in Mordor
For the new world order
We didn't start the fire
Though we didn’t make it
But we tried to break it

Barrow-wight, Bree at night, Prancing Pony, Butterbur
Strider, Weathertop, Ring-wraiths make Frodo stop

Rivendell, Glorfindel, the Council of Elrond
Fellowship, wolves attack, Gollum starts the ring to track
Khazad-dum, Balrog, Gandalf falls, Moria
Galadriel, Mirror, farewell to Lorien

Merry, Pippen caught, ring in Emyn Muil
Eomer wins, Treebeard, trouble for Theoden

We didn't forge the one ring
It was made in Mordor
For the new world order
We didn't start the fire
Though we didn’t make it
But we tried to break it

Edoras, Entmoot, Faramir in Ithilien
Dead Marsh, Black Gate, Gandalf is back again

Gandalf heals Theoden, Battle fought at Helm’s Deep
Parley, Rangers, Peregrin can not sleep

Eowyn, Dunharrow, muster of the Rohirrim
sunless day brings dread, Aragorn takes paths of dead

We didn't forge the one ring
It was made in Mordor
For the new world order
We didn't start the fire
Though we didn’t make it
But we tried to break it

Cair Andros, Causeway Forts, Minas Tirith is besieged
Ungol, Shelob, Mordor orcs, Samwise
Frodo, Shagrat, Witchking dies, Rohan comes at sunrise
debate of the Captains, Frodo goes into Mordor

Battle of Dale, Erebor, Host of the West, Udun road
Morgul vale, Morannon, Doom, Crack, desolation
Frodo and Sam reach mount doom, surrounded at the Slag Hills
Gollum falls in Sammath Naur, Sauron loses all his power

We didn't forge the one ring
It was made in Mordor
For the new world order
We didn't start the fire
Though we didn’t make it
But we tried to break it
"The Andromedans," Kadh said, "will never stop coming.  Not until they are all destroyed or we are."

Offline Hstaphath_XC

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Re: Monty Python: The Hobbit (finally!)
« Reply #145 on: July 25, 2008, 01:33:04 pm »
Thanks Kadh!  I like it.

The only thing I would edit is:

We didn't forge the one ring
It was made in Mordor
For the new world order
We didn't start the fire
Though we didn’t make it
But we tried to break it


We didn't forge the one ring
It was made in Mordor
For the new world order
We didn't forge the one ring
Though we didn’t make it
We sure tried to break it

Do I have your permission to add this to XC Radio?
Hilaritas sapientiae et bonae vitae proles.

Offline kadh2000

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Re: Monty Python: The Hobbit (finally!)
« Reply #146 on: July 25, 2008, 04:34:16 pm »
"The Andromedans," Kadh said, "will never stop coming.  Not until they are all destroyed or we are."