It's weird how we each have something thatcan become an addiction, I've met many people at the veteran's affairs (patientwise, not staffwise, though a GS-12 did get busted when crystalmeth fell out of her purse during a staff meeting, of course the newspapers were not notified that VA employees were on meth). Many of them try other in addition to alcohol and get addicted to them, but I've tried MDMA once when it was a legal anti-depressant and it did not make me run out to buy more, same with marijuana and cocaine, both of which are freely available in Mexico. Now that I've been doing an outpatient program and staying sober, I find that maybe it wasn't an addiction per se but I wanted something to slow my CNS down, something many combat vets and especially Gulf War combat vets have in common. I guess the Sarin, pesticides, anthrax vaccine that was rushed through by the wonderful FDA and is now BANNED and the oil well fires in combination might have some effect on a body's nervous system. They have already identified Khamisaya area veterans as having a 30% increase in brain cancers, as well as developing MS, and many veterans have never had a disorder like that in their family history.

One drug I have tried that I will admit is pschologically addictive is the benzodiazapines, it's hard to compete with a drug like that, you are fully aware of your thinking and senses, yet it keeps you as calm as can be.
You know what the latest riot is? The VA and other research centers in the nation got permission from the FDA to use MDMA (Ecstacy) with intensive pscological care for treating PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder). I want to volunteer!