Topic: Simply irresponsible  (Read 1508 times)

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Offline Electric Eye

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Simply irresponsible
« on: March 08, 2007, 05:03:39 pm »,2933,257960,00.html

Thanks to Chuut for the wonderful lyrics, and I got photos and experience to go with them to Dana Reed of the Washington Post.

How can it be permissible
He's compromised our principles, yeah yeah
His rationale is insensible
Its anything but Constitutional
He's the craze the GOP endorsed, He's a moronic force
You're obliged to conform and stay the course
He used to look questionable to me, but now I find him

Simply irresponsible
Simply irresponsible

His policy is so laughable, huh
Disaster unavoidable
The trend likely irreversible
The man is incorragable

He has no regard for law, leaves me in shock and awe
He deserves no applause, I protest because
He used to look questionable to me, but now I find him

Simply irresponsible
Simply irresponsible

(Simply irresponsible) (Simply irresponsible) He's crossed the line, there's no tellin' where the money went
(Simply irresponsible) He's crossed the line, I just want him to go

His wars are avoidable, But his yells the battle call
He gives me feelings like I never felt before
He's breaking promises, He's breaking every law
He used to look questionable to me, but now I find him 

Simply irresponsible
He's crossed the line, there's no tellin' where the money went
(Simply irresponsible) He's crossed the line, I just want him to go

His methods are inscrutable
The proof is irreviewable -ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
He's so completely unexcusable, huh
He thinks we're so abusable

He's the craze the GOP endorsed, He's a moronic force
You're obliged to conform and stay the course
He used to look questionable to me, but now I find him
Simply irresponsible
Simply irresponsible

He's crossed the line, there's no tellin' where the money went
(Simply irresponsible) He's crossed the line, I just want him to go
(Simply irresponsible) He's crossed the line, there's no tellin' where the money went
(Simply irresponsible) He's crossed the line, I just want him to go

Meanwhile, back at the ranch at Temple, veterans that are not even service connected live free and large at YOUR expense while our current vets suffer greatly. To the tune of 20-30k a year per person!

Oh lookie, VA actually lied?

Working alongside area veterans, Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison and local leaders, Chet exposed the VA's phony cost-benefit analysis they tried to use to justify the Waco VA's closure and pointed out the increasing need for the Waco VA's services in light of the tens of thousands soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.

What? VA was saying phony stuff? Say it isn't so! After all, many head honchos got relieved after taking only 1-2 hour workdays!  ;D Much like our past Congress, eh?

Offline Electric Eye

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Re: Simply irresponsible
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2007, 05:17:41 pm »
I guess I will not be invited to Martha Tyroch's next fundraiser, she's the frigging mayor of Temple and holds a GS-12 job at the DOM!

Must be nice...

Trans Texas is Rick Perry's baby!

Yup, I'm stepping on toes...

Offline GE-Raven

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Re: Simply irresponsible
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2007, 10:01:48 am »
UM H&S maybe?

Not that I am really sure what you are talking about.


Offline Electric Eye

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Re: Simply irresponsible
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2007, 02:26:33 pm »
Perhaps GE, you are familiar with the latest scandal involving Walter Reed and other active duty hospitals and also Veteran Affairs hospitals? There is a priority list like anything else, GW 91 vets are still priority one, though the powers that be do not want to explain why, though the C.I.A. says it because of all the toxic crap that was over there. Next in line? You got it, our current war vets coming home from Iraq and Afghanland.

Now, I apologize for the pics being so large, I'll edit with Irfanview soon. Yet there is a 408 bed facility that is behind the MedCen in Temple and many veterans , much less the taxpayers, are not aware it exists. There are 3 programs that are provided by this facility (Called the Domiciallary), though we call it the dorm.

SATP - 60 beds

Vocational rehab - God only knows, most people who complete the 2 1/2 month SATP program switch over to Voc Rehab, which adds another 4-6 or more months on their stay.

Last but not least, Health Maintenance. Now you and I would consider that to be for our current injured veterans, right? A place that is right by the MedCen and even the DOM has RNs and docs and P.A.s that are strictly for them.  Not so it would seem, I know many vets who really have no serious health problems to recover from yet they get to stay there as long as they like (Some have been at the Temple VA for 20-30 years!).

Now maybe I can explain why it is a farce. They have a full size chow hall (Better than active duty mess halls), tv and pool rooms from Hades with large screen TVs, a barber shop, and even an AAFES shopette, and let's not forget those dryers and washers for your laundry, all within the facility. Want to watch the latest DVDs? Just come to the mess hall for movie shows and free popcorn! Want to go fishing you say? We have a lake that is stocked with fish thanks to the American taxpayers! We'll even give you a rod and reel and bait to use!

If you want to learn how to play a musical instrument and sit on your butt all day and play, just visit bldg 146 right next door and come visit, and if P/C games all day are your thing, just visit our P/C lab, and let's not forget, we have a huge selection of DVDs in the library. What? You do not have a DVD player? Don't worry, we have DVD players hooked up to all our TVs!

Free healthcare and free living, and if you are in vocational rehab and have a job on the outside and no vehicle, we will drive you to and from work! Be sure to save all your paychecks as we do not charge you for being in the DOM as we have taxpayers to do that. That way you can have a lot more disposable income than those non-veterans.

So, while I was scheduled to stay there for their SATP, even though I am on 100 percent, it did not cost me a dime. I could not stand it as they allow anybody that is a veteran to stay there (service connected or not), and if you did not watch your things? Well, chances are your food got stolen from the multiple kitchens or items got stolen from your room. We have to support all the crackheads that stay there you know.  ;)

VA was not set up for what they are doing with it. It was originally set up to care for our veterans that iwere wounded in the service (service connected disabilities) while on active-duty. It was not set up so some blokes (actually a lot) could have a place to park their lazy arses and live free (And collect non-service connected disability and other forms of income) while the real wounded vets live in a rathole at Walter Reed and other hospitals. Those vets SHOULD have been flown to different DOMs around the country. Then this whole affair would never had gotten out of hand as it has, and it's bad when even the President was not aware, or chose not to be.

Waco VA should have been wide open like it was in the 90s, yet politics within VA were in Temple VAs favor with the budget, but as Sen. Kay Bailey and Rep. Chet Edwards found out, VA Temple was lying about the true costs at Waco (Cause they wanted more money for their projects) and they got busted on it. That is why VA Waco is still around, though it sits 90% empty after having hundreds of millions of dollars for renovations from 02-06. I might add I saw the interiors of the Waco facility, and it's a lot nicer than what I had in Germany or at Hood. It's a shame that our active duty wounded were not allowed to recuperate in the living quarters  and with the priority healthcare that they deserve.

I hope that explained it  much better.  ;)

Offline Electric Eye

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Re: Simply irresponsible
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2007, 02:50:49 pm »
Irfanview pics cut down to size.  ;D

Offline GE-Raven

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Re: Simply irresponsible
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2007, 04:28:00 pm »
Fabulous.... now how about it gets moved to H&S where it belongs?

Not arguing with your post... just where it is posted.

I prefer Raven to "GE" as that might be confused as Rondo.


Offline Electric Eye

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Re: Simply irresponsible
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2007, 04:52:37 pm »
I'm sure they will move it, so no worries, ok?  ;)

Offline Dash Jones

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Re: Simply irresponsible
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2007, 05:00:15 pm »
I sure hope you don't get put in charge of the Veterans Medical...there are people that fought in other wars you seems you'd be out to hose them too?

That's great, hose the veterans from the War the US is in, along with those from prior wars.

Wow, what a great idea...


Just because you can't see a disability, might not mean one isn't there.
"All hominins are hominids, but not all hominids are hominins."

"Is this a Christian perspective?

Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


We have whale farms in Jersey.   They're called McDonald's.

There is no "I" in team. There are two "I"s in Vin Diesel. screw you, team.

Offline Electric Eye

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Re: Simply irresponsible
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2007, 09:20:07 pm »
Not my call amigo, but wow, lookie here:

In 2004, the U.S. Army Southeast Regional Medical Command & VA Southeast Network Active-Duty Rehab Unit was opened to treat military personnel who required rehabilitation after serving in Iraq or Afghanistan.  The Augusta VA Medical Center and Eisenhower Army Medical Center at Fort Gordon have numerous agreements, which provide for the cost-effective sharing of resources between these two federal health care facilities in the Augusta metropolitan area.

Hmmmmm, how many beds they have?

The Uptown Division, located approximately three miles away, is authorized 123 beds (68 psychiatry, 15 blind rehabilitation and 40 rehabilitation medicine).  In addition, a 132-bed Restorative/Nursing Home Care Unit and a 60-bed Domiciliary are located at the Uptown Division. The medical center serves as a network resource for the treatment of spinal cord injury, blind rehabilitation, post traumatic stress disorder, and psychiatry patients. 

Roughly half of Temple, VA. Kudos to those folks at GA.