More likely it's that you own a storage lot or storefront property and lease it out. Which should you hold responsible, the land owners from whom the shop holders lease from or the shop holders who are giving out the pirated stuff?
Under law? Both... however the landowner is the one directly profiting from the use of the space (with full knowledge) for the distribution of copyrighted material. The protection of (we don't control content) is obviously not completely true as they have a built-in feature to allow the report of offensive content for removal (porn). To this end all they would have to do is allow copyright holders the ability to flag (and automatically hide content from the public) to be reviewed by their staff. However they haven't done this... why? Because they know they are making a ton of coin by hosting such material.
One big problem... no one leases anything... no user pays to have their stuff hosted... Google does it for free with the expectation of ad space sales. Therefore the only one making money will be more likely to be charged.
Napster Tried the "we only host it, we don't check it" defense, and lost... I don't see Google with any better excuse.
If you make a space frequented by crack dealers, that may not be your fault. However if you tailor a space to be used by crack dealers that specifically aids them in circumventing law... then you are complicit in the breaking of that law.
Wow Raven, maybe you and I don't think so different on some things after all.
IMHO, Google should get slammed. YouTube is Napster at it's finest in some ways, and yes, I use it, I'll admit it. It's free, did I say FREE? And there are better quality videos than on the darn tv!
In regards to the airwaves? I agree, I remember if you had a sat dish in the 70's and early 80's you had it made. No decoder boxes, nada was needed, and yet the airwaves were all at the touch of your remote. However, this was a luxury for the rich that could plunk down 2k-5k for a quality dish. The poor and downtrodden had to pay for cable, or worse, go out to the cable box and pirate it.
Now us Americans pay top dollar for dish programming, where in Mexico and Latin America they can program your nice DishNetwork card for 60 bucks, all channels (Porn included) ready to go for at least 3 months. If they zap it within the 3 months, never fear, just take the card back and get it reprogrammed, for free.
