Topic: Orion Pirates and ShipEdit 2.0  (Read 15648 times)

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Offline ChiefBrex

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Orion Pirates and ShipEdit 2.0
« on: March 13, 2007, 09:41:28 pm »
Hey guys, I apologize if this has already been answered on here, but I can't seem to get the search engine to pull up anything relevant to my request. Basically, I want to know if there is a way to get ShipEdit 2.0 to show the UI's of the ships from SFC OP, to kinda help me install all the new ships I got to replace stock ships in OP.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: Orion Pirates and ShipEdit 2.0
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2007, 06:49:16 am »
It's been a while since I installed ShipEdit for OP on my system. I hope that I remember how to do this. Here goes. Give this a try. 

1st; DL and install Shipedit for EAW here.
2nd; Patch it with ShipEdit for OP here.

That'll give you the Ship UIs for OP.
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Offline ChiefBrex

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Re: Orion Pirates and ShipEdit 2.0
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2007, 08:41:51 am »
Thanks man! I should've known there was a different version of ShipEdit for OP. I appreciate your assistance. At least now I can get fixing up my Orion Pirates install!

If I knew how to give you Karma, I would ^_^

Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: Orion Pirates and ShipEdit 2.0
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2007, 01:19:25 am »
You're welcome. Have fun.
It also includes additional weapons and firing arcs that are used in OP that weren't in EAW.
On that note there has been other changes done to OP after ShipEdit was released. There's a thread around that lists them if you want to search for it, but I don't remember where.
For example The firing arcs SFBL and SFBR have been added to the game. Those are the narrow 60 degree arcs directly to the left and right of the ship. I think that LPR and RPR (left plasma rear, and right plasma rear) are also in the game now. Those are the firing arcs used by the Gorn Tugs. I'm working from Taldren day's memory here. So, I might not remember everything. It was stuff added in the 2.5.52 patch. You have to manually edit the shiplist for those.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2007, 01:30:03 am by Rod ONeal »
If Romulans aren't cowards, then why do they taste like chicken?

Offline candle_86

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Re: Orion Pirates and ShipEdit 2.0
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2009, 09:18:14 pm »
there is also shipedit for all SFC, SFC2, and SFCOP on this is where I get mine at. Also did anyone make a program like this for SFC3 i hate using excel