Topic: OP D2 Test Results: Cartel/Empire Map Interaction  (Read 4422 times)

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Re: OP D2 Test Results: Cartel/Empire Map Interaction
« Reply #20 on: March 11, 2003, 09:23:43 am »
Carrie, the problem there is that such settings do nothing for the D2. Anyone other than the Federation team (in your case) would be incapable of taking and boosting hexes. While it's a workable side-step around the issue for people who are playing single-player now, it is by no means a solution. Hopefully someone with the server kit code can come up with one based on various test results and their own examination of the code.

What I would like to see here is a variety of test case results from people under single player and D2, in hopes that someone will happen upon something new and possibly important for finding and resolving the real problems.


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Re: OP D2 Test Results: Cartel/Empire Map Interaction
« Reply #21 on: March 12, 2003, 01:50:59 pm »
Bump. I know people are reading this -- is anyone conducting their own testing?


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Re: OP D2 Test Results: Cartel/Empire Map Interaction
« Reply #22 on: March 13, 2003, 12:39:06 pm »
Hey Nomad,

.. would you know which scripts suffer from the "Patrol Bug"?
(in short, in a patrol-style mission where the smaller ship runs away from larger opponent(s), the bonus points due to size-difference causes the hex DV to flip in favor of the player who disengaged. .. which is plain wrong. )


.. others?


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Re: OP D2 Test Results: Cartel/Empire Map Interaction
« Reply #23 on: March 13, 2003, 04:40:14 pm »
I'd be going on shaky memories if I listed bugged scripts. I would start with the assumption that all patrol missions are affected by the patrol bug, and then try them all out on a test server with someone. I'm away from home, though, and can't do any testing for a couple days.

I responded to your PM on the neutral coop issue, as well. Sorry I can't be more help at the moment.


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Re: OP D2 Test Results: Cartel/Empire Map Interaction
« Reply #24 on: March 18, 2003, 03:23:38 am »
I've just played a OP D2 and noted something D2wise that was... funny.

You CAN take bases and convert them to your side.  However, it's not functioning correctly, precisely.

Do the following things:

1. flip a base hex neutral.

If you save and load at this point, the BASE will also flip neutral.

2. take the hex.

If you save and load again, the base will now be your, shipyards and all.  Wierd huh?

I've also been victim to hex DV wierdness, but can't seem to pin it to anything in particular.

Whee, I can convert bases now (though I can't kill them),



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Re: OP D2 Test Results: Cartel/Empire Map Interaction
« Reply #25 on: March 18, 2003, 08:04:41 am »
Holo, your post really confuses me, so bear with me if I ask some stupid questions or suggest things that are just wrong while I try to understand what you mean.

First, my initial read on what you wrote was that perhaps you are talking about the color of the bases on the D2 hex map. For as long as I can remember, bases (and planets) would retain whatever color they had when you logged in until you next logged out and restarted (or simply logged back in perhaps -- don't recall). This was a display issue only, and was not an indicator of base or planet ownership. This is one of those bugs that don't hurt the function of the game, but are sort of annoying on a recurring basis. If this is not what you were describing, please disregard.

Second, if you are actually having trouble in OP getting bases to flip to your control, where is the problem occurring? You indicate you are able to take the hexes. I'm assuming that this means the political settings and cartel layer interaction are set up in such a way as to allow you to actually take and hold hexes. If you're taking them, then there should be no problem with bases acting as supply points and shipyards once you own the hex. Again, I think maybe the color issue is causing some confusion. Outside of that, I'd need more information before I could really say what's going on.


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Re: OP D2 Test Results: Cartel/Empire Map Interaction
« Reply #26 on: March 18, 2003, 11:10:23 am »
Holo, you can take the base even if it's the other empire's color, as long as you've taken the hex. It just doesn't change colors till you resave, when it rechecks hex ownership. Even if you put another base on top of it.


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Re: OP D2 Test Results: Cartel/Empire Map Interaction
« Reply #27 on: March 18, 2003, 08:36:22 pm »
Yep, same as in multi-player D2. Nothing new in this, but it does look incongruous and it wouldn't hurt if the colours for the installations were updated but it's probably not worth the trouble to do so since the game still functions correctly.  


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Re: OP D2 Test Results: Cartel/Empire Map Interaction
« Reply #28 on: March 18, 2003, 10:22:30 pm »
The map in EAW updates correctly if the server is using SQL. My guess then, is that its an artefact left over from the flat file.


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Re: OP D2 Test Results: Cartel/Empire Map Interaction
« Reply #29 on: March 19, 2003, 02:28:08 am »
If this is a display issue only, why can't I get the shipyards/supply from the base until I reload the game?  As long as it's a different colour, I don't seem to get anything from it;  When I change it's colour, I can then get the shipyards/supply buttons, but not before, even if I take the hex.

I haven't been able to do alot of testing with empire-cartel interactions mainly due to the fact that there aren't any friendly ones in the area, though I DID apparently hurt one of the only allied cartel hexes when I played a mission on it.




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Re: OP D2 Test Results: Cartel/Empire Map Interaction
« Reply #30 on: March 19, 2003, 06:55:18 am »
This is why I wanted to get more info from you -- it sounds like you're having a more serious problem than just not seeing the colors you should. No feedback should be blown off as insignificant, even if it's been covered before. So, you're not able to use the supply or shipyard buttons until the color of the base (or planet?) changes to match your empire?

The normal way it works:

1. Attack enemy hex until it turns neutral (base remains enemy color).
2. Attack now-neutral hex once to flip the hex to your empire.
3. Use base as normal, even though it is still enemy color or white if hex was neutral when first attacked (same session).

But you are instead seeing this?

1. Attack enemy hex until it turns neutral (base remains enemy color).
2. Attack now-neutral hex once to flip the hex to your empire (base still enemy color).
3. Since supply/shipyard won't work, save and reload campaign to see correct base color.
4. Use base as normal.

You mentioned having to save and reload twice, though -- once after flipping hex neutral, and once after flipping it to your empire. Is that the correct sequence of what you're seeing?


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Re: OP D2 Test Results: Cartel/Empire Map Interaction
« Reply #31 on: March 19, 2003, 10:48:26 am »

If this is a display issue only, why can't I get the shipyards/supply from the base until I reload the game?  As long as it's a different colour, I don't seem to get anything from it;  When I change it's colour, I can then get the shipyards/supply buttons, but not before, even if I take the hex.

I haven't been able to do alot of testing with empire-cartel interactions mainly due to the fact that there aren't any friendly ones in the area, though I DID apparently hurt one of the only allied cartel hexes when I played a mission on it.



I have been able to get supplies from a captured sector. You gotta move off of it, then back onto it.
-- Luc


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Re: OP D2 Test Results: Cartel/Empire Map Interaction
« Reply #32 on: March 19, 2003, 01:58:31 pm »
Heh, good point, FS. Sometimes it's hard for me to remember all the little tricks that became standard operating procedure when playing this game.


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Re: OP D2 Test Results: Cartel/Empire Map Interaction
« Reply #33 on: March 19, 2003, 08:23:46 pm »
I don't know anything about this game do I?  

/ \_/ \
 X  x
 = . =

Ah well.  BTW, it seems that all the sectors that I attack with an allied cartel go neutral, whilst any sector I attack with a neutral-untrusted cartel dosen't seem to do anything.  The cartel layer, I mean.

Slowly turning the entire northern Hydran frontier into def2 sectors,
