Never, never get that close to the unknown. Hey, I know I'm late to this campaign, but allow me my moments of shock, won't you? I took a mission in heavy asteroids and found THIS waiting for me! Complete with a pirate ally and three satellite ships!
Nice models Dizzy, for this and the satellites. I didn't realize Andros were going to be in this game. Where did you get the model? It's better than the ones I have.
A quick scan told me I had nothing to worry about. Dizzy had modeled the TR beams by using <gasp> PPDs. What the heck was he thinking? PPDs? That don't show their breakaway killing power. This would be a walk in the park.
Imagine my shock when they opened up at close range with TR heavies........ <urf!> It seems I'd forgotten a UI interface glitch.
Yeah, they were only AI. I survived and won the mission. BUT MY HULL WASN'T HAPPY ABOUT IT! Especially when a certain SOB drafted me right after to rub my nose in it by killing me after I was so proud for living..
(PS: Nice game, Chuut. It was fun, and you flew well. I think you still have all your Gorn skills down pat. My ship was all fixed by the time we closed. I only had a few spares left, but more spares wouldn't have helped me break that tractor.)
-S'Cipio the singed