Hi, all:
I had to unexpectedly leave town to deal with the death of my grandmother (87 years old; survived by a brother (93), two children, four grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren; and lived exactly the way she wanted to her entire life) so I haven't had a chance to reply to this post. I didn't even call Chuut and Agave to explain what was going on, like I should have.
But, back on topic: I love the idea of trying to run raids and blame it on another empire. As every school child knows, there is only one excuse better than, "It was broken when I came in!", and that excuse is, "He did it!". I'll definitely try to work something like that in.
The backstory will need some filling in and I'm still working all that out as I try to develop the story of the server. There are any number of reasons why your empire wouldn't yet be ready for war. The one that set me off was reading about the Romulans at the outbreak of the General War. They couldn't openly support the Klingons during the first few years of the war because their fleet was outdated and they were in the midst of completely retooling it. However, they did send several ships across the Federation border for raids and--when confronted--claimed that these ships were privateers acting without their government's permision.
For now assume that your empire (peace-oving federation; whatever) simply doesn't feel like it has the economy or hardware to successfully wage a war of conquest. The crown (president; whatever) *IS* working on it, but in the meantime he relies on you to keep the enemy from getting ready as fast as your side can.
I'd love to see you guys tell me more aobut what you'd do in the situation described. The more goals I know that you'd go after if you were really there, the more roleplaying victory conditions I can design for the campaign. (Like the sort of things I tried to do for Eco War, only better)