Topic: Dynaverse.Net 2007 Fundraiser is launched!  (Read 5382 times)

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Offline FA Frey XC

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Dynaverse.Net 2007 Fundraiser is launched!
« on: January 18, 2007, 11:17:05 am »
Greetings True Believers!

Over the last three years Dynaverse.Net has committed itself to continuing the Starfleet Command experience, even after Taldren closed it's doors.We've been consistant and reliable in running the directory services for SFC EAW and OP, although we've had a crapload of issues with Comcast / Time Warner since I've moved the servers to my home and gotten residential business class service insstalled. We've incorporated new stuff, built on our existing infrastructure, and turned up new functionality to enhance everyone's experience in one way or another.

Back in Feb. of 2005, we announced our first fund raising event. In this event, the supporters of Dynaverse.Net and the Dynaverse Gaming Association pledged about $644.00 for the year.

Then, in Feb. of 2006, we announced our second fund raising event. In this event, the supporters of Dynaverse.Net and the Dynaverse Gaming Association pledged about $1270 for the year. We took that money and :

$70 went towards a new UPS, we purchased a APC SmartUPS 1400 3 U rack mount, and got new batteries.

$40 went towards the batteries for the above UPS.

$300 went towards the purchase of a new motherboard and a Athlon 64 processor to upgrade our gaming server THOR. That upgrade will be happening this coming weekend.

Which left $860 bucks. ISP costs are $104 a month, so actually as of right now we're $380 in the hole, which of course I've absorbed.

Here's some interesting stats about JUST Dynaverse.Net:

Dynaverse.Net is a volunteer organization who's ran by people that have dedicated themselves to NOT having to charge monthly fees. We've written it in our charter that we're allowed to run a yearly fund raiser for the site to be able to do just that - and it's that time again.

If you enjoy the Dynaverse.Net forums, or ANY of our services (Directory Services for SFC: EAW and OP, IRC for any community member to run for campaign servers, Teamspeak Server for the community [serving not just SFC but a whole slew of games, go check it out if you haven't], Website hosting and FTP hosting for the whole community, Email services for the community, Server campaign hosting for anyone that wants to run a campaign, Serverkit continuing research to incorporate MySQL support for upcoming campaigns, just to name a few  ) then PLEASE consider donating.

I want to make it CLEAR that we have NOT received our paperwork from the State of Texas yet showing the Dynaverse Gaming Association is an offical Non Profit Organization, and part of that is because we've had issues with getting the paperwork right and getting it filed... We HAVE received notification that once that paperwork is submitted and correct, and we've paid the $250 filing fee, we're about 2 months away from being a legitatime Non Profit organization. What does this mean? This means that your donating to D.Net, not the DGA. Due to some...misconceptions a few individuals seemed to have last year, I want to be forward on that right now.

Those of you who's donation last year met or exceeded the $20 minimum to become a voting member of the DGA had the difference notated, and you'll all be getting emails stating who owes dues, who doesn't, and how much you owe. Anyone that wants to renew now is welcomed to email or PM me to find out what, if anything, you owe for this year. These emails will be out shortly.

Everyone else, dig deep and donate HERE, because we've got a couple things we need to move even further forward:

1. A new server for Dynaverse.Net: Currently the server is running on a Prol.iant ML350, with dual Pentium 1.00 GHz processors and 1 GB of memory, but we still want to upgrade it to something with more power. We're considering swapping around some hardware, but a single 2.8GHZ box with up-to-date memory would probably really work well.To that end, we're already working on progressing towards that goal. Hardware, heck if you've got it and want to donate it, let me know and we'll move faster

2. ISP upgrade. We're working with my new company to get the Dynaverse.Net server and the XenoCorp server moved to their facility when they have FiOS installed, which should be by the end of this week, or first two weeks of Febuary. We've offered to help defray the costs of their internet services costs, which will probably run about $50 a month. This will handle the "Time-Warner" quotient and remove them from the loop entirely. More to come on this exciting event soon!

So, we ask you all to show your support and donate today. You can donate HERE. We'd like to thank everyone who has already donated, and we want to thank everyone in advance that will donate. Considering we've almost got 2000 members now, it would be a relatively easy thing to raise $1000 or more for a new server. Dynaverse.Net will continue to lead the community in our offerings of support and development, how fast and efficiently is up to you.

Best wishes in this New Year of 2007 - let's start it off with a BAM!


The Dynaverse.Net Admin Team

P.S. Edited, thanks DIZ YOU BAS>.. er heh.

« Last Edit: January 18, 2007, 10:22:05 pm by FA_Frey_XC »
Vice President of Technology,
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Dynaverse.Net 2007 Fundraiser is launched!
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2007, 03:56:49 pm »
HAHAHAHAHA! I FINALLY will get some cash this year and MIGHT send you some!!! Hold your breath for about a month and I'll send you a couple hundred. And your last HERE link isnt a link. Are there one or two, cuz one does work.

Offline Sirgod

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Re: Dynaverse.Net 2007 Fundraiser is launched!
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2007, 04:50:24 pm »
Does this also mean I get to see the mighty Dizzy when the weather clears up?   ;D


Seriously to out fellow members. Even if the best you can do is $5.00, it all adds up, and helps keep this place going. when you not only look at the Game stuff, but also the incredible resources available in the Engineering forum, to help keeps PC's going, the Holodeck where we all visit about Movies and TV, and of course the fan fiction, It's well worth a few bucks guys.

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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Dynaverse.Net 2007 Fundraiser is launched!
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2007, 07:51:53 pm »
Does this also mean I get to see the mighty Dizzy when the weather clears up?   ;D


Seriously to out fellow members. Even if the best you can do is $5.00, it all adds up, and helps keep this place going. when you not only look at the Game stuff, but also the incredible resources available in the Engineering forum, to help keeps PC's going, the Holodeck where we all visit about Movies and TV, and of course the fan fiction, It's well worth a few bucks guys.


Hell ya Biatch! I just bought the cart before the horse tho. My 07 33' sunset creek is sitting at the dealership... waiting for me to get something to tow it with. i figure my Hyundai tiburon just aint up to snuff yet. So pretty soon! Looking at an expedition or a suburban... I like the suburban better. More space in the back.

Anyway's when I get one, I'll PM you and we can figure out when's a good time.

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Re: Dynaverse.Net 2007 Fundraiser is launched!
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2007, 09:18:21 pm »
Well my donation is sent :)

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Offline Bartok

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Re: Dynaverse.Net 2007 Fundraiser is launched!
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2007, 09:46:59 pm »
Right now I don't have a PayPal Account I had some problems/headaches/spam issues which prompted me to close it...

Could a snail mail address be posted for those of us who'd like to send a check?  -- also, just to make it all clear, exactly how it should be filled out "Pay to the Order Of" info.....

many ThanX

Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: Dynaverse.Net 2007 Fundraiser is launched!
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2007, 10:15:48 pm »
Indeed.  I have no want or desire to open a paypal account.  But, I'll check what I have this weekend, If its what I expect it to be, I'll definately be sending some myself.
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Offline FA Frey XC

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Re: Dynaverse.Net 2007 Fundraiser is launched!
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2007, 10:23:50 pm »
You can send checks to me:

Payable to : Frey Petermeier


2918 Lakewood Dr.
Garland, TX 75042

In the MEMO field, make sure you put "Dynaverse.Net Fundraiser 2007"


Vice President of Technology,
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Offline Sirgod

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Re: Dynaverse.Net 2007 Fundraiser is launched!
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2007, 10:15:23 am »
Hey Frey, IF you make enough, I'll come down and help place some anti-Personal mines around the cable junction, so peeps will stop stealing bandwidth. :D

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: Dynaverse.Net 2007 Fundraiser is launched!
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2007, 01:25:05 pm »
You can send checks to me:

Payable to : Frey Petermeier


2918 Lakewood Dr.
Garland, TX 75042

In the MEMO field, make sure you put "Dynaverse.Net Fundraiser 2007"


is there a minimum and how do i pay with paypal?

Offline FA Frey XC

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Re: Dynaverse.Net 2007 Fundraiser is launched!
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2007, 08:46:15 am »
There is no minimum, simply follow the link in the first post to contribute via paypal.


PS. Currently we've collected about $350 in donations!

Thank you !


Vice President of Technology,
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Offline EmeraldEdge

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Re: Dynaverse.Net 2007 Fundraiser is launched!
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2007, 09:08:52 am »
Well, that's not nearly enough.  I'll have to see what I can scrounge up a the moment.  Out of curiosity, and it won't effect my donation, but is the $20 and over still getting a voting membership of the dga?  Might kick some folks in the ribs to donate more if they knew they were getting something out of it, I don't know.

Offline SkyFlyer

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Re: Dynaverse.Net 2007 Fundraiser is launched!
« Reply #12 on: March 01, 2007, 03:20:46 am »
Once I get a job you should see a check Frey.
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Offline Strayy

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Re: Dynaverse.Net 2007 Fundraiser is launched!
« Reply #13 on: March 01, 2007, 11:54:46 am »
Strayy's Tavern sends $25.00 ....  and a couple cases of Romulan Ale... figure u can use 'em about now   :P

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Re: Dynaverse.Net 2007 Fundraiser is launched!
« Reply #14 on: March 01, 2007, 07:46:36 pm »
$25.00 from me sent in...

Oh, and I have a case of Romulan Ale and a bottle of Blood Wine I bought in Las Vegas...not sharing them though.
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Re: Dynaverse.Net 2007 Fundraiser is launched!
« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2007, 01:21:04 pm »
Sorry I didn't see this thread earlier.  I'll send in the same contribution amount I did last year.

Thanks for the status report at the beginning of this thread.

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Re: Dynaverse.Net 2007 Fundraiser is launched!
« Reply #16 on: March 07, 2007, 06:21:37 am »
Holy crap !!   I totally missed this thread somehow.   Give me a couple weeks Frey and I'll get you some $$.  Might not be quite as much as last year, but I'll try and put a dent in it though  ;)
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