I'll be putting in my $10 for a ticket, you can bet on that. Even if I had to share it...well let's just say the Democatic Party would be VERY happy.
Hmm, then I could really start a business venture...Internet television, subscription based with on-demand original programming. How much revenue COULD I make by making made-for-internet television? What broadcasting regulations would apply? Could I show full nudity on some shows without worrying about broadcast decency requirements? Boobies for straight guys and lesbians, male appendages for women and gay guys...Hmm....why wait for the millions from the lottery?
Time to put together a business plan and get some investers. Maybe some of those folks asking to invest in my script? I've seen people do small-scale stuff with individual shows...but I mean actually trying to make money off of this?
Okay, yeah, hmm, thanks for the idea guys!