« Reply #21 on: March 14, 2003, 02:09:39 am »
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH yeah, just imagine having a cross bread mod. You could have Star Wars as one race, Star Trek obviously as another (gee ya think?), Bab 5 as another and finaly that classic Battlestar Galactica which rocked so many years ago.
Nice work by the way, gota love those STD's
Thats the plan, except for one thing. The fourth race, where the Borg go, will have regenerative armor (hardcored in the game), so we can't put anything there. The plan is to have Fed/Klink/Roms in one race slot, Star Wars in another, Dominion/Cardassians in another, and Borg in the last IN THE INITIAL RELEASE. Then we find someone who knows Babylon 5 specs and we'll make an update that makes the races Star Trek, Star Wars, B5, and Borg. We may sneak BattleStar Galactica in there with one of the races as we have 4 BG models
« Last Edit: March 14, 2003, 11:04:17 am by Praxis »
