I've been asked to help fix sfc3 files, to make it more suitable to the sfc community based on my experiences running BCfiles. The admin of SFC3 is apaprently in agreement with this. I have a number of ideas, but before I list them, it has come to my attention that there are a few people around here and in outalance that apprently have made their feelings known. Something to the effect of "if starforce2 becomes staff on sfc3files I'll never touch a filesnetwork site again". All I have to say to those persons is this: grow up. I've been asked to put my skills to use to help improve a filesnetwork site in trouble, and it will help the SFC community as a whole. If anyone doesn't like it, that's tough. I'm going to go ahead and do it for everyone else that has enough common sense to realise that such improvements are good for all. The rest can go rotate. In oder to assit them in the way FW has asked me to, I will probably need admin access to sfc3files. However, even if I am handed control of it I do not want to run it or keep it. That's phase one of my improvement plan:
1) New staff. FW doesn't have time to run SFC3 and outalance. Now, FW has indicated that theft and lack of proper crediting is pretty much rampant on sfc3. To help stop this we need people on the staff who are familiar with most of the work and are well connected in the community toknow the who's who and what's what. So, we need staff hand picked from dynaverse modders. FW say dawg is willing to help but a FN site can't run on 2 people. Assuming McCobbin wants to stay, and FW wants to stay, and Dawg is in, we need 2-3 more people to assist with posting files.
1) DSL or cable, some kind of high speed net
2) Decent english
3) Email and FTP programs
4) Familiarity with the community
If the above applies to you and you are interested post in this thread, PM me, Or contact FW, or Dawg. You don't need to say why you'd be good for a the job, we just need to know who's interested.
Other changes I plan to make or suggest be made:
1) have the general permissions thread updated, more authors added, and have it displayed on a page on the left menu of SFC3files.
2) Imrpove the links section
3) Add dynaverse next to the offcial FN forums on the left menu. This is similar to the way BCU is listed over at BCFiles.
Anyways, lets get going with the staff signup. Who here is interested in working at sfc3 files??