Topic: Wonderous !  (Read 950 times)

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Offline RazalYllib

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Wonderous !
« on: February 07, 2007, 06:38:39 pm »
I just Love the of my fave things ito do recreationally is listening to live recordings of the Grateful Dead doing what they like to do, make music for an audience...which was recorded by someone and shared freely per the bands wishes at the time

In my early deadhead days I was given a nice starting collection of decent tapes and over time aquired some point I wound up with a decent audience recording of 26Sep91 at Boston Garden

The cassette tape of the show got a heck of a lot of play and was one of the few I made a "backup" of...eventually the orig got ate by a tape deck and in the fullness of time, so did the back up.

I lost track of "exactly" what show it was that got lost through the passage of time as did others in my small collection (either mechanical failure, gifit of a tape, absolute boneheadness of leaving tapes in someone elses car/van/apartment/boat etc and forgetting about it) any way I got a copy of deadbase some time ago and never really used it in an attempt to "reconstitute" my archive of lost recordings that are probably available as part of the Live Music Internet Archive where over 1k shows are currently just a mouse click away.

This particular permutation of a very good one...ole Bruce Hornsby sitting in with da boyz and doing his thing. They rip through the first set, which ebbs and flows like a good first set until the second takes you OUT THERE....courtasy of the rarest of the rare- Dark Star opened the second set which set the whole second set more or less within the two Dark Star verses...sandwiched as it were.

This is a unique performance and is in someway, pretty normal for them.
When I found this and listened to little of it (mp3 only but better than ZERO file type available) the hairs on my arms stood up as I recognized the recording, I thought I would share a little light on the DV community by posting a link to it.

This deadhead affirms that the show is A+ from the first note to the last and for a non-deadhead, it might be worth a listen.
It is shows like this, is why people followed them around.

If you take a little time and listen to show, just out of curiousity...any comments on the show are most welcome

ps..oops almost forgot...if you like what U hear on the desktop speakers and u would like a disc to play on your nice 1000 watt dolby rig, the streaming files are saved in your browser cache...just copy em over and burn em no break between tracks...they are MP3's unfortunately, but better than nothing, I use adobe audition on some shows to bump up the dynamic range, but not nearly the quality of the orig .wav ...
Comes a time when the blind man takes your hand
Says "don't you see?"
Gotta make it somehow
On the dreams you still believe
Don't give it up
You got an empty cup
Only love can fill
Only love can fill