Topic: USS Yorktown NCC-61137  (Read 7661 times)

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Offline Scottish Andy

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Re: USS Yorktown NCC-61137
« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2007, 10:08:41 am »
Okay, that's what I thought the general opinion would be, as it mirrors my own. I too prefer the smaller saucer. As I mentioned earlier on, the larger size comes from a re-calculation of the size of the Niagara-class saucer section by Ex Astris Scientia, which pushed the Niagara's size from 480m long to 565m long.

Starforce, the sizes for my two ship versions are...
Length: 375m
Beam:   310m
Height:  76.5m

Length: 392.3m
Beam: 364.5m
Height: 84.4m

FW, that is how I have her in my own shiplist for comparison: the original is the CL, the new version is the CL+. However, that was just for comparison screenshots. The (fairly) established length for the Niagara is 480m, not 565m, so since it's all conjectural anyway, I'm sticking with the smaller saucer for a far more balanced-looking ship. In actual practice, refitting a ship with a saucer that is exactly the same shape and just 18% bigger in all dimensions strikes me as a little silly.  :D
« Last Edit: March 26, 2007, 08:56:27 am by Scottish Andy »
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Re: USS Yorktown NCC-61137
« Reply #21 on: March 22, 2007, 08:15:13 pm »
Interesting design, looks like to be a cross between an ambassador class and a galaxy =) Very nifty looking.

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Offline Scottish Andy

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Re: USS Yorktown NCC-61137
« Reply #22 on: March 23, 2007, 09:59:08 am »
Thanks, Punisher.  :D
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Re: USS Yorktown NCC-61137
« Reply #23 on: March 23, 2007, 04:51:38 pm »
you know you could have used the 2 notches on either side of the deflector dish as torpedo tubes rather than putting it in the same spot as the galaxy. ever though of that?

Offline Scottish Andy

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Re: USS Yorktown NCC-61137
« Reply #24 on: March 26, 2007, 09:21:19 am »
you know you could have used the 2 notches on either side of the deflector dish as torpedo tubes rather than putting it in the same spot as the galaxy. ever though of that?

I think I may have, Starforce, although it flitted very nebulously though my head and then fell out. My reasoning for only two torpedo tubes is that the much larger and more capable Galaxy class of 10 years later only has two tubes as well. Additionally, each of those tubes could rapid-fire and burst-fire torpedoes (check the stats I give for this in my initial post), so then-current Starfleet/Federation thinking had stated that a single tube in each arc was all that was necessary.

Also, I have the same Engineering Hull on my Zodiac as is used on the New Orleans-class heavy frigate, ostensibly "for ease of production". That hull has a single forward and single aft tube.

I'm going for those notches being "engineering sensors" like the three "blocks" surrounding the Constitution's Navigational Deflector.
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