Hi all, welcome to Baby's First Quality Kitbash. Many thanks go out to the people who contributed to my
'Advice for a Beginning Modeller' thread and made this possible, and I'm certainly looking forward to hearing the reviews on this one. MP will I'm sure be perfectly relieved that I'll stop pestering and nitpicking!

Hopefully I'll soon be able to bash as well as well as you do, MP!
Extra special thanks go to LC Amaral for making such beautiful ships in the first place.
Clyde Fleet Shipyards
USS Yorktown NCC-61137Zodiac class cruiser.

Owner/Operator: United Federation of Planets/Starfleet.
Type: General purpose cruiser.
Availability: Widespread. In service from 2347
Production Run: 2347-2367
The Zodiac-class can trace its design lineage all the way back to the Baton Rouge-class ships of the 2220s, through the Belknap class of the 2270s, and the Renaissance class of the 2300s. Her design replacement in the stables of Starfleet has already been introduced in the form of the Intrepid-class light cruiser of the 2370s, enshrining the viability of this design lineage and securing its place in t he annals of Starfleet history.
The Zodiac-class cruiser was developed in parallel with the New Orleans-class heavy frigate, with both classes entering service beside one another in 2347. While the New Orleans was a frigate built into a cruiser hullform and as such proved itself to be a very capable and somewhat versatile long-range escort vessel, the Zodiac class was imagined from the outset to be a general purpose cruiser and as such she was to include cargo bays, VIP quarters, vastly expanded (over the New Orleans class) scientific facilities, more comfortable crew quarters and recreational facilities, and other such equipment that would not be found in the design for the tactically-oriented New Orleans class.
From the outset it was decided to link the two projects together in the same manner as the Avenger-class heavy frigate and the Miranda-class light cruiser of the 2270s, and to simplify hull construction many of the same elements were used in both classes. The planned engineering hull and warp engines of the New Orleans was deemed entirely suitable for the proposed Zodiac class, but the small saucer section planned for the New Orleans class was obviously too small for the extensive facilities that the Zodiac class’ fleet role necessitated. It was decided to utilise the same main section design as was used for the failed Niagara class of large exploratory cruisers, as the vastly greater internal volume of that ship’s saucer section provided plenty of space for the scope of the Zodiac-class’ missions, as well as room for any foreseen future upgrades in equipment. It was also decided not to upgrade the Niagara class saucer design with full arc phaser strips as the Zodiac class’ role was not as primarily defensive as the New Orleans was. The time and resources this saved in reworking the saucer section allowed the rapid progress from design to prototyping stage and allowed the class to enter production a full year earlier than projected.
With this greater mass and the vastly different warpfield profile that the larger saucer resulted in, simulations showed that the most efficient position for the nacelles would be located more centrally to the ship’s centre of balance. The optimal position was decided as close in and level with the engineering hull, and the shortened nacelle pylons rendered the Zodiac class every bit as manoeuvrable as her smaller companion.
With this positioning of the warp nacelles, the phaser strips on the lower aft saucer surface were removed as the engines blocked off the majority of their arc. An array was fitted amidships to the underside of the engineering hull, larger than on the New Orleans class, to compensate.
This class has proven so successful that it enjoyed a twenty-year production run, unbroken in only two shipyards but when the need for a reliable cruiser design to fill out Fleet support roles was needed, as many as ten shipyards were involved in construction of this class. Over one hundred of these solidly-performing cruisers were built, and notable ships include the USS
Leo NCC-59583 and USS
Emerald NCC-61274, both lost at the Battle of Wolf 359, the USS
Capricorn NCC-59617 and USS
Gemini NCC-61051, both lost in the unsuccessful attempt to hold Starbase 310 against superior Dominion forces in January 2374, and the USS
Yorktown NCC-61137.
StatisticsLength: 375m
Beam: 310m
Height: 76.5m
Armament Phasers: Nine (9) Type-IX arrays giving 720 degree arc;
Torpedoes: One (1) forward and one (1) rear Type 70 photon tubes; Firing rate: 2 per second; Burst fire: 4 simultaneously
Kitbasher: Scottish Andy
Minor Retexturing: Scottish Andy
Scale: Scottish Andy
Hardpoints & Damage Points: Scottish Andy
Models & Textures used: LC Amaral’s New Orleans class, LC Amaral’s Niagara class, Rick Knox’ (a.k.a. Pnuemonic81 or p81) Nebula class
Build time: 9 hours (7 on Sunday, 2 today)
Additional retexturing and HP/DP mapping & testing: 4 hours