They are using OLD SoA models for this mod?! I almost sympathize with them lol! Those models look terrible compared to the newer work done here.
Seriously, the SoA work is 5+ years old, and very low poly/texture quality compared to more recent SFC work we did. They have me credited for a Soveriegn that i tweaked, but i did not build it (that model was later rejected, and replaced with Redragons sov for the SoA mod). Good luck trying to contact anyone from the old SoA team since most of them dissapeared off the face of the earth years ago. I havnt seen or heard from Redragon in a long time.
As far as i am concerned they can mod away with the SoA stuff. We dont use those models anymore so at least "someone" is putting them to good use. Redragon has stated many times that he dont mind people using his stuff as long as he is mentioned. Same with stuff i made, and if they dont i'm not going to make a big deal out of it. Most of the stuff i made is years old, and obsolete. Modeling for me was just a hobby i shared with the community. Whats the point in sharing if you dont SHARE? I know others opinions differ from mine, but at least we agree to disagree on it.
I understand how this can cause uproars in the community. I've seen enough situations like this in the SFC community alone. It has happened with my own work before. Some good artist stopped modeling because of situations this. In this case it looks like it can be resolved in a civil matter. They want to use the communitys models fine let them. If they try to claim they made the models themselves then go ahead, and raise hell. I dont see them claiming they did the work themselves, and they are at least trying to credit. Cut em a little slack.