Without the clutter of bumping old pages or trying to be a bother, Story #5 is going to posted soon.
It is entitled 'Home Base', and I'm not implying sexual connotation here...
I save that for #7, 'A Quicky'.
The next story shows my efforts to NOT write an all-combat storyline, and deal with various issues, such as Ford's differences in command style and how others percieve him. There's some character building as well, though as I read over it I somewhat wish I'd done even more of it. But, then, there's always the next 'Episode'.
I'm well into writing Story # 10, which won't be a very long one, I imagine. I've begun going through # 6 to Andy-Proof it befoire posting.

For those who have been turning back up and haven't read any of the previos 'Episodes', I'll warn that you be lost if you haven't read over them. And yes, I am coyly trying to get folks to reread them... I'm ashamed...
Well, maybe not.
--thu Guv!