Okay, it's completed.

I decided to leave the pod texture the way that it was because I wanted to really show that this was a cobbled together ship in this fashion and the mount *was* designed to be mounted with a bottom slung pod.

Too late tonight to upload it, but I do have enough time before bed to add two final shots of the fore and aft. I cleaned up the nacelle bussard a bit and it looks much much better.. and I changed the back nacelle glowies to all blue as per the Daedelus mesh that I've seen.
I also did some additional work on the back of the secondary hull, beefed up the rear hanger door, added illumination to it (a bit), and also added landing lights to the back of the ship, plus fixed the rear registry.
A *lot* of work for a fun ship.. but I think the final result looks decent, and could even be a plausible design. Just not a practical one.

So here's the shots, and tomorrow after work, I'll go about uploading the Cletus somewhere where it can be downloaded from..