Topic: Calyx: A serial novel of the Federation  (Read 38547 times)

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Re: Calyx: A serial novel of the Federation
« Reply #80 on: November 19, 2007, 10:31:16 pm »

Personally, though, I don't like manga/anime in the slightest. (La'ra can vouch for me on that one, LOL.) It's a shame, because I thought the story started off with an interesting hook, but now it's gotten a bit too 'out there' for me to read, for some of the reasons Vipre mentioned. It's nothing against you as a writer, I like your work that I've read previously to this story, I just can't stand this particular style.

BAH! *sniff*

--thu guv!!
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'Jaken...are you pretending to be dead?' --Lord Sesshomaru, Inuyasha.

Offline Andromeda

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Re: Calyx: A serial novel of the Federation
« Reply #81 on: November 21, 2007, 03:39:55 am »
CHAPTER 6 - Obstinance

Saturday afternoon, before the formal ball, there was a knock on the door of Acasja's suite in Cochrane Hall.  Angela reached it first and opened it to reveal a student carrying several large boxes.  "A delivery for Acasja Tilfe from Captain Applebaum," he said.  Then he noticed how big the room was.  "Wow!  This is overflow?  It's big enough for an admiral!"  He brought the boxes in and sat them in the chair.
While Acasja showed him quickly back out, Angela opened one of the boxes.  "Look Lady Acasja, a dress from Captain Applebaum."  She held up a white frilly skirt which was covered with the red roses that he favoured.  

Acasja was already dressed as casually as she could and still display her unique style.  She frowned and looked at the gown.  She noted the card that had fallen out of the box when Angela had lifted up the dress and Acasja made a dismissive gesture.  "If he thinks I would prance off to a party in that frill-fest..."

"What, you're not going?"  It was one of the rare times that Angela had shown emotion.

Acasja looked down at the card.  It read See you there, Tommy.  She stepped on it, pressing it into the floor with her heel.  "It's not my style.  You go in it.  It's too nice to waste and since you always sit alone in class..."

"But, I..." Angela didn't finish the sentence and her head and arms sagged.

"Don't you have any friends?'

Angela set the dress on the chair.  She picked up Geoffrey.  "Sure, right here."

The marmoset and Acasja seemed to both agree.  It hopped off of Angela and into her arms.  "You need to go out and mingle with some humans."

"But Lady Acasja, I should always be with you.  Always."  The marmoset jumped down and sought a place to hide as Acasja pushed Angela towards the dress.

That evening, Wanda and a few of her friends sat beside a fountain that had been created for the ball.  All were dressed in ball gowns, but looked rather glum.  They watched as several couples occupied the dance floor; most of the male students were in dress uniforms while the female students wore gowns.  She knew how Acasja would be dressed if she decided to come.  "It's no fun going to a ball if you don't have a date.  I wish Acasja were here."  Her eyes strayed to the hors d'œuvre.

"Look!" The girl to her left grabbed Wanda's arm.  "Isn't that Acasja?"

"Omigosh!" The phrase escaped her as a single word and Wanda stood up suddenly.  "Acasja's dressed as a girl?"

Her friends crowded around Wanda.  "She looks so adorable."  "Isn't she cute?"  "I almost wish I was a guy."

The object of their attention stood self-consciously in the doorway leading into the ballroom.  The portrait neckline of her gown left Acasja's shoulders uncomfortably bare. She could feel her hair on the back of her shoulders.  A single white rose adorned her head, pinned to one side.  Unlike most of the other female students, she hadn't had time for anything more formal.  It made her stand out even more.  "I told you I didn't want to wear this thing," she said crossly to Angela.

"I'm sorry for making you wear that embarrassing outfit, Lady Acasja," the girl replied, "just so I could get out and make friends."

She knew just the right button to push.  "Harsh!" Acasja complained, but relaxed and uncrossed her arms from in front of her.  The two of them entered the ballroom.

Within seconds, Captain Applebaum seemed to appear out of nowhere.  "There you are.  You look lovely."  He spread his arms in appreciation.  "Now, turn that way and let me have a good look at you."  Acasja's arms went back across the front of her gown and she turned as he directed.  Her face contorted in a grimace but she kept silent. "It looks great on you.  I knew I had an eye for lady's clothes."

To stop Acasja from creating an angry scene, Angela stepped in.  ''Thank you for sending her that beautiful dress, Captain."

Acasja was already too angry to stop though.  "Just let me remind you that I didn't come here to dance.  So don't get the wrong idea."

He grinned, but bowed slightly.  "Of course, of course."

"Thomas!" a female voice interrupted.

Acasja turned to see Lieutenant Tyler and Lieutenant Commander Zoppi approaching.  Both, she noted with some degree of anger, were in dress uniform.  "Could you be Acasja Tilfe?" he asked her.  Apparently he had forgotten the one time they had met face to face, Acasja thought with relief.

"Yes," replied Lieutenant Tyler before Acasja could speak.  "She's just a normal girl and yet she drove poor Kevin into complete despair."

To be so casually dismissed by her own company commander raised Acasja's already on-edge temper even higher.  "Complete despair?" asked Captain Applebaum.  "What do you mean?"

Lieutenant Tyler shook her head.  "Don't tell me you haven't been paying attention.  He's barely come to class since losing that duel.  What do we do?"

Acasja was relieved to see that the captain was actually turning his attention away from her.  "This isn't good," he said.  "There's no telling how far Kevin will go when he's desperate.  Suddenly worried about Angela from that remark, Acasja turned to find she was no longer by her side.  She could not see her through the crowded room and wondered how they had become separated.

Angela stood by the fountain on the far side of the ballroom, surrounded by several female midshipmen from the first class.  "It's all your fault, Angela Otori," one said accusingly.  "Kevin is all messed up because of you."  Another added, "He even resigned from the boxing team."  "Behind that innocent face, there's a witch," said a third.  "What did you do to him?"

"Stop it!" a male voice cut firmly through the small group.  Commander Simon stood in behind them only long enough to get their attention.  Then he forced his way through them to stand by Angela's side.  "Get away from her and leave her alone."

The girls backed away from his angry countenance.  "If that's how you want it," one said, trailing off before retreating. "He looks scary," another said, "come on."  

"Angie," he said, "you look beautiful in that dress I sent you.  Please be my bride and come away with me."  Without waiting for her to answer, he grabbed her by the arm and forcefully escorted her toward the door.

Acasja was alone with Captain Applebaum.  They stood on a balcony overlooking one of the gardens on the academy grounds.  Overhead the full moon shone down on them.  She realized he was looking intently in a particular direction.  Wondering what he was staring at, she turned to look but saw only trees.  Then she realized he was looking at her.  "You said you would tell me about 'Last Judgment' if I came." she said quickly.

He was leaning on one arm, gazing at her.  "I was thinking," he remarked, "about how beautiful you are."

Acasja was thankful they were alone.  The cool breeze was some comfort for her suddenly burning face.  "What, what are you..." she began and then stopped short.  Behind Thomas, through the open doors that lead back to the ballroom she could see Angela and Commander Simon.

Somehow he sensed her attention and turned to look back at Acasja.  He grabbed Angela more tightly and changed directions.  Acasja and Captain Applebaum were closer to the exit than he was.  Acasja realized he was heading for one of the old elevator shafts that were still used in the building. "He's going to do something to Angela," she shouted, and moved. Forgetting her formal dress, she leaped off the balcony, determined to meet the elevator when its doors opened on the floor below.

Captain Applebaum stared after her for one second only.  "Amazing."  Then he sped back into the ballroom and grabbed his two friends.  "You're right.  Kevin is out of control and we have to stop him before he does something that will ruin us all."  They raced toward the staircase and to the ground floor.

Acasja made it to the elevator in time.  Just as the doors opened she burst in between them.  Commander Simon had one hand on Angela's shoulder.  "Acasja!" he said in surprise.  

"Give her back to me!" she shouted at him.  

"I challenge you to a duel and this time if I win, I keep Angela for good," he answered her.  His other hand, which had been hidden, now came up.  He was holding a phaser.  He leveled it at her.  

The martial training she had been learning in class presumed that one might be unarmed faced with the task of disarming a person with a phaser.  Acasja stepped against him and grasped his wrist with both hands.  To maintain control of the weapon, he was forced to release Angela.  That was what Acasja was waiting for.  With Angela no longer in his grip, she released his wrist and shoved Angela out of the elevator with one hand and pushed a random button with the other.  

The doors closed and she could here Angela pounding on them and desperately calling out her name.  A burst from the phaser tore into the door and Acasja realized it was not set to stun.  She dodged into the center of the tight room.  She dropped to the floor to avoid the next shot but was trapped in the corner.

"I'm unarmed and in a ball gown," she said to him.  "This isn't fair."

"That doesn't concern me, Acasja Tilfe," he replied and saluted her with the phaser as though it were a sword.  "All that matters is defeating you and now is the time.  Prepare yourself."

Acasja's eyes darted left toward the closed door to the elevator.  There was no help there.  She looked up at the Commander as he slowly lowered his weapon toward her.  She realized she was trapped and decided to meet her fate standing.  She put her arms against the walls and started to pull herself up.  As he levelled the weapon at her, the door burst open.  A heavy object filled her vision and fell on her as the phaser fired.  Captain Appelbaum's face appeared in front of hers.  "Ah, good to see that dress I got you isn't stained," he said and collapsed in her arms.

"Captain!" the distressed voice of Mickey Zoppi said from the entrance.  Kevin Simon stood, looking blankly down at the body and the phaser slipped from his hand.  

Acasja looked up numbly, "I thought he was just an unfeeling playboy."

"How did this come to pass?" Mickey asked sharply, but neither Acasja nor Kevin answered him.  She bent over the Captain and cradled him in her arms.  She vaguely heard someone call for a doctor.  She realized his shoulder was covered with blood and that he was still alive.  She kept her hand over the wound, holding in the blood, until help arrived.  

It quickly became the talk of the ball, and a large crowd had gathered by the time two medical technicians took Captain Applebaum to sickbay.  Acasja and several of the other officers marched across the campus to be with him.  The phaser had disappeared before the staff arrived.  Acasja noticed that her dress was no longer free of blood.

Only Lt. Commander Zoppi, Lt. Tyler, Acasja and Angela were permitted in the medical building and all four were ushered into a waiting room.  Julie Tyler paced angrily before settling against a wall.  "This is taking forever," she growled.

"Yes, I hope he's alright," Mickey agreed calmly.

Angela was standing over Acasja, rubbing her back and attempting to comfort her.  "This is all my fault."

"But you did not do anything."

"No!  He got shot by Commander Simon in my place.  I thought he was just a selfish womanizer.  I never thought he would do that for me."  A pair of booted feet were suddenly in front of her and they stopped before her with a loud thump.  Acasja looked up to see Julie Tyler's fist coming right at her.  It struck the side of her head behind the temple and she looked up, dazed.

"Don't you go and flatter yourself!"  Lt Tyler was surprisingly angry.  "You can't continue in the duels if you're dead or hurt.  That's why he stepped in.  It's not because he likes you, by any means."

Combined with the stress of the evening, the verbal assault brought Acasja to tears.  Thankfully a doctor entered the room.  "We're done," he said.  "Not a thing to worry about. He should rest here for a few days, though."

"Can we see him?" Mickey asked.  "Sure."

As she stood up to go in, Acasja felt a firm hand grasp her shoulder.  "You stay out," Lt. Tyler ordered.  "I am your commanding officer, captain of the fencing team." She held her left hand so Acasja could see the ring with the symbol of the starship Defiant.  "I will settle this with you sooner than you think.  I'm not like Kevin.  I will prepare myself to win."  She released Acasja and followed after the doctor.

Acasja shook her head, trying to clear it.  "Why should two girls have to fight?"

Another hand laid itself on her shoulder.  "Midshipman Tilfe?"  Commander Zoppi held up his ring with the Potemkin seal.

"I can't duel you now," Acasja whimpered.  She felt weak and vulnerable.

"I don't intend to challenge you," he said.  "I don't like it.  We shouldn't be treating Midshipman Otori like a trophy to be won."

Acasja sighed with relief.  "I didn't think any of you officers saw it that way."  She impulsively put her arms around him.  "I hope this means we can be friends."  He remained stiff in her grasp so she released him.  "I'm sorry."

Perspiration was running down his cheek.  "Please excuse me," he said and started after Lt. Tyler.  He stopped at the door and turned to face her, standing at attention.  To her surprise, he saluted her.  "I am Midshipman Lt. Commander Mickey Zoppi, and I am pleased to meet you."

Acasja wasn't sure how to react since she was out of uniform for the ball.  She waved her hand at him.  "Oh, yeah.  Me too."  Then he turned and disappeared down the hallway.

Acasja looked after him, thinking how sweet he was.  "Acasja!" Wanda's loud voice called.  The girl had slipped into the building unnoticed.  "I got worried about you so I came over here."  Despite both of them wearing formal dresses, she followed with her traditional greeting. This time though, she immediately released Acasja.  "That was Mickey!  He talked to you!"

"You call him Mickey?" Acasja asked in astonishment.  "He's an officer."

"Get a clue, kid," Wanda retorted.  "He's so hot.  The girls are all over him.  He's so pretty and so nice.  He's had perfect grades since he got here and is a piano prodigy!  He and Lt. Tyler are best friends.  He's so calm and she's so wild.  They make a good team.  He's so nice and she's so scary.  Quite a pair, eh?"

"I see," Acasja said, and gave the hallway toward Captain Applebaum's room a last look.  "That smack of hers hurt a lot, though.  It's like she has had it in for me all year."

Angela, who had been gone for a while, reappeared.  "Lady Acasja, I brought you a change of clothes since those are all bloody.  Let me help you undress."  She started pushing Acasja towards a restroom.

Wanda followed them in.  "Angela Otori, what is going on?  What are you doing to my Acasja?"

"But I belong to Lady Acasja."

"What did you say?  Say that again!"

"I said, I belong to..."  Acasja slipped quietly back out the door and made her way to her room alone.

In Thomas Applebaum's room in sickbay, the injured midshipman lay on the bed with Lt. Tyler half-sitting, half-standing beside him.  Lt. Commander Zoppi stood stiffly further away.  "It's not a serious wound," the captain said.  "I was lucky."

"Rubbish," Julie answered.  'You'll have to go through months of physical therapy to get it back to full use.  You took a shot just for that girl?  Didn't your usual lines do the trick?  Why did you have to resort to chivalry?  You know you'll just throw her away once you've had her."

Thomas didn't answer and the smile on her lips faded.  "Since I'm here, you will have to pass my judgment on to Commander Simon," he finally said.

After receiving their orders, the pair went in search of the Commander.  They found him waiting in the lounge of the officer's dormitory.  "Two weeks suspension of all extracurricular activities for injuring Captain Applebaum," Lt. Tyler told him.  "When classes are over, you are to return to your quarters."

"Two weeks," he said without looking up from his silent contemplation of the floor.  "I can't agree to that."

"Why not?  It's extremely lenient.   More than I would have been," she replied.

"Tommy butted in during our duel.  He broke the rules.  That was my fight with that Tilfe girl.  His injury is his own fault."

Mickey looked at him incredulously.  "That's not true.  You're the only one who calls that a proper duel.  It wasn't at the dueling grounds.  Where were the consort and the sword Infinte?"

Lt. Commander Simon snorted.  "Don't be so self-righteous, prodigy."  

"Do you have anything else to say?" Lt. Tyler interrupted.  

"What gives you the right to stand in judgment of me?"

"Captain Applebaum gave me that right.  You've been stripped of your rank as well.  You are Commander Simon no longer, just Midshipman First Class Simon."

"But Tommy protected that girl on his own!" he protested.

"No.  He was protecting the rules of the Starship Seal.  As Brigade Captain..."

"NO he was not!" Kevin shouted.  "He did it because he likes that Tilfe girl.  He wants her."

The two of them glared at each other.  "Ridiculous," Julie said.  "Tommy may be quick with women, but he does not fall in love with them."

"This time he has," Kevin insisted.  "If he steps in without thinking, then I say he's serious about her.  You may love him, but I've known him since childhood.  But, ok, I'll stay quietly in my dorm room, suspended.  I suggest you keep an eye on Acasja Tilfe."  He stood up and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him with a soft click.  She stared after him, unmoving, holding in rising jealousy and anger.

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Offline Andromeda

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Re: Calyx: A serial novel of the Federation
« Reply #82 on: November 21, 2007, 03:40:37 am »
(Chapter 6 ctd.)

After class the next day, Acasja made her way to the infirmary in quiet trepidation.  In the shop she had picked up a bouquet of flowers.  She walked without looking left or right, her heart pounding.  Is this too much?  Will he laugh at me?

She never made it into the room.  Julie Tyler, now wearing Commander's stripes, stood outside his door.  "What's this?" she asked.  "I see.  You bought him flowers."  She laughed cynically. 

"I just wanted to..." Acasja began.

"Save it," she said, snatching the roses from Acasja and tossing them in the garbage.  "Tommy gets enough flowers every day to start a compost heap."  She marched away, still laughing.

"But that was..." Acasja began again, and trailed off on her own as the other girl turned down another hall.  Why is she so mean to me?

She took out her distress on the baseball diamond.  Her fan club was sitting in the bleachers, cheering her on.  "Home run!  Home run!"

"Just watched me," she murmured under her breath. 

From a distance away, two members of the fencing team watched the practice.  "Acasja amazes me," said Mickey Zoppi.  "Such athletic skill!  First basketball, then outdueling Kevin, and he is, was, president of the Kendo Club, now baseball.  I bet she could even fence."

Julie's brow furrowed.  "It sounds like she's beaten you already."

"What?" he asked, startled.

Angrily she whipped her epee at him.  He barely parried and backed away as she continued to press him.  "Stop it!  That's a real blade and we don't have our masks on.  You know it's not allowed."

"Never let your guard down," she shouted at him.  She changed her position and raised her sword to catch the baseball, driven foul by Acasja, on the tip of the blade.  Around her there was much applause.  Julie looked to the baseball field to meet Acasja's eyes.  She slowly slid the ball off of the end of her blade and smiled cruelly before letting it drop.

The incidents with Commander Tyler continued.  After her shower one evening, Acasja complained at her roommate.  "You know, Angela, I can't help but think she's picking on me.  Today she even flipped over my tray at lunch and accused me of being clumsy.  Sunday, before mass, she picked me to do the solo. I can't sing."

"That's just awful," Angela replied, her tone devoid of concern.

"Are you even listening to me?"

"Of course I am Lady Acasja.  I've seen it all before.  It's how she works herself up to it.  One day soon, she will challenge you for me."

"Ugh!" Acasja groaned.  "It's just as I feared.  She's after me."

"Do you mind?"

"No, not really," Acasja admitted.  "I'm in this game for good.  I'll do what I must when the time comes.  I don't understand why she wants you.  You're a girl."

"It's not because of that," Angela replied darkly.  "There are always other reasons."

Across campus, in the Captain's private residence, Julie Tyler had finally worked up her nerves enough to talk to Thomas Applebaum about Acasja. The rest of the house was empty and she made her way to the bedroom.  The door was closed so she tapped on it and entered.  "Tommy, I wanted to talk to you about something.  Tommy?"  The room was empty.  She looked back down the hall, wondering where he had gone.  She hadn't seen him leave since he had entered.  Then she noticed the window was open.

Sometime in the night, Acasja was wakened by Angela's marmoset jumping on her head.  "Huh, wha, what's wrong with you Geoffrey?"  The creature jumped on the floor and chittered at her.  She decided she wouldn't get any rest until she saw what it wanted.  She slipped her feet into her slippers and followed it to the kitchen.  The curtain on the window was open.  She walked over to shut it and noticed someone standing under a light outside the window.

Surprised at who it was, she opened the window and stuck her head out.  "Captain Applebaum?  What are you doing here?"

"I had to come and see you."

"Don't mess with me," she ordered him and started to close the window.

"I thought you wanted to know about Last Judgment.  We never got the chance at the formal.  Come down Acasja and let's walk to the dueling field.  I want to show you something."

She hesitated, but only because it was night and she was wearing pajamas.  To see if this Last Judgment was waiting for them was more than worth it.  She grabbed a jacket and hurried down and out to meet him.

Without answering any of her questions, he led her to the gate at the edge of campus.  He opened it himself and led her on through the undergrowth.  This time there was a clear path to follow.  Once they reached the top of the stairs, she saw it.  "Wow!" she gasped.  The castle in the sky was glittering with light.  "It's like a chandelier," she said in amazement.  "It's dazzling."

"See!" he said proudly.

He was sitting on the edge of the steps.  Even mostly hidden by the darkness, she thought he looked pale and tired.  "You should not have done this.  How's your arm?"

"Forget about it.  I wanted you to see this at night... with me."

She looked at him sharply.  She couldn't explain what she saw in his eyes.  "I, I see," she lied.  "I'm sorry you got hurt protecting me.  It was very kind of you."

"That's a knight's duty, isn't it?" he asked and smiled.  "A knight is always ready to throw down his life to protect a princess."

She turned away from him.  The breeze cut through the thin fabric of her pajamas and she clutched her jacket tightly against herself.  "That's what scares me about you," she said after a moment.  "No offense, but I don't want to be a damsel to be rescued.  I want to be the Prince Charming."

"Why?" he asked, straightening up.

"You'll laugh," she answered eventually.  "It's a story that doesn't suit me at all."

"That makes me even more curious," he said with a laugh.  "Since I'm just resting here for a while anyway, I'd like to hear it if you don't mind."

She thought back into memory.  "I was six when my mom and dad died.  I didn't know what to do.  I wandered all over town and, on a bridge, I almost fell.  It was then that a Prince saved my life.  I found out later that he was a Starship Captain.  Anyway, he gave me this ring and he told me 'There will come a time when we will meet again."

"If you do not lose your noble heart," Tommy finished for her.  "A good reason to want to become a prince."

At those words she turned back to stare at him.  How did he know?  Those words... only the Captain and I know them.

"Strength, nobility, passion... the things that make us great," he continued, returning her gaze.  "Only those who have not lost them can ever reach the castle in the sky.  Everything is in that castle.  The answer to every mystery, and the power Almighty.  When they are yours, then you can become the Prince Charming, the Captain, that you desire."

Trying to read him, Acasja continued to examine his face.  He's too young.  It can't be.  It couldn't be him, could it?  Her Captain?  He stood and stepped toward her and she couldn't move away.  Once they stood face-to-face, the wind causing their hair, raven and pink, to mingle, he bent down and brought his lips near hers.  She didn't back away.

"Acasja Tilfe!" a loud voice interrupted.   Julie Tyler stood at the edge of the square, fire in her eyes.  "I invite you to duel.  The time has come."  Somewhere the gong of a clock struck two a.m.  Acasja stepped away from Tommy and faced her opponent.

"Lady Acasja, there you are."  Somehow Angela was there also.  She held two roses, one white, one red.  She had brought Acasja's uniform and helped her into it over the pajamas.  She pinned the white rose to Acasja's breast.  "This small rose is a gift for you."

Tommy Applebaum stood watching.  "The duel is a sacred ritual," he said mysteriously.  Acasja wished she had the time to ask him if he was the captain she had been seeking.  She looked at him intently but he averted his eyes from her.   The mystery would have to remain.

Angela pinned the red rose over Julie's emblem.  "The one whose rose gets knocked off loses."

"I know that," Julie answered impatiently.  She pointed her sword at Acasja.  "Once you lose, don't you show your face to either Tommy or the consort.  Do you understand me?"

Acasja ignored her and eyed Angela with concern.  The girl walked over to her meekly.  "Please be careful," she whispered.  "For me." 

Acasja touched her cheek, lifted Angela's face.  "Okay, I will."

"Enough talk," Julie said.  "Let's do this."

This time Acasja was close enough to hear Angela speak.  "Sword Infinite, the power Almighty that sleeps within me, answer to your master.  Show yourself now."  The light from the castle was dazzling and Acasja couldn't see where the sword came from.  All she knew was that it had been in Angela's hands and now it was in hers. 

"The power to change the world," Julie said, "grant strength to my sword.  Now!"  With that, Angela backed quickly away and Julie rushed at Acasja.

Acasja was on the defensive from the moment of first contact.  Captain Applebaum, and now the other officers who wore Starship Seal rings, watched in interest as the two girls fought across the stone field. No wonder she's the captain of the fencing team, Acasja thought, her guard is so tight. 

"Is that all you've got?" Julie taunted.  Her sword seemed to pounce at Acasja from everywhere.  She gave ground until she was at the edge of the field.  Forced to hold her ground, she pushed back at Julie's next stroke and the two of them came close together.  "I will win," she heard Julie growl in her ear, "and you will stay away from Tommy."  She couldn't let Julie win.  She wanted to, needed to, ask him a question.

Mickey Zoppi ascended the steps to stand next to the object of the girls' interest.  "Julie's good.  Acasja seems to be losing.  Whose side are you on?"  The Captain did not answer.

Angela suddenly looked up toward the castle.  The spectators followed her gaze but saw nothing beyond the dazzling light.  Tears filled her sad eyes and she looked at the duelists.

Acasja felt like she was suddenly drowning in a sea of roses.  Then it was lifting her and she was floating in the sea.  She pushed and Julie backed away from her.  A whirlwind felt like it was swirling about her and Acasja thought she could feel her hair standing on end.

It must have seemed that way to Julie too.  "You won't fool me with your tricks."  Acasja felt sudden sympathy toward her opponent, realizing how much like trickery it had seemed to her before, too.  She looked at Julie and somehow she could tell by the way she stood exactly what moves she would make, the stance she would take and where she would make her cuts.  She could see it all and it was no contest.  When they stepped apart after Julie had gone through her maneuver, Acasja stood in the center of the square and Julie fell to her knees, her rose neatly nipped off where the flower met the stem.

Captain Applebaum stepped between them.  "Acasja Tilfe is the winner."

"It was a trick!" Julie exclaimed.  "Some mirage from the sky."

"You let your guard slip because you were angry, Julie," he said to her.  "It was your error."

"But it's not fair!" she protested.

"Don't disgrace yourself," he retorted.  "If you don't like the outcome, then challenge her to another duel."  Julie looked at him with tears beginning to form in her eyes.  She jerked her face away so he couldn't see it, stumbled to her feet, and fled the field.

"That was too mean," Mickey said to him after Julie had gone.  "You know how she feels about you."

Acasja stepped between the two before Tommy could answer.  "No.  There's something I have to ask you.  I can't help but think that maybe you're the one.  Are you my Captain?"  The she realized he hadn't been planning to answer Mickey at all.  He was staring at the castle above and hadn't paid attention to her either.  She felt her own heart breaking from the realization that he had no room inside him for anything else.  Leaving him to his own rapture, she slipped away and back to her room. 
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Offline Andromeda

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Re: Calyx: A serial novel of the Federation
« Reply #83 on: November 21, 2007, 03:44:44 am »
Chapter 6 added now.  I had to add my comments here because it was too long.  Here's where you can see I was still in military mode for a lot of it.  I even threw in a phaser for you guys.  It was set to fricassee though.  By the end of this chapter and into the next, I had completely made up my mind that the Starship Seal group was a secret society.  It still doesn't sound like that in this part, so you'll just have to pretend. 

I'm not entirely happy with chapter 6.  I think it will be the one most improved by a rewrite.

Today I wrote the first (and probably only) sex scene of the story.  You have to wait until chapter 10 to get to read it though.
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Re: Calyx: A serial novel of the Federation
« Reply #84 on: November 21, 2007, 10:04:11 pm »
I love how each segment reveals just a bit more of this "secret society" deep in the back woods of the academy. I didn't really catch it until this last piece, but you've been dropping hints (some tiny, some giant) about this group of Starship Seals (I can't help but think back to an old photo of a moored submarine with 8 or so seals on the bow, the caption below reads, "Navy Seals."). I don't think that Acasja's captain is running loose at the academy, I think that each "seal" heard the same words from their own version of the bold captain. That's just my thoughts on it, anyway.

I really enjoyed how you showed both sides of Lady A's duels (with sword), the first when she had no clue what was going on and won, the second when she could feel the power within her. Lets the reader know how special she really is.

All in all, this is a great piece in a wonderful story! Hope to read more soon.

Czar "Sex scene coming up, eh? :popcorn: :drink: " Mohab

P.S. Here's the pic!

Keep in mind I searched for it after I remembered about it.  :D

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Re: Calyx: A serial novel of the Federation
« Reply #85 on: November 27, 2007, 02:45:31 pm »
Hi Rommie, I have to agree with Vipre waaaaay back when he said:

I have a similar but opposite take than Governor Ronjar, I think it's a great story but that the Trek elements are a disservice to the rest. Every time I slipped into "a Trek frame of mind" for lack of a better term, I was hit with a surreal aspect that took me right out of the story. The story would have all the same positives and none of the negatives if you changed the Trek aspects to non-Trek ones. The girl still meets her "captain", still goes to the academy and still has her ring but they'd reference some other organization.

"Interlude II - Court of Honour" is a prime example, I expected the Cadet Captain to launch into a formal hearing for actions unbecoming a Starfleet Cadet after the assult incident and instead they start talking about "consorts" and "being chosen as officers by the rules of the Starship Seal". I just stopped and went "HUH?"

I just cannot reconcile the two frames of reference. I love manga and Trek, and I've read Trek Manga and liked it. However, there has to be a single frame of reference. For me at least, it kinda has to be Trek in a Manga style and not Midnight Panthers on a Starfleet Academy campus.

"By the laws of the Academy Seal, I'm your roommate as of today.  After all, I am the consort of the victor.  So I belong to you, as does the sword Infinite of course.  You were given the right to do whatever you want with me.  I am here to serve you."
This highlights my main problem. The Federation is tolerant and accepting. Starfleet officers must show dignity and respect to those ideals and the values of other cultures while still maintaining dignity and respect for each other. Calling someone property and smacking them about would have anyone disciplined and more likely booted out of the Fleet at this early stage, as they have no sterling record to fall back on when they promise not to do it again. Starfleet officers have to display and hold to Federation values.

I could enjoy this as just Manga as it you definitely write well, but as Trek I'm just not buying it.
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Mickey: "Wot's that?"
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Re: Calyx: A serial novel of the Federation
« Reply #86 on: November 27, 2007, 06:52:45 pm »
I must disagree totally with the Canadian Andy.

I find the whole sureal aspect of this story even more greatly exemplified BECAUSE it is set in the Trek universe [sort of]. I find no problem whatsoever in the fact that this does NOT fit with any form of traditional Trek/Federation/Starfleet. The fact that is doesn't jive adds even more sureal ambience and makes it like an episode of the Twilight Zone or the Outer Limits. I mentioned the Alice in Wonderland comparison some time ago. This bent form of reality [if Trek can remotely be caller reality...] really appeals to my bent psyche!

Does this story need the Trek element to survive and entertain? No. Does it help to establish the feeling of STRANGE? Oh hell yeah!

GIMME MORE of same from same jug!

--thu guv!!
'It's a lot of hard work being a mean bastard...' --Captain Eric Finlander, CO USS Bedford (The Bedford Incident)

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Re: Calyx: A serial novel of the Federation
« Reply #87 on: November 27, 2007, 10:28:14 pm »
Vipre, Czar Mohab, Tus, Kieran, Scottish Andy - the people I owe a read of their own writing as promised.

Thank you to everyone who has read and commented. I really enjoy the sharing aspect of the community.  Please keep it up as long as you can stand to read it.  I really do take it to heart. 

I've never seen ST manga.  Does it really exist?  I'll hzve to see if I can find some.

Kieran:  sorry you don't like the genre.  This one's really out there for me, so I doubt you'll see more like it after this is done.

Ronjar: Thanks.  I want the trek element to feel integral and that it's wrong even more so.  I want to do a better job of making it feel necessary though.

Mohab:  I've loved your comments so far.  Nice deduction on the seals/captain.  It gets more surreal and less military as it goes on, though.  That pic is awesomely funny.

Andy:  It was a vague union at the beginning.  As a secret society with very ancient rules, it makes sense.  Unfortunately, it's an onion and the outer layers are not telling as much about the core.  HOpefully you'll keep reading anyway.  I've already dumped some of the structure tying it to the academy as a whole and dropping it to a smaller group within.  Regarding Federation values not being adhered to by some of the people in the story, very true.  They're the exception rather than the rule, but the rule doesn't matter to this story.  If I added something about others doing this and getting booted, it would slow the story down and if I took it out, it wouldn't be the story I have to tell.  I want it to be trek, because it is so anti-trek.  The element of wrongness of it all is very important to the story. 
That explains why I've done what I've done.  I'm sorry it hasn't worked for you so far.  Either way, your comments have been very valuable.

Tus: Thanks for the PM.  One of my uncles also went to military school.  I'm not really focused on the us vs. them aspect of the cadets vs. the instructors, but if I find a part in the rewrite that gets that attitude across that you expressed in the pm, I'll do it.

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Re: Calyx: A serial novel of the Federation
« Reply #88 on: November 28, 2007, 01:29:12 am »
This one's really out there for me, so I doubt you'll see more like it after this is done.

*snaps fingers*
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Governor Ronjar

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Re: Calyx: A serial novel of the Federation
« Reply #89 on: November 28, 2007, 07:28:08 pm »
Being one of a kind makes it all the more special.

'It's a lot of hard work being a mean bastard...' --Captain Eric Finlander, CO USS Bedford (The Bedford Incident)

'Jaken...are you pretending to be dead?' --Lord Sesshomaru, Inuyasha.

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Re: Calyx: A serial novel of the Federation
« Reply #90 on: November 29, 2007, 12:21:17 am »
Chapter 7.  I did a few minor edits so that it will be more in keeping with the improved idea.  I figured out a relationship between this story and the ST universe that may make sense to you guys.  How many different genre's has Shakespeare been set in?  I don't claim to be that good, but that's at least a plausibility.

FYI: Tiu was a god of War in English/Germanic myths.  It's from his name that we get the weekday Tuesday: day of Tiu.  He is more commonly known by his Norse equivalent: Tyr.  It's a fitting name for this story.

Chapter 7: Immaturity

The next afternoon, Acasja tried to clear her mind with something that required total discipline.  Wearing a leather glove on her right hand and a matching strip on her left arm, she held a bow in the archery range in the main sports complex.  Arrow after arrow struck the target but none hit the centre.  My aim is off; my mind’s on other things.  Several members of her fan club were watching and cheering her on.  "You can do it."  "Go for it."  She couldn't; however, stop thinking of the night before and the look on Tommy Applebaum's face.  She raised the gloved hand to her face in thought.

Angela quietly slipped into the stands to join those watching her shoot.  "Acasja, your girlfriend Wanda's rooting for you!" the perky girl yelled out.  A sad frown curved her lips downward and Angela lowered her head and slipped away as quietly as she had come.

"I'm sorry, I can't" Acasja said resignedly.  She slipped the end of the bow around her ankle and unstrung it. 

“Acasja?” Wanda ran up to her and took Acasja's arm.  "It's that Oteri girl isn't it?  What did she do to you?  Since you moved in to Cochrane Hall with her, you've been acting weird."

"No, it's not that," Acasja said quietly, her thoughts still far away.  She turned to Wanda and forced cheerfulness into her voice and a smile onto her lips.  "Stop worrying so much, ok?"


Acasja put her finger to the girl's lips.  "Really, thanks for your concern Wanda." She dropped her hand and turned and walked away.

"Acasja?" the girl called after her, sighed, but did not follow.

Outside of the archery range, she saw Mickey Zoppi lounging idly.  He was wearing his fencing gear, save the helmet, and had a foil draped across his lap.  He looked up when he saw her.  "Oh good.  I wanted to see you, Acasja.  Julie’s been so down of late, since the ball.  It's just not like her -- she's always been so tough."

Walking without paying attention to where they were going, Acasja and Mickey made their way toward the cathedral.  "I feel so sorry for her," he continued.  "Julie's done so much for me.  The Starship Seal Society, fencing, my music -- I’ve been able to stick it because she was there.” She listened stoically, standing like an angry statue with her hands crossed over her chest.  “This thing with Tommy is tearing her up.  We’re all supposed to be friends!  Why can't he show her just a little compassion?"

Acasja realized then what had been bothering her.  There was no compassion in Captain Thomas Applebaum. Only his passion for victory ruled him.  "You know, I think you're right,” she said in answer to his last question, the only part she had really heard.

He hugged her spontaneously.  "Acasja, that's great.  So you'll help me spy on him tonight?"

Huh?  Where did that come from?

He didn't give her the opportunity to protest.  "He should be in P-T right now, so we'll be in the clear to check out his quarters." Acasja assumed he would lead her to the officer's dorm but instead he went towards the smaller, but more impressive building next to it.  "This is the Flag Building, the Captain's private residence.  You know with all the perks one gets for being Brigade Captain, he might as well be an Admiral.  With a place like this, he could really take advantage of it to plot... Um, Acasja, what are you doing?"

She had seen an open window on the upper story and was climbing her way toward it.  "We can use the front door," he called up to her.  "I borrowed the key from his locker."

Acasja snorted and jumped back down.  She kicked at a rock in disappointment.  "You really get a kick out of this kind of thing, don't you?" he asked.

"Of course!" She didn't tell him she had her own reasons for accompanying him on his spying mission.  Because if I investigate Captain Applebaum’s secrets, I could find out if he’s my prince or not.  He wouldn’t tell me if I asked, so it’s his own fault.

Mickey unlocked the door and it opened quietly.  The two of them stole in and up to the first story.  "This is his private area, away from the public parts of the residence," Mickey explained.  "If there's a clue to what he's up to, it must be here." 

He tried a door and peeked into the room.  “Acasja, check it out.”  The walls were lined with books like some ancient library.  More were piled on the desk next to a globe of the Earth.  Acasja hoped she would finally get to learn something of the captain's secret personality.  Mickey began to peer into the drawers of the desk.  "The rest of us… we just receive letters from Last Judgment, the shortest of messages.  But he gets more.  I have the feeling, standing here, that he’s actually in touch with Last Judgment.  Just a feeling, but a strong one, you know? Like he knows things we don’t; does things in secret."

Acasja had found a handwritten journal and was beginning to browse its contents.  "Of course," she said without really paying attention to her words, "that's because he's the Prince Charming."

"What?"  Mickey looked at her questioningly.

To hide her embarrassment, she shoved her face into the book.  "Oh, um, nothing."  She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye to make sure he wasn’t staring at her. 

He had already turned his attention back to the desk.  He pulled a picture from one of the desk drawers and she walked over to look at it.  It was of Tommy and a pretty younger girl.  From his uniform sleeve, Acasja could tell it was from the previous year.  "Who is she?"

"She's his sister.  She's probably a couple of years younger than you are."

Acasja smiled at the happy scene on the image.  "I'm an only child.  It must be nice to have siblings.  I envy that, you know."

"I have a sister, too," Mickey answered, somewhat hesitantly.  "She lives here in San Francisco.  We're twins."

"Oh, Acasja replied.  "Is she cute like you?"  He coughed and it was his turn to blush.  "I'm sorry.  Did I hit a sore spot?"  I'm so dense, she said to herself.

"No," he said quickly.  "It’s okay… with you."  He put the picture away and looked at her.  "With you I can talk about anything."  When he gazes at me… those deep eyes shining….  He reminded her of Kiyos. She had captured another one.  "You see, mm, I...” he continued, but did not get to finish his revelation.

The open air of the house carried the sound of the door downstairs opening and closing.  They looked at each other in alarm and then about the room as footsteps padded up the stairs.  "He - he's back already?  Oh no!" Mickey whispered. 

"Let's hide," she urged him.  "Wh... the closet.  Quickly!"  She grabbed his arm and pulled him toward a narrow door.  She opened it and rushed in blindly only to teeter on the brink of a staircase leading down into darkness.  Mickey, hurrying behind her, ran into her and the two of them tumbled downward.

She landed on her back with a thud and he landed face downward on top of her.  "Ow!" she complained, feeling the back of her neck. 

"I guess this isn't any closet," he muttered, rubbing his forehead with his palm. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I think so."  She realized how they were connected about the same time that he did.  They stared at each other for a long awkward moment and she thought he was going to kiss her.  Sudden perspiration gathered on his brow.

At the last moment, his eyes turned away from hers and he stared.  She turned her head to see what he was looking at.  "Acasja, is this for real?"

"I see it too.  What is this place?"  She started to roll over, but his legs were still tangled about hers.    "Tommy’s secret.  A hidden study of some kind." The carpet on the floor where she was laying was covered with odd runes. He quickly pushed himself up, unwrapped his legs from around hers, and the two of them got hurriedly to their feet.

Adorning the far wall, a mural featuring the zodiac captured their attention.    Its centre displayed the Starship Seal.  The two of them were drawn to it.  "It' some kind of calendar," Mickey said, deciphering the writing on it.  "Look, written in here,” he pointed and traced along the glyphs, “symbols and memos.  Yeah… a schedule of the duels?"

She tried to read it, but could understand nothing.  "What?"

"Information about the duels!” he said excitedly.  “It’s all written on this calendar.” 

"It is?"

"The fight between you and Commander Simon.  Here," he pointed to another group of symbols in a different section of the tapestry, "is last night's battle between you and Julie."

“Are you sure it’s not just a record of what happened?”

"No, because it says that you and I will duel next month."

"Duel with you? That's ridiculous," she told him.  "Why would you and I fight?"

"Yes!" he agreed.  "I mean I won’t do that. I won't duel and not with you."

"You say that now," Captain Applebaum's voice intruded.  They turned quickly to find him at the bottom of the staircase, blocking their escape.  He started slowly toward them until he loomed over Mickey.  "But you will, Mickey, you will.  Not only that, you will want to.  It never fails."
How would he know?  Acasja wondered. Belabouring the point, he repeated himself, punctuating each word sharply.  "Mickey Zoppi… you will… want to fight her.  It never fails."

"Tommy, something so dangerous?  How can you just say that?" Mickey asked him, refusing to back down.  "Don't you have any feeling for Acasja?  If you like her, even a little, you won't let her do it.  You won't.  At least that's what I’d think.  Because I can't duel!  I’ll protect the girl I love."  His voice grew stronger and he pressed up against the captain.  "I just can't stand it any longer!  I request the disbandment of the Starship Seal Society.  We can't follow such inhuman rules."

Acasja just stared at Mickey.  He had actually said it out loud.

Tommy Applebaum hit him and Mickey fell to the floor.  "Acasja isn't here to be protected.  Can’t you see that?" he told him and reached down and grabbed him.  "To protect is to love?  Is that what you think, Mickey?" He hit him again and knocked him back down.  "So naïve, Mickey." 

He picked Mickey up a second time, kicked open a door, and tossed him out through it.  He slammed the door shut and a moment passed before Acasja could hear Mickey banging on it from the other side. "Applebaum, What are you going to do with Acasja?" he screamed through it.  “Let me in!”

Tommy looked at her, as he casually removed his uniform shirt.  Beneath it he wore a plain white t-shirt with the words 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz' printed on it.  "A good question," he said.  "What shall I do?"  Her mind went blank.  W-will he force himself on me like last time?  She remembered the surprise kiss and could feel her heart pound in her chest.

The pounding on the door continued. "Acasja?" Mickey called through the door once more and then there was silence. 

"So, who’s this Acasja?" someone asked him and he turned to see his sister.


In the silence left in the secret study, Tommy walked menacingly toward Acasja.  She backed away until she felt the wall against her shoulders. She raised her fists between them, but he reached gently toward her and cupped her chin in his right hand.  Across the room, behind him, she could see the calendar mural.  Hoping to distract him with his other passion, she asked, "Tommy, is our duel planned?  Have you put it in your chart… the duel between you and me?”

His left hand was by her hip.  "I'm waiting for you to get strong enough for me," he answered.  He ran his right hand along her cheek, her hair, until his fingers touched the wall. Then his left hand twisted beside her and Acasja fell backwards.  He had chased her to the door.  "If you break and enter again, I won't let you off so easily. Now go."  The door slammed and she was left alone. 

Her heart was pounding so hard that she couldn't move to stand.  "Acasja!" Mickey called to her.  "Are you alright?  Did he do anything to you?"  She wanted to reply, to tell him that obviously there hadn't been long enough for anything terrible to happen, but she couldn't talk, not yet. 

Then she saw that he wasn't alone and it startled her into action.  “There are two Mickeys?”  His arm was around the other girl’s waist.  She stood up and her eyes went back and forth between the pair.  The two of them could have been identical twins, but Acasja knew that was impossible. 

"I'm his twin,” the other girl answered.  "Christina."

Acasja's mind jumped at the distraction and she raced forward enthusiastically to greet Mickey's sister.  "You’re his sister?  You sure look alike.  Wow!  Nice to meet you.  I’m Acasja Tilfe.”  She stuck out both hands to greet Christina.

Christina drew back before Acasja reached her.  "Don't touch that.   My bracelet," she warned shrilly.  "It's a set with Mickey’s." She glared at Acasja hostilely.  "Captain Applebaum warned me that there’s a girl seducing my brother.  That’s why I've come to save him.  I've always been with Mickey – ever since we were born. That’s why I know everything about him… can feel things even when we’re apart.  He would only like someone I would like.  That’s how we are."  Her look plainly said that Acasja was not someone she liked.

“Christina!” Mickey said, embarrassed.  He gave Acasja a helpless look and allowed his sister to lead him away.  This twin thing must be a royal pain.

She got a chance to watch it at work that Monday evening during a fencing competition.  Sitting beside Wanda in the bleachers, she told her about the short conversation of the day before.  "Yep," Wanda agreed, "Mickey's sister is famous for having a super duper brother complex.  Watch."  As Mickey made his way toward the mat to begin his match, one of the Second Class girls wished him good luck.  "They say she's why the poor guy can't get any girlfriends, even though he's totally cute and popular." 

"Is that so?" Acasja said, reflecting.  Below them, Christina Zoppi intercepted the girl who had greeted her brother and all but chased her from the stands.  "I can't help but feel some envy.  I know how she feels."

"Having a big brother can be awfully nice," a low voice behind them said.

They both turned quickly in surprise at Angela's words.  Acasja hadn’t heard her approach.  "Wow, she talked," Wanda exclaimed. 

"Angela, you have a big brother?" Acasja asked.

"Yes," she replied, and smiled lost in a happy memory, "although I hardly ever get to see him.”  Acasja just stared at her roommate, not wanting to intrude. I’ve never seen Angela look so happy.  Sure, we live together but I know nothing of her private life.

Tuesday, the next day, she started to pay more attention to what Angela did.  Acasja was looking back at her roommate during the Federation Government and Constitutional Development class when the instructor announced he was returning their latest exam.  Acasja reluctantly faced forward.  It was the first test since the height of all the strangeness and she wasn't looking forward to the results.  Normally her grades were perfect so she hoped it wasn't too bad.  "Anyone who receives below forty percent will be taking this test again," he announced.  Several students groaned and complained as they looked at their grades.   Acasja looked at her own paper and was horrified to see the '39' centre top of the first page. 

"I've never had to take a makeup in anything my entire life," she lamented to Angela after class.  "I've just been so busy with these crazy duels and such."

"Hmm, is that a fact?"

"You don't care?" Acasja was shocked by the casualness of her reply.  "I guess you get good grades."

"Me? Not at all," Angela replied.  "I always take the make-ups.  I don't let them bother me."  Her lips turned in a wide grin. She handed her test to Acasja and turned away and walked down the hall toward her next class.  The score on the first page read '0'.  Acasja dropped it without knowing, her eyes fixed on the back of the girl walking away from her.  Angela… she lives on a grander scale than the rest of us.
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Re: Calyx: A serial novel of the Federation
« Reply #91 on: November 29, 2007, 12:40:57 am »
Chapter 7 (ctd)

Someone bent down and picked up the fallen paper.  It was Mickey's sister.  What she was doing there, Acasja had no idea.  "A 39?" the girl exclaimed.  "Acasja Tilfe got a 39!"  Acasja looked down and realized she was still holding Angela's test and had dropped her own.

“Hey!” she said and reached for her paper. 

Mickey was with his sister and he snatched the paper away from her with a scowl on his face.  “Mickey!” Christina hollered in protest but smirked with dark glee as he read it over.  "I just happened to pick it up." 

He didn't respond but began marking up the test paper.  "Could I have it back?” Acasja asked him.  “I have to take it over.”

“Hold on,” he told her.  A few minutes of rapid marking and he returned it to her.  "Okay.  These are the right answers." 

Her eyes bugged out at how quickly he had done it.  “You are a genius.  This was a full period exam and you did them so easily.” 

“I can show you what to study,” he offered.  “I have a pretty good idea what will be on the test."

“You mean it?” She hugged him quickly in gratitude.


"Angela, Mickey can come over to our suite and… Angela?”  The girl was gone

"Why don't you study at my place?  I’ll be there too," Christina interrupted with a quick suggestion of her own.  Mickey winced.  "Come to my apartment.  It’s just off campus.  I'm sure you can get permission for a few hours since Mickey's so important.  Right Mickey?"

He looked first at Acasja, then his sister before bowing his head in defeat.  "I guess."

Angela declined to accompany her and Acasja and Mickey went together to Christina’s apartment.  He was definitely a genius.  His explanations of early Federation politics, especially of the Vulcan-Andorian conflicts, made the whole subject seem easy.  Christina, despite an obvious great deal of boredom with the subject, hovered nearby.  “Eep, that political stuff is way beyond me,” she said, clearly impressed. 

Finally Acasja stood up and stretched.  No matter how helpful he was, studying was exhausting.  "Enough!  We've been going at this for nearly three hours.  Let's take a break."

Mickey nodded agreement and she threw herself onto the couch with a sigh of relief.  "Christina," he asked, "why don't you get us some tea?"  She agreed and headed off.

"You are such a good teacher, Mickey" Acasja complimented him.  "I'm guaranteed to get a perfect score on the make-up.” 

"I'm not all that good," he replied.  "You're very smart."

"No… really," she replied sleepily.  Her exhaustion quickly overtook her.  "I..."

He looked over the edge of the couch in surprise.  Acasja was fast asleep.  Some inner beauty shone forth and he found himself sinking toward her.  He couldn't resist putting his lips against hers.  Her breathing changed and he jerked away as her eyes came open.  “Mmm,” she yawned and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.  “What is it Mickey?”  He was staring at the pillow her head had just been resting on, clasping his stomach with both hands.

A loud crash of ceramic breaking came from the just inside the doorway to the kitchen.  Acasja quickly jumped up and ran to help clean the mess.   "Are you okay?” she asked Christina.  “Oh no, the tea!  Let me help.”

Mickey didn’t move for a second, then he turned away from his sister and buried his head in his hands.  "She saw me," he whispered.

Christina was motionless and glared down at Acasja.  "What... were you... just doing to him?"

"What was I?" Acasja asked in confusion.  "I dozed off for a second, I guess."  She had clearly missed something because Christina made a wordless angry sound.

"Don't you play all sweet and innocent with me, dressed like that!"  Acasja looked down.  She was still wearing her midshipman uniform.  Christina stretched out angry hands to grasp at Acasja’s throat.

“Christina, stop it!”  Mickey came to life and blocked her attack, knocking her away from Acasja.   "You know it's not right to go and blame Acasja, not when it was me.  I was the one who kissed her while she slept.  So go on and blame me."

"What?" Acasja exploded.  So that is what was going on.

"I like her and that's all that counts.  Don’t you see, Chris," Mickey continued, obliviously marching onward.  "We're not a single entity anymore.  We fall in love with different people, live different lives.  It's better this way... for both of us."  He reached out for her hand.

She pulled it away from him.  "Both of us?  Speak for yourself, traitor!"  She stormed out of her own home in tears.

Mickey sighed with relief and sat down.  "Let's just get back to work."

Acasja was trapped between her need for his help and her awareness of the power she had over him.  Mickey likes me? "It's not like you," she said quietly, but firmly, "to hit your sister, to make her cry.”

He didn’t answer immediately so she waited him out.  "I'm sorry," he finally said.  "Next time I kiss you, I'll be sure and get your permission first."

"That's not the problem!" She stormed out on him also.

Not far away, sobbing under a tree, Christina Zoppi watched Acasja leave.  How could he? How could he treat me like that?  Who matters more, Acasja or me?  The girlfriend matters more than the sister, of course, even if they’re twins.  She hung her head.  How could he do this to me?

A dark hand softly brushed her damp cheek.  "Shh, Poor Christina," a voice said gently and she looked up in surprise.

Mickey followed after Acasja.  She walked briskly.  He didn't dare catch up with her but followed her back to the campus to make sure she was safe before he returned to his sister's apartment.  He used his key to get in and found the bedroom door closed.  He tapped on it lightly but there was no answer.  "Chris? Are you asleep?  Acasja's gone home.  I'm sorry about before."  The silent door remained closed and he turned away.

The spilt teacups were still on the floor in the parlour.  She’s still not back, he wondered.  It’s sort of late. He picked up the mess and carried it back to the kitchen.  On the table was Christina's bracelet.  Next to it was an envelope with the Starship Seal on it.  He quickly tore it open.

Raging winds shall strip the leaves from the young treetop unless you act Tonight.  On the day of Tiu when the bell strikes midnight cross swords with the one who stands beneath the inverted castle -- and triumph.

Mickey read the note and raced back to his sister's bedroom.  This time he forced the door open.  The room was empty.  He stared at it, seeing nothing, for a minute.  He could not think what to do, but knew he would have to be there and fight.  Without any clear reason, he went to see Acasja.  Fortunately for him, she wasn't restricted to the Fourth Class dorm after eleven.

Acasja was alone in her suite; Angela wasn't there for some reason, and she was finally ready to call it a day when the knock came.  Mickey's face betrayed some horrible disaster.  He explained what he had found when he came back for his sister.

"Your sister's been kidnapped?  Why?  By whom?  For what?"

"I don't know," he replied, "but I'm going.”

She grabbed a jacket.  "Then I'm going too."

His face was set in a hard expression she had never seen on him before.  "You know I believe duelling is wrong, Acasja.  I - I don't want you to see me do this."

"But why not?  You look really cool right now: strong, courageous, valiant; ready to protect your only sister."  In some way she was proud of him that he had developed that strength because of Christina.  She followed after him anyway.

Mickey pointed.  “Look – up at the top!  Someone’s there.” A woman in a flowing dress that reminded Acasja of a bridal gown more than anything else, stood at the top of the stairs.  Angela was alone on the stone field. 

"Angela, why are you here?" Acasja asked her, but Mickey was louder. 

"Did you kidnap my sister?"

Angela thrust an envelope at Acasja.  "For you Lady Acasja… a letter with the Starship Seal – delivered to our suite.”

Acasja trembled as she opened it.  She gave Mickey a careful glance, but he hadn't seemed to have made the connection.  He looked over her shoulder as she read.

Tonight on the day of Tiu when the bell strikes midnight, cross swords with the one who stands beneath the inverted castle.

Mickey seemed to realize what was going to happen.  A deep bell began to ring.  He looked at her.  "I have to duel Acasja?"

Angela held two roses in her hands; one red, one white.  "The midnight bell on the day of Tiu, God of War*, shall begin the duel.  We must live, we must fight by the rules of the Starship Seal.”

Acasja and Mickey just stood and stared at each other.  She could hear Captain Applebaum's words to Mickey echoing in her ears, "Mickey Zoppi… you will… want to duel." A duel between me and Mickey?

She looked up and left the memory when she saw Angela standing before her, the white rose extended.  She could see the stair, winding without support back towards the ground.  "The small rose within me, for you."

"Angela," she protested, but her roommate pinned the rose to her breast in silence and began walking toward Mickey.

 "This is a trap.  Someone wants to turn Acasja and me against each other.  But who?"  To Acasja, only the name of Captain Thomas Applebaum came to mind. 

Angela pinned the red rose over his cadet seal on his uniform shirt.  "This rose that takes flight from Last Judgment for you."

Mickey looked from Angela to Acasja in anguish.  "And I must win the duel or lose Christina.  Oh my sister, this is too cruel."

"Yes it's a trap," Acasja snapped, "but I won't be taken in."  His expression turned to one of surprise.  She flung her hair out of her face, where the wind was blowing it.  "That’s why I'll lose for you Mickey."

"Wh - what?"

"It's the only way to get Christina back for you."

Now it was Angela's turn to react in disbelief.  "Lady Acasja?"

Acasja turned to her in sadness and rested a hand on her shoulder.  "Don't worry Angela, Mickey's a nice guy.  I'm sure he'll take good care of you.  You and Geoffrey."  She turned away quickly because she didn't want either of them to cry.  "Now, let's get on with this!"

"Acasja, you're the one who's really nice," Mickey said, saluted her, and stepped back. 

"Mickey! You forgot this."  Captain Applebaum, his expression matching the hard throw, tossed an epee at him and Mickey caught it reflexively.

"Damn you Thomas Applebaum," Acasja cursed him.  "This may be what you predicted, but..."

He cut her off harshly.  "Don’t you want to see this through to the bitter end?  To see the power of Aion, the power to change the universe?  Throw this match and you're no hero and you'll never get to see your captain either."

Love for Angela, respect for Mickey, and hatred of Tommy finally released the first tear from Acasja's eyes.  "M-my captain..."

"You know," Captain Applebaum continued ruthlessly, "that Christina will not come back unless you two fight for real."

"H-how do you…?"  Realization finally came to Mickey.  "So it was you who set this up!"  He pointed his weapon at Tommy.  A rumbling sound from the castle above made him pause and look up.  Around them the stones on the edge of the field shook. 

"An earthquake?” Acasja said, trying to maintain her balance.  “How is that even possible?"

"It is the power of Aion," answered the Captain. 

The shaking stones began to pull themselves away and float upward.  Beneath them what looked like a glass cage came up from the field and floated toward the palace.  Trapped within it was Christina Zoppi.  "Mickey!" she called out, pounding futilely against the glass, "Help me!"

"Now listen up," Captain Applebaum drew their attention toward himself again.  "Unless you activate the power of Aion, Christina Zoppi will never come down. So tell me, Acasja Tilfe, will you risk it?  Can you still lose on purpose?"

“I…” She looked at Mickey and hesitated. 

"Let's fight without holding back," he said.


"It's okay Acasja.  I won't lose.” He looked doubtfully at the epee in his hand.  “It’s my duel.  I can be strong."

She looked at him, judging his expression. "Alright."  Her blade was in her hands already.  Somehow she hadn't noticed Angela giving it to her.  Mickey lunged.  Steel clanged against steel again and again.

Casually, Tommy asked Angela "Which one do you want to win?"

"I?  I am the consort," she replied and looked at her feet, hidden by her voluminous skirt.  "I shall follow the victor, by the law of the Starship Seal Society."

Acasja felt herself slowly wearing down.  It seemed that her opponents increased in skill each time.  "Mickey, you really are strong!"

"My sister's life is riding on it.  I won't lose, even to you."  He thrust, she parried and gave ground.  "I must have the strength to force you to give it your all!" he challenged her. 

The next blow came from the side and she barely got her sword up in time to parry.  The edge of the epee slid along the outside of her hand.  "And I won’t lose… not even to you!  I’ll see it through."  He pressed and rather than let him cut her again, she fell backward to the ground.  He lunged forward to cut the rose from her breast.  Despite her rising exhaustion, her sword was somehow there, blocking him. 

The presence came down on her again.  A second hand guided hers and she raised the sword upward with new strength.  This time she was able to withstand the sensation enough to see.

The light from the hilts, the light in her eyes, was dazzling and he couldn't see.  Angela raised her head and smiled in relief.  "Mickey!" he could hear his sister scream.  Something fluttered against his chest and only the stem of the rose remained.

"Acasja wins the duel," Tommy said, as if he had expected it all along. 

Acasja was on her feet looking at Mickey in sadness.  He wasn't sure how she had become standing. “Mickey, I… I won?”  Above, the stones rumbled and fell back to the ground.  The cage released Christina and she collapsed on top of him.

"Mickey, I'm sorry. Sorry I made you do this.  I won't ever, ever do it again."  He hugged her to him.  "Angela told me to come here with her so she could show me who my brother truly loved."

Acasja looked at her roommate in surprise, turned away.  Angela led Christina?

"I was so worried that if you got hurt it would be my fault," Christina continued.  “I’m sorry Mickey, I’m so sorry.”

"It's okay," Mickey assured her. "I'm just glad you're back safe."

Acasja watched as Tommy leaned over Angela and whispered something to her; he was a full head taller than she was.  He turned to look at Acasja over his shoulder and snorted. 

Angela came over to her.  "How is your hand?  We should clean it."

"Yeah," Acasja agreed absently.  She searched her roommate's face.  Why did you do this?

"Acasja!" She snapped her head up when Tommy Applebaum called her name.  "Soon. You’ll see your Captain, your Prince, your Hero soon.  The bitter end is not that far away."  He was already on the stairs and she was held by Angela.

"Captain!  What do you know this time?  Tell me!  Captain Applebaum!  Tell me, c'mon!"  He did not reply.

*Tiu is the god of war in old Germanic/English myths.  Also known more familiarly as Tyr in Norse mythology.  It’s from his name that Tuesday came.  It fits well into the story I’m telling.  Oops, repeated twice.  Oh well.
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Re: Calyx: A serial novel of the Federation
« Reply #92 on: November 29, 2007, 09:10:02 am »
Last two chapters have been very smooth. No feelings of whiplash between the surreal and Trek aspects.

I had a really odd idea the other night. I was looking over the story and a bunch of the surreal bits jumped out in a clear picture, the deuling, the lack of reaction to violence, shooting cadets with phasers and not getting a nod from the instructors, consorts and the general agression of characters. The thought popped up that this is probably what the Mirror Universe is like.
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Re: Calyx: A serial novel of the Federation
« Reply #93 on: November 29, 2007, 02:15:15 pm »
I thought of that too.  I'll let it wait 'til the end though.
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Re: Calyx: A serial novel of the Federation
« Reply #94 on: November 29, 2007, 11:37:34 pm »
I've just finished the prologue, so here's my comment on it only.  Now I'm going back to my nano novel.  Once I'm done with it, I'll finish "The Promise".

Find a synonym for 'sharply'.  You like to use it, a lot.

“I like secret paths and shortcuts,” she replied flatly.  “If you don’t like danger, then don’t fall for me.”
- I like that line.  That sleeping beauty image is awesome.  Another great line - the one about being a hero anywhere was good enough.  Our Lady A is quite ambitious.

One thing that didn't make sense to me:  the building on the back of the postcards: first it's the Aunt's Corporate HQ in Hollans, and a little later it's Starfleet Academy.  Also, you're missing a quote mark at the last sentence of the prologue. 

Acasja, Lady A as I read from the Czar, is quite a contrast.  She's a girl, wants to be a prince, and can't figure out how to be both.  Nice job on the minor characters!!  All believable and all different.  Just having read the prologue in detail, it's incredibly good.  I mean incredibly good.
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Re: Calyx: A serial novel of the Federation
« Reply #95 on: November 30, 2007, 12:03:48 am »
I must have a full copy of this one when it is finished.

--thu guv!
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Re: Calyx: A serial novel of the Federation
« Reply #96 on: November 30, 2007, 01:43:04 pm »
I must have a full copy of this one when it is finished.

I'll save it as a pdf and have someone host it for me so anyone interested can download it... once it's finished.
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Re: Calyx: A serial novel of the Federation
« Reply #97 on: December 01, 2007, 12:56:27 pm »
Sometimes I get the feeling that those who are "Eternal Members of the Brotherhood of the Starship Seal" are a bit nuts. Then, I realize that its just a secret society with different rules and regulations. Nuts, therefore, could easily just be zealous.

Or completely insane. I'll have to see how this turns out.

Applebaum seems like 'El Nutjobo Supreme-o'. Like any good evil villain, he even comes with a secret lair! And what's better than a secret lair? Why, whatever it is that he has in the lair, of course! Who wouldn't want the ability to predict (parts of) the future? Or have a secret drinking room? Whatever it's purpose, it does seem creepy and Dr. Frankenstein-ish. I half expected torches and candles, honestly.

That bit with the possibly mad Applebaum makes me feel that all the "Seals" have their ranks and stations for a reason. Which means that there is something of special importance with the consort, Angela; and something tells me Wanda, too, but that's just a suspicion. There's still an extreme amount of secrets and suspicions going on here, slowly being revealed.

I still don't quite see the anim-magna thing that some say is here. Unless I picture Stinkoman as Acasja. Then I can kind of see it.

Please, don't let my ramblings or observations get to you. I am really enjoying this series and I, too, would love to find a linky to the whole thing when it is done. PDF=Pretty Damn Fantastic, after all.

Czar "Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Pan Pan is fat! Ha ha ha ha ha! He fell on you! Ha ha ha ha! He's a good bear!" Mohab

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Re: Calyx: A serial novel of the Federation
« Reply #98 on: December 04, 2007, 11:53:05 pm »
C. Mohab, You're riight.  If this is anime, it isn't the BESM kind.  I can't imagine these people, well maybe Wanda with those giant eyes and tears that fly for miles.

Chapter 8: The Rake Incarnate

Back in their suite, Angela tended her wrist and wrapped it in a bandage.  "I'm glad it was not a serious wound."

"Yeah," Acasja agreed, "but I don't see why I can't just go to the infirmary and have them take care of it." 

Angela ignored her.  "This will be a bit inconvenient for daily tasks for the next few days I'm afraid, but we'll just have to help a friend out." 

“Yeah.  By the way, Angela, I need to ask you…”

“Geoffrey, are you done?” Angela pointed to the marmoset which was holding Acasja's hairbrush.  Acasja looked at the creature in surprise.  He was wearing a small striped necktie and an earring. 

"Doesn’t it look good on him?  I felt sorry for him being naked all the time," Angela explained.  "So I made him a tie to match the one I like to wear.  The hoop's from a candy box."

"I dunno.  It seems to accentuate his nudity more than hide it."

"Really?  You think so?"  Angela put her hands to her cheeks and sighed as she looked at the small creature.

Acasja realized she had been distracted.  "Did you do it?  Did you tell Christina to pretend she had been kidnapped?  I won't get mad, Angela, I promise you.”  She closed her eyes, unable to look at Angela.  “I just need... I just need to hear the truth from you." 

"I am your consort," Angela replied and looked at her with bowed head.  "I will do whatever you say."

"That's not it, Angela," Acasja said urgently.  She put a reassuring hand on Angela’s shoulder.  "I want you to answer as a friend."

"As a friend?  Lady Acasja you mean that you... and I..." She didn't continue and the two girls faced each other, eye to eye, until Acasja looked away and blushed.

"Just answer my questions."

"All right."

"You couldn't possibly have set that up?"


"Someone ordered you to bring Christina?"


Acasja took a deep breath before she asked the question that bothered her most.  "Was it Captain Applebaum?"

"I too was sent a letter," Angela confessed, "a letter with the Starship Seal.  You know I can not disobey the will of Last Judgment."

"So 'Last Judgment' thinks nothing of toying with us," Acasja said angrily, clenching her fists.

She went to bed still upset and spent a long time lying awake on top of the covers.  She remembered the annual letters with their seal and wonderful smell.  They brought news and encouragement from her captain.  Wondering why they had changed, she finally fell asleep without any answers.

Acasja survived the next day despite her bandaged hand.  She returned to her suite to find her roommate waiting just inside.  Angela handed her an envelope with the Starship Seal on it.  "Lady Acasja, it’s here.  One more.”

Acasja turned then letter over in her hands.  Was it a good one or another bad one?  It smelled of sutena oil.  Then she remembered it was her birthday and tore it open.  The time is ripe at last.  I await you, she read.  She flipped it over to see the picture of the greenhouse with the exotic roses.

Finally! The one I’ve been waiting for.  She yanked the door open and ran down the stairs.  "Lady Acasja?" Angela called into the empty air after her.  Images filled her mind as Acasja ran.  Tommy Applebaum the night before, saying "The bitter end is not that far away," and "you'll see your prince, soon."  Tommy standing above her, pressing his lips against hers. It couldn't be.   Then she was there at the door to the hothouse.  She threw it open and stood in the doorway, searching the interior of the building.

"There you are, Acasja Tilfe.  I am here, your Prince."  She looked into the smirking face of Tommy Applebaum.

Okay, that was the first part of chapter 8.  I got a little unsure of how to go from that point and took a break from the story.  I don't have any comment on this part.  It fits in well I think.   I do have the rest of it written, but here's a little surprize for you.  When I couldn't decide what to do from here, I wrote a little piece as entertainment.  I was sorta feeling the "is it anime" heat when I did it, so I got that out of my system with this next piece.
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Re: Calyx: A serial novel of the Federation
« Reply #99 on: December 05, 2007, 12:14:32 am »
calyX-FILES 1: The Spice of Life
I'm Geoffrey, a knight who protects the Princess Angela Oteri.  "Monkey, out of my way!"  The hateful Kevin Simon.  "She is my consort!"  But a powerful prince chased Kevin Simon away.  Now it is the three of us: the Prince Acasja Tilfe, my mistress, and me.  The Prince and my mistress were having tea.

"Geoffrey ate my cake again," the prince exclaimed!  "Faker," she accused me.  "You're not asleep." 

"Geoffrey, you're so naughty," my mistress scolded.  I'm happy when I'm full.

"I heard you like spicy chilli, Lady Acasja," my mistress said.

"Well, yes," said the prince, "but as a snack?"

My mistress stood and went back to the kitchenette.  It roused me to action.  Oh no!  My mistress cooking?  She was reaching up into a cupboard.  "Chilli, chilli," she said.  "Mix anything spicy together with beef and beans and it can be chilli."  She threw whatever she grabbed into a pot.  "A few veggies," she said, "a touch of flavour, mayo..." A few minutes later and she tasted it.  She poured a small cup and sipped at it.  I gasped in horror.  "Very nice." 

Thankfully she left for a few moments and gave me time to work.  I crept up to the cup she left and tasted it.  Gasp!  It's awful, the worst, I managed to choke out.  I can't let the prince Acasja eat this.  What should I do?  "Lady Acasja, your snack is ready," my mistress said.  I could hear her coming back.  I scurried at top speed through the cabinets.  Then I found it.  Fire Chilli!  Kick Yo Ass Hot! I read on the box.  That's it: I'll hide the bad taste with some heat!  I gave it two shakes and sniffed.  A bit more... The lid popped off and the chilli powder poured in.  All of it?  What should I do? 

My mistress came in and sniffed the air.  "It smells good."  She poured a dish onto a bed of lettuce.  I grabbed at her leg to stop her.  "Geoffrey," she scolded and I had to let go.  I scurried behind her, hoping the prince had a better sense of smell.

"Let's eat," the prince said.  "I've never been so famished."

"Here you go," my mistress said and served her the steaming plate.

"Wow, piping hot!  Yum!"  My mistress sat across from her.  "Now we can chow down!"  I ran to the window and hid behind the curtains in terror.

KABOOM!   "What's going on?" "An explosion in Cochrane hall!"  "Don't Acasja Tilfe and Angela Oteri live there?"  Students came running from all over.

In their meeting room, Captain Applebaum called an emergency gathering.  "The consort and her betrothed!  Someone planted a bomb?  This could be the worst crisis to ever befall the Starfleet Seal.  Who could have caused this?  Who did it and what for?"

"Um, Captain Applebaum," Lt. Tyler tried to get his attention.  "Tommy!"  Startled, he looked at her.  She gestured to the person standing beside her.

"The infirmary has released both of them," Lt. Commander Zoppi reported. 

"Well, uh, ah, good." 

"Yeah," Mickey answered, "but they're both a bit... weird."

"Weird?" the captain repeated.

"Nah, it's my imagination," Mickey said while deep in thought.  "Has to be.  I hope."

Outside, the two girls were walking back to their suite.  Wanda Beck leaped on Acasja's back.  "I'm so glad my Acasja is safe!"  Acasja collapsed to the ground in an awkward sprawling mess.  That's not like her, Wanda thought.  "Acasja?"

Angela stood watching, arms at her side.  "I'm glad, Angie.  I was worried."  Commander Simon wrapped his arms around her and leaned over to kiss her. 

He was met halfway down by her hand raised in a solid slap. "What are you doing?"  He stepped back, surprised. 

Kevin Simon had his own fan club. "Angela attacked our dear Kevin!" one said.

With Wanda off of her back, Acasja quickly got to her feet and jumped on Angela's back!  Let's go home," I tried to say. "Something's wrong!"  They seemed to listen and Angela hiked off to the dorm carrying Acasja on her back and wrapped around her.  Behind them Wanda and Kevin stared in amazement.  "Acasja?" "Angie?"

Later that morning, I was riding on my mistress's shoulder.  A group of girls, Kevin Simon's fan club, appeared and surrounded her.  One shoved her to the ground.  I leaped off and ran back to their suite to get the prince.  "How dare you hit dear Kevin," I heard.  "You know what you need?  To be eternally dangling from Acasja Tilfe's butt like jellyfish poop ."

The prince was in the suite, wearing the girl's uniform I had never seen out of her closet.  She was cleaning a window.  I ran to her side, pulled on her boot and screeched at her to come quickly.  Despite my efforts, she picked me up gently, slowly, and pulled me up to her face.  "It's okay, Geoffrey.  I'm Angela and Angela is Lady Acasja."  What?  What's going on? 

Some distance away, Angela was on her feet and slapped one of the girls tormenting her.  "What are you doing?" one asked.  "How dare you defy us, puny girl."
"So that's how it is," she said to them.  "I guess for Angela it's always like this.  Poor thing, to put up with such abuse day in and day out.  Sorry, but I think you girls have a lesson to learn.  This is from both of us, for all of your bullying."  She tore into the girls, a tornado of flying fists and kicks.

"Angela, you are so cool!" someone cheered. 

A girl looked up.  "Run, it's her roommate.  She's even scarier!"

I sat on Acasja's shoulder as the two girls looked thoughtfully at each other.  Both began speaking at the same time and I wasn't sure who said what.  "I'm sorry Lady Acasja, it looked like I had paid them back... and it felt so good!" "I need to apologize, Angela, for making your body get all violent.  I'll be careful from now on."

The prince sat me on the ground both of them looked down at me.  "Check this out, Geoffrey," they said in tandem.  "Our personalities got switched in the explosion."  Everything went black. 

I returned to consciousness lying in my bed, musing on what had happened.  So, Acasja is Angela and Angela is Acasja. 

"Why did this happen?" Angela, I mean Acasja, was asking.

"I don't mind," said my mistress, "I like seeing Angela being cool like that."

"Well, I mind... Kevin hugged me.  Something must have caused it, it must have." 

The two girls stared at each other in realization.  "The chilli!" 

"Angela, make it the same way you did last time." 


I watched Acasja, I mean Angela make the chilli again.  I knew it wouldn't work.  I was the one who had poured in the chilli powder.  I had to make things right.  I took my bag and went to the market.  The clerk knew me; I was always running errands for my mistress.  "Can I help you?" he asked. I lead him to the spice aisle and found what I was looking for.  I pointed at the label.  "The 100th power chilli powder that was there?  We just sold the last one.  I can order it, but it's such an exotic that it will take six months before it comes in."  I started to faint.

"Little monkey, are you okay?"  I heard a voice call me back and I saw the chilli powder floating in front of me.  I reached for it but it danced out of range.  "Monkey, you seem to want this chilli powder very badly."  It was hateful Kevin Simon.  He had bought the last one. "Well, looky here."  He waved it before me again but pulled it away before I could grab it.  "I could give it to you, if you do exactly what I say."  What choice did I have?

The next day, Acasja, in Angela's body, met him at the greenhouse. "Angela," he said, "I'm glad you came to me.  We were torn apart by Acasja Tilfe, but this is our weekly confirmation of our love for one another."  He put his hands on her shoulders and she started to move to block him.

"Huh?  Love?" then she glared at me.  Please bear with it, Lady Acasja, I tried to say.  "You didn't tell me about this, Geoffrey," she said, accusing me. I put my clawed hands together in prayer.  She seemed to understand and instead of blocking him, let him touch her.  ""Why, what do you mean?" she asked him.

"I'll show you how much I love you, now look Angela, look."  He opened his uniform shirt, baring his chest.  "Now you show me how much you love me."

She reared back to hit him again.  I had to do something.  I leaped into the path of her open palm and she smacked me instead of him.  She caught me in midair.  "Geoffrey, I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to hit you."  I wasn't worried; I had sacrificed myself of my own free will. 

Hateful Kevin Simon tossed his hair.  "Mmm, I'm becoming enamoured by how feisty you're getting lately.  Here it is, the usual.  My love for you." he said, holding out the notebook he had hidden inside his shirt.  "I'll be waiting to hear of your love for me."  He turned and left her.  I struggled free from her grasp and followed him.  "Monkey," he said, "you'll get your chilli powder when I get that back."

I found Lady Acasja reading the book in the suite.  It was an exchange diary.   I peeked over her shoulder as she read.  It was the usual stuff.
... am resigned to... writing of our love for... now, but I will contin... sword training... you back some.... wait f...

As she put it, "Some sort of slam book of love.  Angela, I don't believe it.  You've been keeping this up all along?"

"Yes, Kevin insisted."

"Then you write the response."  She handed the book to my mistress.

"You're Angela right now, Lady Acasja."  Who promptly handed it back.

"Don't give me that.  Why should I write to that pervert?"  She threw the book back and I leaped into the air, knocking it down between them.  I stole a pen and held it between my clawed hands.  "You're going to write it, Geoffrey?"

Both of them put their hands to their faces.  "Thank you!  We're both so tired from making and eating all that chilli.  It just wouldn't explode."  I'm sorry, you two.  Geoffrey will get you back to normal.  I scratched out some words and took the book back to hateful Kevin Simon.

He dove into it immediately.  "It looks like you brought the response back.  Here's your reward." He tossed me the chilli powder.
I raced back to the suite.

Kevin Simon looked at the fleeing marmoset, wondering what it was so happy about.  "What is this?" he said in shock when he found what was written.  "That damn monkey must have written this!"

My deear Kevin,
I'm sorry this is so late.  Today I'll rite about Angela's favourite foods.
* Banana
* And cookies
* And sweet potato
* Apples

Beneath that I had drawn three hearts.

The girls were sitting down to another meal. Chilli again.  "Eat up," Lady Acasja said. 

"Yeah," my mistress answered with a very disgusted look at the plate in front of her.  I burst in, chilli powder in hand.  "Geoffrey!"  "What?"  Chilli powder in hand, I leaped from one to the other, liberally pouring as I did.  "Geoffrey what are you doing?   Stop it!  What are you pouring on us?"  They were covering their faces and trying to avoid it but I wouldn't stop.

Someone else burst in.  Hateful Kevin Simon was holding his sword in hand.  "Monkey you lied to me!  You cheated me out of my 100th Power chilli powder, but I will be avenged."  He raised the blade.

"Kevin?" asked Acasja.  "100th Power Chilli Powder?  Geoffrey, why are you?"  The sword came down in the centre of the table, sending me, the chilli powder, and the chilli all flying.  CRASH!  KABOOM!

"Oh no!" students were shouting.  "Another bomb in Cochrane hall!"

Lady Acasja, Hateful Kevin Simon, my mistress, and I all began to pick ourselves up from the floor. 

"Dammit.  What the hell..." whoever was in Lady Acasja's body said and rubbed her forehead.

"Lady Acasja?" the person in my mistress's body asked hopefully, her hands pressed against her cheeks.  "We're back to normal Lady Acasja.  We did it!"  The two girls embraced happily.  Hugging, they jumped for joy.

Then they put it together.  They reached for the little marmoset.  "But that means the first explosion was your fault too.  This chilli powder did it, right?" Lady Acasja asked.

My mistress picked the marmoset up. "Geoffrey, you're such a bad boy."  Confused, not sure what had happened yet, I rubbed my face.  The marmoset was in front of me, complaining mightily in my mistress's hand.

"You won't talk your way out of this, Geoffrey," Lady Acasja shouted. 

I slipped out the door before anyone noticed.  People were running up the stairs.  "Kevin, were the girls okay?" Captain Tommy Applebaum asked me.

"Yeah, yeah," I said and he ran past.  I explored my face.  I had switched personalities with Hateful Kevin Simon.  I was trapped in his body.  Well, it is better than a scolding.

Gotta run!


this sig was eaten by a grue