Topic: NC-05 NX Shuttlepod SF Command version  (Read 1486 times)

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NC-05 NX Shuttlepod SF Command version
« on: January 23, 2007, 01:50:22 am »
A quickie little ship................

NX Shuttlepod SF Command version

Owner: United Federation of Planets
Class: Shuttle
Availability: Unlimited Deployment
In Service: 2148
Out of Service: n/a
Source: Enterprise "Regeneration", "Home"
These small type of atmospheric shuttlepods were used onboard the Terran NX-class starships.
Small and cramped, they were barely adequate for their mission.
This shuttle type has six seats, retractable winglets, impulse engines, maneuvering thrusters and plasma cannons.
There are doors on the port and the starboard side, as well as a docking hatch at the top.
Author: ModelsPlease
Textures: Skinman
Mesh: HollisJ.Woods
Retextures: ModelsPlease,2fe5df6d9b0ff7d0ce6af1e98661235e.rar

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.