I've gathered that when you do a fresh install XP it has to connect to Microsoft for some kind of activation.
1) Do I understand that correctly?
2) What happens if you don't have internet service? Does XP still work?
3) Vista sounds like it's going to be a pain in the @$$ and XP sounds like it has the potential for trouble as well. What MS OS would be reccomended as an alternative if XP does try to knife me?
P.S. I'm too dumb and lazy to learn Linux or how to run a Mac OS on my Dell
Best bet is Windows 2000 for your system. 2000 was the core that they built XP on, but it doesn't have to be "activated", just the COA during install. XP will have to be activated over the phone, and that can get annoying. For the install I'm typing on now, I called in and got quite a condescending agent who didn't seem to understand that because I have an MSDN licence, I can install the one copy on 10 machines. I finally got him to send an activation code, and that got it up and running, but I also backed up the activation so that if I have to reinstall, I can reactivate it myself.
None of that with Windows 2000, but you'll have some fun with any hard drive over 137 GB unless you turn on 48 bit LBA with it.
Stay away from Vista unless you really really need it.. just flash and WindowsBlinds for all intents and purposes. If you want the look, WindowsBlinds runs on W2K and'll give you a similar look.
I have a Dell machine myself, and once I backed up the original install, it was formatted and W2K went on it. And I've got twice the speed out of it now..