Time to flaunt my ignorance....
Let's make this a completely TMP era mod using SFB style rules.
Let's add Klingon Academy Tholians and Sha' Kurians
Let's add ALL of WZ45's Andromedans
Lets throw in a bunch of TMP fanon, Klingon Academy and FASA ships to the mix this time...
YEA BABY !! That would be a cool server, time to get my 'Emperor' out of the yard.
LOL.. and let's give it a projected start date of 2010 as we'd spend at least that long arguing about the stats.... 
At least it'll give us something to do.

Recruiting NEW Players:
IMHO, one of the main reasons I have never participated in an online campaign the TOS orientation of online SFC games. To be fair TNG games aren't my cup of tea either; that's overkill in an entirely different magnitude. The TMP era really seems to get left out and that was the era that made the most sense to me. I'd love to play in a TMP era only campaign someday.
Ideas regarding FASA ships converted to SFC:
Personally, I say through out most of the 1980s FASA Trek specs and start fresh by using actual SFC made modelsl to determine hardpoints/weapons. Kreeargh, Terradyhne, Atrahasis, P81, at. al, have done excellent jobs upgrading the original FASA ships they have brought into the game.
Second, I recommend that FASA TMP era ships of the same race/classes have STANDARDIZED warp/impulse and weapons systems. Yes, there are exceptions but the majority of the ships in each FASA race/classes should follow this rule in compliance with SFB traditions (E. g., FBB engines are BIGGER than a FCA's). This would be logistically sound make repairs/refits more economically feasible to each of the stellar powers.
Third, SFC is based on SFB so the ship definitions need to be UNIFORM. The FASA term for frigate is NOT the same as in SFB. I would argue that FASA Trek frigates are cruisers and light cruisers respectfully. The FASA Federation Chandley Class is not an SFB sized frigate and in FASA Trek game stats uses the same weapons/shield and engine specs as the Enterprise/Constiution Refit Class and is IMHO better designed to fight. Specifically; Knock down an emeny shield and beam in the marines to capture the bad guy ship...
What's to argue about? One way to handle the FASA/KA and Fandom ships is do something similar to what was done for the mechs in Mechcommander; offer three versions:
1) a base model balanced weapons/shields IAW with SFB racial specs and an actual SFC model
2) a version with more armor/shields and fewer heavy weapons
3) a specialty version that does something completely different from the norm
FASA Klingon D-10. I prefer Atrahasis' D-10B model myself. I use it as a heavy cruiser/battlecruiser and I personally ignore its FASA Four years War history and most of the FASA lore. Why? Because TOS already had the Klinks answer to the Connie; the D-7 and the K'tinga later challenged the Connie/Enterprise refit. I like to believe the D-10 was the TMP era Klingon Empire's answer to the Federation Excelsior class...
Version 1: Use Atrahasis' model and SFB Klingon stats to make a TMP base version; heavy on the Imperial marines plus torpedoes
Version 2: Spec the D-10B as a strike carrier; fewer weapons but two fighter squadrons and perhaps a cloaking device
Version 3: Maybe add a mauler version or one equipped with Rihiannsu plasma and a cloaking device
I would think that the SFB stat gurus can manage this.
Recommended ships with emphasis on NON-CANON ships. Note this is not all incusive many FASA/FANON/OTHER are junk ships IMHO. The majority of these listed ships are up at Battleclinic:
Klingon Academy: All KA ships not already making an appearance in the STOCK SFC OP+ ship list. Sha' Kurians are CV/fighter using mercenaries and can fill out the pirate slots. The KA Tholians perhaps could be X-era ships. I like the Gorn fleet depiced in KA.
FASA: Remora as FFF 100m version Chandley, Northampton, Loknar Refit (USS Phobos), D-10, D-16, D-18, Unseen Creeper as KFF, White Wind, Winged Defender, Aviary Starbase (well armed version), Pearl Mobile Repair dock to start with.
FANDOM/OTHER: USS Churchill (Gotafarmyet?'s version), Jackhill's Abbe Class (CV and PHT versions), Melak (WZ45's TMP version), WZ45's/Azel's TMP RBOP, Akyazi (Akula Subclass), K' teremeny, USS Illustrious, as well as ALL of WZ45's Andromedans.
Just starting the conversation...