Topic: U.S.S. Patriot NCC-76890 Aegis Class Multi-purpose Starship RELEASED !!!!  (Read 3383 times)

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Offline ModelsPlease

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U.S.S. Patriot NCC-76890
Aegis Class Multi-purpose Starship

Owner: United Federation of Planets
Class: Capital Ship
Availability: Restricted Deployment 
In Service: 2395
Out of Service: n/a
Source: RBE - Specialist Starship Design and Construction.
The USS Patriot is the second ship of the Aegis class to be built. The design was commissioned for duty in 2373 as a multipurpose platform
capable of being configured for mission specific objectives with an interchangable nose pod. The first two vessels - USS Aegis and USS Patriot
 - were fitted with weapons pods under the nose which expanded the weapons systems by an additional 4 forward firing torpedo tubes and 4 Pulse
Phaser Cannons Which were tied directly to the main phaser system. When the dominion threat was finally erased and the Borg had been repelled to
almost none existance it was decided that the Aegis project be embraced by a more traditional mission role. That of exploration and scientific
research. The next 3 Aegis class ships commisioned were fitted with an advanced sensor pod to enable high resolution long range scanning of
somewhere in the region of 25 light years. Close range scanning gives unparalleled resolution and understandably makes the Aegis (S) class a first
choice posting request for science graduates.

The USS Patriot however is unique among the Aegis class. Her sister ships are posted in defence, science, or perimiter roles due to their size
and ability to remain 'at sea' for very long periods of time without routine maintenance. The Patriot was assigned starfleet covert operations
and last line sector 001 defence. This would put the Patriot into some of the most dangerous area's of federation intelligence, regularly
assigned to intelligence gathering and enemy infiltration. The Patriot is expected to provide multipurpose defence and assault. Where the Patriot
is concerned however, it is that aggression isn't the preferred option. More of a return to traditional values but in a more covert theater.

The ship is 700m long but is designed to have a relatively small targetable silhouette. The bridge is located in a recess for protection,
surrounded by a large hydroponics bay and arboretum. This structure also houses a backup reactor, deuterium storage and secondary warp core
which provides ample power to run the standard systems in conjunction with the increased weapons demand - or sensor power on the sensor pod
fitted models. The whole ship is ablative armoured however the armour is thicker in this area to help protect these backup systems. The main
warp core is buried deep inside the main hull and stands little chance of a direct hit. The ship has 8 forward firing torpedo tubes, 4 aft
firing tubes, 4 forward pulse phasers and 11 Type XII phaser arrays made up of 6.5 MW segments. Main saucer arrays being the most powerful as
they are made up of around 110 segments each side. The forward facing shuttle bay gives better access for shuttles aproaching on an intercept
course and makes tractoring items aboard a much easier task requiring very little maneuvering of the ship once the object is within tractor range.
Internal security is supplimented by holographic security personnel in extreme boarding situations. The provision of complete internal holo-emmiter
coverage gives not only security advantages but also medical assistance from the onbord EMH/LMH should the main medical staff be unavailable. Warp
field geometry is controlled to give improved efficiency via a larger set of field coils in the forward portion of the warp nacelles, this is
evident from the characteristicly bulged leading end. Subspace field layers can be thrown out ahead of the saucer in a 25° Z axis ellipse. This
configuration helps the ship to slip into subspace much more readily and allows for fine-tuned warp field manipulation through precision adjustment
of the forward warp plasma injectors. As a result the Aegis class is one of the more economical starships in the starfleet and is capable of
extensive sustained high warp flight, maintainable upto warp 9.6. Beyond this the ship is subject to time limits at the given warp speed, although
capable of speeds in excess of warp factor 9.97. Sublight propulsion is handled by the 6 vectored thrust impulse nozzles. The impulse system
consists of 12 reactors configured with 6 either side of the rear saucer section. These 6 reactors have their output chanelled through the driver
coils where the exhaust is then fed into the vectored nozzles to provide not only forward Z axis thrust but Y axis too. This gives enhanced
projectile avoidance, roll capability and low orbit control.
Model/ Textures: Cavan Millward (Mesh/Skin Design & Construction), Jonathan Bray (Mesh Design)
SFC Conversion: ModelsPlease
Hardpointing/Damagepointing: ModelsPlease
Scaling: ModelsPlease,95767fe962537febcd31e84807dcefd5.rar

Fast enough for ya ? LOL  ;)

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

Offline Dizzy

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I like the mesh of this model... A bit weak/spindly in the tail... but overall a strong design.

Offline Shadowfleet

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Nice. She's in my Fed Fleet now. Thanks MP.

Offline GotAFarmYet?

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There are accually allot of errors in the mesh. All the polies are not welded to each other, you can see it in the engines and a few other places. I know the area you are talking about too, ithe black area behind the bridge you can see the saucers texture in it. The errors seem more or less from the orginal mesh and not from the conversion process.
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Offline ModelsPlease

  • Retired Model Junkie
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Yes it's the original mesh.

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.