the pylons are there for added structual support and the vents are for what they are always used for(venting plasma)
thanks all 
Terra, you might want to ellaborate what it is about my stuff that you find "well done, but not to your liking", because it always seems that is always your reply to my stuff in general. I mean is it that its too far fetch for you to contend with? Or that it doesn't seem to be as lacking in aestitic as the FASA or SFB(BTW not all of the designs from FASA and SFB are bad, IMO, but some 90% are...)? Or that my stuff doesn't confine itself to the "rules" of a sci-fi show that doesn't even follow its own "rules"? I mean seriously, I'm not calling you out or nothing, but it seems that every design I pop out doesn't sit well with you enough that you have to voice it in practically every thread in practically the same way and to me its getting a tad annoying.
I am more than willing to listen to what you feel a good Trek ship is "suppose" to look like mate. I mean damn, I know I cannot please everyone...but this is getting a tad redundant, don't you think?
well i don't like the most of those post TNG Fed designs and the most of your NX-era designs
most of your post TNG Klingon, Romulan and Cardassian designs are good but i'm not good at making later designs than Kirk TMP era
TMP is my favorite era and the most FASA designs are from that era but no one of you designers makes good TMP era designs and when there is a new design than mostly Federation and that sucks
isn't there anyone out there creative enough to make some new TMP era non fed designs ??
i'm not good at designing and only half as good than other on modelling
sorry that i have been so bad on the most of your designs you have shown.
PS.: i hate all Reman designs in general because they look like a big piece of flyin yunk and all those NX-era designs because they are to advanced to be pre TOS