Topic: Making missions w/ FMSE in SFC 1  (Read 4806 times)

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Offline Roychipoqua_Mace

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Making missions w/ FMSE in SFC 1
« on: December 31, 2006, 03:27:36 pm »
Okay, I've moved back to trying to make simple missions with Fleet Mission Script Editor in Starfleet Command 1.

My troubles are this:
1. I can't edit the victory conditions (It seems that they replaced the 'Victory Conditions' button with the 'Convert to SFC 2' buttion)!

2. No matter what, the ship at location "B" is always a Klingon D7, so there is always a battlecruiser in the missions that trys to kill everyone. I would try using a different letter, but the game says that in order to create the script, you need to have ships for locations "A" through "F."

Does anyone know the answers?

Slarty Bartfast.

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Re: Making missions w/ FMSE in SFC 1
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2007, 01:23:19 pm »
Okay, I've moved back to trying to make simple missions with Fleet Mission Script Editor in Starfleet Command 1.

My troubles are this:
1. I can't edit the victory conditions (It seems that they replaced the 'Victory Conditions' button with the 'Convert to SFC 2' buttion)!

2. No matter what, the ship at location "B" is always a Klingon D7, so there is always a battlecruiser in the missions that trys to kill everyone. I would try using a different letter, but the game says that in order to create the script, you need to have ships for locations "A" through "F."

Does anyone know the answers?

Slarty Bartfast.

Hi RIS Mace,

Yes I have an answer for your problem with FMSE for SFC1.  I am surprised no one has replied sooner.  I have not been here in atleast a year.  Anyway I had the same problem you had with a battlecruiser appearing in every mission trying to destroy everything, except mine was a Romulan D7 Battlecruiser, not a Klingon D7.  To avoid this problem Select the "Allow AI" button (a black check mark should appear next to it), then Un-select (Un-check) the "Multiplayer" button and make sure "Allow Space Dock" button is un-checked, then set "Max Teams" to "1".  Now you should be able to create SFC1 Skirmish Scripts with 2 to 6 Teams.  Don't forget to define each teams relation to each other (for example, ally or enemy) and their goal (for example, ignore or destroy).   Let me know if you have any problems.  If you like I can email you some of my SFC1 FMSE Skirmish Scripts (source file and compiled file).

Good Luck,

Navigator NCC-2120 USS Entente
« Last Edit: November 22, 2007, 12:42:03 pm by NavigatorNCC2120 »

Offline Roychipoqua_Mace

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Re: Making missions w/ FMSE in SFC 1
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2007, 12:11:48 pm »
Hey Navigator,

I tried your solution, and the new missions work out fine now!

Thanks a lot,

Offline Navigator

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Re: Making missions w/ FMSE in SFC 1
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2007, 01:09:50 pm »
Hey Rob,

Glad to hear it.  Glad I could help.

Navigator NCC-2120 USS Entente