In high school I was in the ASB and I had access to the ASB advisors computer, including her user name and password for the ancient VAX mainframe which stored all the grades for every student in the school. I could have changed my grades, but didn't need to. Except Spanish. I was very tempted to change my C in Spanish. I hated that class.
Bloody backwards language that.
So which of your enemies found their grades unconvincingly hacked and had their lives destroyed? Don't tell me you missed the opportunity?
I'm not really a vindictive person. Besides, giving a guy who had A's and B's all D's and F's would be pretty obvious, and the change would be caught pretty quickly. Not to mention the fact that the change would be traced to the specific username and password. Finally, the ASB advisor trusted me with her username and password to do rollcall and stuff, so I wouldn't have betrayed her trust.
Besides, when I want to get revenge. I'm more a rig up C4 to your toilet and explode you while your taking a sh*t sorta guy.
I like to inject a little humor in my revenge.