Topic: Cloned Meat for Sale ?  (Read 1658 times)

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Offline C-Los

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Cloned Meat for Sale ?
« on: December 29, 2006, 05:07:48 am »
Whats up ?   We can't get our cattle to pro-create now .....  :o

Isn't it expensive to clone animals ?       Won't that make meat more expensive, and they don't want to tell us when the meat is cloned ...  :huh:

Sorry people I had no Idea they were about to do this until recently but I guess the FDA has been studying this for some time if their about to make a decision. And here I thought the Govt was against all this cloning stuff.

                                                                                 :smackhead: :smackhead: :smackhead:
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Offline S'Raek

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Re: Cloned Meat for Sale ?
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2006, 07:28:10 am »
Any links to specific news articles?

I did see something on Discovery or the Learning Channel (something like that) over the holidays talking about cloned Christmas trees.  Said they would be better quality and all pretty much standard.  I wondered if trees have a gene pool kind of thing about them and if cloning them could end up being detrimental somehow.  Not sure. 

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Offline FRA.E.Kehakoul_XC

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Re: Cloned Meat for Sale ?
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2006, 07:56:32 am »
Its Braindead, and i will oppose it where i can.
LOng llive diversity.
Although i dont have a problem with it aslong those companys dont dare to  press the EU to allow their trash to be sold  over here, same with friggin gene altered stuff.
Simply keeep it,sell it to US customers .

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Offline Nemesis

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Re: Cloned Meat for Sale ?
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2006, 08:13:46 am »
I wondered if trees have a gene pool kind of thing about them and if cloning them could end up being detrimental somehow.  Not sure. 

Different individuals have more or less resistance to any given disease.  If all the cattle have the same genes they have the same resistance.  If a disease came along that the standard cow had too little resistance to the whole species could be wiped out.  Right now such a disease might wipe out many or even most cattle (or humans) but some  would almost certainly be resistant and survive.

From Wikipedia
The same mould (Phytophthora infestans) was responsible for the 1847–51 and later famines. When people speak of "the Irish famine", or "an Gorta Mór", they nearly always mean the one of the 1840s, even though a similar Great Famine did in fact hit in the early 18th century. The fact that only four types of potato were brought from the Americas was a fundamental cause of the famine, as the lack of genetic diversity made it possible for a single fungus-relative to have much more devastating consequences than it might otherwise have had.

The same is believed to apply to the current software monoculture.  Consider how far attacks like Nimda, Code Red, "I love you" and the original "Morris Worm" spread.  Each would not have been able to spread so far and wide if there had been more variety among the software used.
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Re: Cloned Meat for Sale ?
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2006, 10:32:47 pm »
But... why?  Can't cows reproduce on their own?  Won't cloned cows still consume sh-tloads of alfalfa?  It makes no sense.  None.
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Offline Nemesis

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Re: Cloned Meat for Sale ?
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2006, 08:07:26 am »
But... why?  Can't cows reproduce on their own?  Won't cloned cows still consume sh-tloads of alfalfa?  It makes no sense.  None.

Cloned Prize bulls for every herd.  Cloned top producers for dairy cows so your entire herd produces top end volumes of milk.

If course your entire heard has the same immunities and vulnerabilities to disease.
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