Xbox version is a GREAT game, of course it's the same game as the PC version, but you don't have to know how to work a computer or have the latest and greatest to run it on the Xbox...
Reviews seem about right for the Xbox version, PC version was written by people who seem to not know how to configure the game right, or something (then again, they said Mark of Chaos was halfway decent and that game STINKS like a MF out of Hell for someone who isn't a hard hard hardcore Fantasy Warhammer fan IMO, should spend the money on something better like Medieval Total War 2...etc, showing me most of these people are there to rip me the hell off).
Actually, perhaps the PC reviews are good for those who are not really the combination of hardcore gamer and hardcore trekker, as without being the hardcore gamer you'll have a rig that probably will have problems, and if not a hardcore trekker you won't enjoy the game as much.
For a Hardcore Trekker though...this game is great...IMO of course. Since it runs smoothly on the 360 (since people don't have to reconfigure it or figure out settings or anything) all that is left to review is the actual game...and the game is actually decent...but with all the ships you can play...Awesome...once again...IMO.