Star Trek V:
McCoy: Its a song, you green blooded vulcan, the words arent important, that you have a good timing singing it is!
Spock: Oh, I am sorry Doctor... Were we having a good time?
McCoy: GOD, I liked him better BEFORE HE DIED!
Trouble with Tribbles:
McCoy: Spock, I have discovered one thing about the tribles.
Spock: Oh? What is that Doctor?
McCoy: I like them. Better than I like YOU!
Spock: They do indeed have one redeeming characteristic Doctor.
McCoy: Oh? Whats that?
Spock: They do not talk too much. Good day, Sir.
Both pricless, insert Diehard talking to t00l in either spot, except with an NC-17 rating for language.
A Taste of Armageddon.
Scotty: This is the USS Enterprise. The entire surface of your planet has been mapped and every target plotted into our fire control computer. In exactly one hour and forty five minutes, the entire inhabited surface of your world will be destroyed. You have that long to release your hostages.
Now THAT is when the Fr3ds had balls. I bet they dont even HAVE General Order 24 in TNG, feh.
Kirk has so many, but Id have to say the best one, and I think it came from the episode with the Kelvans, A rose by any other name IIRC was:
"Resistance is never Futile"