Topic: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy  (Read 10790 times)

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OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« on: December 19, 2006, 09:55:11 am »
Review : Star Trek: Legacy
Boldly go, and leave this legacy behind.
by Steven Wong

A Star Trek game that focuses on ship-to-ship combat, contains content from all five-television shows and the real voices of every captain should be a fan's wet dream. Unfortunately, Star Trek Legacy manages to screw things up in almost every way.

The story starts in Jonathan Archer's era during the early formation of the Federation. A rogue Vulcan scientist named T'Uerell has discovered a new way to live long and prosper as a Borg Queen. Vulcans live for centuries, leaving room for each starship captain to eventually encounter the Borg Queen at some point in their career. Players command up to four Federation starships, including the signature ones from the respective shows (Enterprise, Voyager and the Defiant). Each wonderfully detailed craft looks great when cruising through the blackness of space. And those details continue as ships take on battle damage, with scorch marks, smoke and broken hulls.

There are a handful of great control schemes out there, dating as far back as Wing Commander IV and Freelancer. Yet, Legacy's developers settled on the worst possible setup, a setup that players must immediately learn without a tutorial.

Simply put, the keyboard directs the ship's movements like a first-person shooter while the mouse moves the camera around (equating the two to a console controller), but this scarcely describes how difficult maneuvering a ship can be. There are keys to select the closest target and another to pursue and move into firing position, but the ship only gives a short chase before it forgets what it's going after. It's also easy to lose sight of foes, since the targeting reticule doesn't properly highlight or track targets. The manual target selection should be as easy as a point-and-click, but instead, players need to move the camera around until an enemy happens to fall into a fixed set of crosshairs. One minute, players chase ships, and the next, they run headlong toward an absurdly disproportioned planet. There's supposed to be a way to target subsystems such as engines and weapons, but this feature doesn't work. Star Trek Legacy doesn't even realize it takes place in outer space, since ships are incapable of making loops, moving in reverse, slingshotting with a planet's gravity or strafing sideways using inertia. Ships fire phasers in a 360-degree horizontal radius and launch torpedoes from forward or rear tubes, but become useless when enemies fly directly above or below them.

Unfortunately, the pain doesn't end with the controls. Many of Legacy's missions are sadistically difficult, and there's no option to save anywhere. Failure requires players to start all over again, and some of the missions are extremely long. Situations get bad as early as the second mission, where waves of Romulan ships come pouring in, barely leaving players a chance to catch their breaths and recover from damage. In one mission, Kirk hijacks a prototype Klingon ship to infiltrate the enemy. However, the game neglects to inform the player how to turn on the cloak. Another mission keeps players warping around, shooting giant asteroids so they won't hit inhabited planets -- because nothing embodies the prestige of being a Federation starship captain like blasting rocks..

It's usually easier to direct ships using a the top-down map and play Legacy as though it were a strategy game instead of a shooter, but the missions demand results that are nearly impossible from a handful of ships. A good deal of effort is needed to bring down one foe, so it's very easy for players to be overwhelmed. Throw in a space station or two, each with heavy turrets and shields, and players get repeatedly clobbered. With no mission briefings, plays can't make intelligent choices between fast, lightly armed scouts and high-powered battleships when assembling a group. The ship selection screen is surprisingly uninspired and there's no way to improve them. Players can't equip Next Generation Battleships with quantum torpedoes, nor is Voyager equipped with multiphasic shields. The vast majority of the ships are almost identical to each other.

Using the actual actors' voices adds much to ambience. William Shatner plays his role with great melodrama, even though he sounds old and worn out. Luckily, one part of his storyline takes place near the end of Kirk's career as an Admiral. On the negative side, players only hear, but never see their favorite captains. That wouldn't be so bad if the audio quality were consistent and good. Janeway's (Kate Mulgrew) voice is muffled with static, as though it was recorded over the phone.

Star Trek Legacy potential embodied the awe and excitement of the Star Trek franchise. Instead, it's an awful and uninspired space sim. Occasionally, a line of dialogue that sparks an "I remember that episode!" moment, and as stated, the ships look great, but it's not enough. The best way to preserve the Star Trek legacy is to completely skip this game.

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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2006, 10:37:58 am »
Yeah after reading this I'm questioning whether or not I'll even buy it. Seems our ol' tried and true games, BC and SFC are still the best available.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2006, 05:54:08 am by ModelsPlease »

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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2006, 05:02:44 pm »

Many of Legacy's missions are sadistically difficult, and there's no option to save anywhere. Failure requires players to start all over again,


And a shame.

Makes Activision look good.

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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2006, 05:43:11 pm »
Hell, it makes COLONY WARS look good.  And it had an ass BACKWARDS save system. (CW saved everything but the previous two missions you completed)

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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2006, 07:20:45 pm »
Great review. I agree completely.

If you want to try, my copy is for sale and I'll throw in the strategy guide!
« Last Edit: December 20, 2006, 09:13:50 am by IndyShark »

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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2006, 07:23:06 pm »
So is there a demo of the game or not.

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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2006, 09:32:24 pm »
So is there a demo of the game or not.
They wouldn't dare release a demo, nobody would buy it afterwards :P

Seriously, if you have $50 to spend on a game, go buy some balls of string, you will be much more entertained.

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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2006, 10:50:10 pm »

Throw in some cat nip and you won't remember a thing.

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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2006, 05:30:18 am »
I hear it's easier to play with an xbox controler, but that's another 39.99.

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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2006, 06:18:50 am »
As i already mentioned in another thread,supporting low content console games ,or even buying  jury riged  pseudo PC hardware to make console games work on a Simulation capable Highend pc is counter productive in the long run.

They will serve us what we gulp so to speak.

Aktivision never got past River raid  in regard to their philosophy towards tactical and strategical depht.
Its like demanding from wallmart to  design a car thats on par with a Mercedes.

One thing is obvious, the Majority of the gameing industry in collaboration with MS, is trying to  dry out ,and in the end kill off the pc as a game platform.

They dont intend to supply the market with programs the user wants, instead they think of themselves as defining  structures who dictate in the long run how a game has to look and work.
And  most importantly, on which hardware.

This gives us only one bitter choice and that is to NOT buy stuff that we dont want.!

And there are really no exuses fro doing so,once you have realized this,besides maybe, and excuse my blatant analogy ,liking to be a lemming or sheep.

If that s the case well what is left to say then,.. nothing, nada ,niente, Nichts ,


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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2006, 07:59:48 am »
The best way to preserve the Star Trek legacy is to completely skip this game.

I have to admit, I had a real fear that Legacy would come along and the modding/modelling community would leave me in the dust. But, it looks like SFC and I will have some company after all.

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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2006, 09:15:43 am »
So is there a demo of the game or not.

Yes, but it's not electronic. Just rum your head into the wall a few times and you'll know exactly what it is like to play.........

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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2006, 10:40:30 am »

i`ve played the game and really like it its good game
yes its got few bugs and alot was left out of the game

modding side is going too be good i tell you that much
what i`ve done with it so far has been dead easy

no modding tools yet but game not been out that long in the us
as for the controls well it just takes time too get use too them

i dont play multiplayer but i tell you Skirmish is very good
all era`s are in there

also there is map editor too make more maps and missions
no tools as yet off maddoc but they are know for taking they time
on things like that

the specs are high for pc to run it but when u got game running
on full spec it looks great and you happy you can do it

most of the crap being said is off people with lowend systerms who
cant run the game right and have no idea how too play the game
(not on about the people here)

it may not be game everyone was hoping for but in its own right its
still very good game too play and i for one am happy to be playing it


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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2006, 11:46:16 am »
Actually the review I posted came from a PC gaming magazine.

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #14 on: December 20, 2006, 05:09:11 pm »
This is just my opinion. If you like brain dead arcade shoot em up type games then you will like Legacy. If you want some form of tactics, and strategy then avoid this one like the plague. MP hit it on the nose. This game is "Sadistic", but hey if your into this kinda thing who am i to argue ;)

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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #15 on: December 20, 2006, 05:37:51 pm »
This is just my opinion. If you like brain dead arcade shoot em up type games then you will like Legacy. If you want some form of tactics, and strategy then avoid this one like the plague. MP hit it on the nose. This game is "Sadistic", but hey if your into this kinda thing who am i to argue ;)

I may have not played it but Legacy is more strat-based than Encounters, from what I've seen.  That seems more like an arcade-shooter, like some I've seen in Arcades and Super NES that're similar in style to Galacta or whatever its name was that was around in 1981 (before my time)...

And besides, some mindless fast-paced gaming can be fun, and it's not totally mindless (not speaking specifically here, I mean "mindless gaming" in general), and it doesn't mean you're dumb.  And besides, isn't it the way people usually go nowadays (famous sci-fi genres aside, ala Elite Force, Jedi Knight, etc.)?  From Doom 3 to Halo II to Half Life II to whatever FPS game is out there today for modern machines.  Not all of 'em are good or bad or what not, but they're popular and I imagine fun, with everyone playing them.

Then there's the fun side-scrollers, ala the Super Mario Bros. games from the past... Not always mindless (otherwise you'd strike an enemy or fall in a pit or something), but fast-paced...

If you want a game that makes you think that's Star Trek?  I don't know... Although I don't play 'em, why not an MMORPG?  You can wait for Star Trek: Online to be published, see if it works out as a good MMORPG or what not... I don't play MMORPGs though, so forgive my lack of knowledge on previous ones; I'm not a monthly pay-to-play type.  But I think it's thought-provoking; why not live the 24th century?  Instead of fighting and fighting all the time and thinking of your next move to best your enemy Starship captain, why not also think of other things?  Fellow crewmates, diplomacy, friends and family (sort-of), all the plesentries with a loosely-military life in the 24th century.  I'd imagine that combined with the dangers of space exploration and combat would make for a good and thought-provoking game.

Something close to real life yet something that can bring you into 24th-century Trek?  I'd say that makes, oh, I don't know, SFC look brain dead.

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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #16 on: December 26, 2006, 12:41:09 pm »
I've read that the modders have brought in a lot of cut features, like planet capture and escort games, and selectable skirmish, and proper torpedoes...

Any one tried the mods? Do they make the game more worth the risk of buying?
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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #17 on: December 26, 2006, 02:31:33 pm »
what mods, no one can add a new model to the game yet as there isnt a correct m3d import or export plug for max or milkshape. the only modifications that have been released so far is a handful of retextures, a couple of sound replacements, and a but load of new maps for the single player skirmish

I know on the no ship imports, but apparently they've managed to activate a few of the features that were left out... thought someone here may have tried them. Perhaps 'mods' was the wrong term.
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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #18 on: December 26, 2006, 05:48:53 pm »

Thanks FW, i've been very unsure about it, thought i'd enquire here as i know the community would have a more balanced view of the game. Think i'll hold off until i see what else the modders do, and if a good patch is released.
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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #19 on: December 26, 2006, 07:32:23 pm »

I'm very surprised that the Legacy models haven't been extracted and imported to SFC yet....

No doubt Darkdrone is working on this.

I'm also wondering why some of the FASA TMP era Romulans (E. g., Winged Defender) were made and not say the Klingon D-10 or the Federation Chandley.


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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #20 on: December 27, 2006, 02:27:40 am »
probably because winged defender is cool while some ships like the D10 I wouldn't dl if they were made by CG. I just finaly got my computer to accept BC (my new one) so I'll have legacy as soon as someone around here carries it. Till then a few rounds of silent hunter 3 will be in order now that I can finaly play it.

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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #21 on: December 27, 2006, 11:36:49 am »
Looks at the rollercoaster.... pauses ...... Jumps on!!!!! WOOOOT

Still gonna buy this game.... gotta give it a blast  ;)

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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #22 on: December 27, 2006, 09:10:22 pm »
Looks at the rollercoaster.... pauses ...... Jumps on!!!!! WOOOOT

Still gonna buy this game.... gotta give it a blast  ;)

I'm not sure if that kills the thread or pushes it onwards to greatness ;D

My dilemma comes more from, Do i buy this, or take the time to get the new Zelda on the Gamecube..... Zelda has had good reviews, while this hasn't.

i could just keep my startrek gaming limited to BC, or KA, but i'm tired of them a little... and the Galtrek mod for Glactic civs has a memory leak problem in the latest release, which hopefully will be fully fixed soon.

Choices....... ;D
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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #23 on: December 28, 2006, 12:29:03 am »
I have Gal Civ too.. Never got into it though, Just bought Zelda for my WII, not played it yet. Might have a bash sometime today. (Massive Metroid Fan Here People)

But I saw my brother playing Legacy on the 360, Flying around in his Sov kicking a Dederidex Warbird all over the place, It looked sweet. Even more so on his HD massive plasma tv thingy.
This game may have flaws, some people hate it and some love it. But I know loads of people here will say Enterprise (Akiraprise) was a crap series, I for one thought it was one of the best. So I think it all goes to accounting for taste.

Its Fresh.. It looks great.. Looks Fun, and hopefully sometime in the future you will mod the hell out of it and we can all get on MTV for a "Pimp My Legacy" special.

Nice to see trek games being released, good or bad its going in my collection.

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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #24 on: December 28, 2006, 01:22:57 am »
I'm not sure if it's just a petition to bring the show back or if it's a petition to convince fan show makers to do what they are doing for TOS but there's a neat NX video on youtube about season 5. Whoever rendered it has near studio quality ship capabilities, as there were no mass fleets of vulcan and earth vessels in the series. As for it being a crap series...well, it had a crap season with the temporal crap but that's about part for soem other sci-fi like B5. That had a crap season too. But overall it wasn't bad.

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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #25 on: December 28, 2006, 03:34:18 am »
I think i'll wait for a bit before I invest... Besides i've just figured out how to add specular lighting to the ships in Galciv, something nobody else seems to be doing over there yet.

All I got to do is figure out how to allow race specific colours and see if I can do my own bump mapping, and i'm well away ;D

I actually liked Enterprise, I'd read the bad reviews by American viewers, but the show didn't come on in the Uk for like 6 months after the US, and it never really seemed as bad as they said. i loved the episode Minefield where we see the Romulans for the 'first' time.

Maybe it's the same thing with legacy..... Once ship imports go in, which may be soon if talk of maddoc releasing the Armada tools happens... then perhaps i'll get it then.
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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #26 on: December 28, 2006, 12:22:47 pm »
I'm not getting Legacy... Yet. *shrug* I'm going to be more concerned with real life at the moment and building up a budget for a computer upgrade before considering Legacy.  It's a game I at least want to try out, but since my specs quickly turned into something from the Medieval times in three years (and my laptop turning into something from the stoneage), I'm going to have to wait.

But since I got a DS, this doesn't mean I can wait longer for Tactical Assault. :)

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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #27 on: December 29, 2006, 01:18:44 pm »
i would get legacy. thats if your pc can handle it. it is worth the price its released about £25-£30 here unlike SFC3 which cost me nearly £40. If you dont like the idea of legacy on PC, there is the Xbox version, Encounters for PS2, they have deffinatly cornered the market by releasing so many titles all at once was selling it for £17 I believe, if they still are i'll purchase there. I've got to get it on PC... I hate not being able to put in or make my own ( basic ) mods. I think i'll intall Armada and practice on the odf files there before I get legacy. ;D

The more money I save on that, the more I have for some new tattoo work anyway ;D
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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #28 on: December 30, 2006, 06:50:32 am »
well I have a P4 3.2ghz radeon x1600xt and 1 gb of ram and now that I installed the game as soon as the maddoc intro movie is done and the game starts to load it instantly goes to desktop with access violations and every attempt I've made has failed to get the game to run.

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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #29 on: December 30, 2006, 02:15:27 pm »
I'm not getting Legacy... Yet. *shrug* I'm going to be more concerned with real life at the moment and building up a budget for a computer upgrade before considering Legacy.  It's a game I at least want to try out, but since my specs quickly turned into something from the Medieval times in three years (and my laptop turning into something from the stoneage), I'm going to have to wait.

But since I got a DS, this doesn't mean I can wait longer for Tactical Assault. :)

Even more OT:

Are you going to build or buy preassembled?  (We could continue this in another or a new thread... )

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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #32 on: January 07, 2007, 03:59:52 pm »
Some of the new ship designs really look orginal but....
Man, either someone from here did those models, or they stole them.
Each and every single one already exist at Batleclinic, and I already have, and have been made by one of our wonderful modders/modelers.... each and every one.
The game is utterly stupid, won't work on half PCs. Bethesda... tsk tsk tsk.
THey should have came to us, or even me, for a game that would not only sell but retain users.

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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #33 on: January 07, 2007, 10:02:50 pm »
Some of the new ship designs really look orginal but....
Man, either someone from here did those models, or they stole them.
Each and every single one already exist at Batleclinic, and I already have, and have been made by one of our wonderful modders/modelers.... each and every one.
The game is utterly stupid, won't work on half PCs. Bethesda... tsk tsk tsk.
THey should have came to us, or even me, for a game that would not only sell but retain users.

Rick Knox aka p81 did the ships for Legacy

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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #34 on: January 09, 2007, 05:09:54 pm »
Legacy is HEAVILY based on Armada 2 in more than one way, so it is very very moddable! By far more moddable (is this even a word?) than SFC! (but nowhere near as headache inducing as BC)

Yes the missions were pants, the cloaking button was put on the 'repair' panel and there are numerous other niggles that I have with the game that are classically symptomatic of a game pushed through before it was ready - BUT - when you start digging through the files you see that actually they had planned to have quite different missions, evidently sets for Romulans and Klingons.
I'm afraid guys that there is only one conclusion - the developers had a change in direction and didn't have time to polish (ahem *finish*) the game off properly.

The game as it stands now, sucks, be it as it may - HOWEVER, it's ripe for modding and oh what fun can be had with such a flexible system! I've already ported over CG's Sovereign to my personal game and very easily I have animated bussards and the works - using the same knowledge that I had from 5 years ago modding Armada!
All of the cool stuff from Armada 2 is still in there, we just need to get it working. I don't think that this is Legacy, I think it's Armada 3, with a souped up engine.

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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #35 on: June 15, 2007, 09:29:49 am »
Sorry to practice necromany on this here thread but I just installed legacy yesterday and been practically playing it since; - I havent really encountered any problem with the game and I dont get what why do people moan so much about it being sh*te, I cant call the game bad by any stretch :/
The engine for one is _awesome_, it can run impressive amounts of effects / ships on screen without slowing down at all :>

However im not denying that games improve with mods, so other than for the patch, what do you guys who play legacy reckon that I should dl to improve my experience :>
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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #36 on: June 15, 2007, 10:33:23 am »
i like legacy but the stock game doesnt require any skill only advanced knowledge of where enemy units and mission requirements are (same with encounters) graphicaly the game is stunning and with the mods it is way better, shame the legacy modders havent had the common sence of porting as many SFC and BC models as possible, they are been way too selective
Whatnow? Well I quess it doesnt need skill as such but I sure had a hell of a time retrying the massive romulan attack mission in the beginning a few times before finally surviving it :D
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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #37 on: June 16, 2007, 06:36:46 am »
the controls are dificult and I find the cost to points earned is too high, making it impossible to replace lost ships. I tried modding ship cost but no luck, and I doublt I'll be able to continue the game, I simply can't put enough firepower outthere and will continue to get walked on, as these missions are far too difficult. (be my shepard, can't pass it, can only afford one yorktown plus the nx01). Unless there's a mod that fixes ship cost to way low to make things easier I'll never complete the campaign, just too hard.

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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #38 on: June 17, 2007, 06:56:09 pm »
I ended up cheating about 3/4 of the way through the compaign - I was getting annoyed not being able to the proceed to the next level. TBH I felt that the campaign was boring.

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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #39 on: June 18, 2007, 09:40:20 pm »
I ended up cheating about 3/4 of the way through the compaign - I was getting annoyed not being able to the proceed to the next level. TBH I felt that the campaign was boring.


So the game by itself is not so great, but once the communities get going on it it will have lots of potiential. Seems to follow the same pattern as the last few Trek games, not finished when released, patches and modders will make it fun to play.
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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #40 on: June 20, 2007, 03:37:20 pm »

So the game by itself is not so great, but once the communities get going on it it will have lots of potiential. Seems to follow the same pattern as the last few Trek games, not finished when released, patches and modders will make it fun to play.

I would say that holds true more-so for games like SFC3 and BC... Klingon Academy might've been incomplete, but I contest it was still really good as is and modded, as I believed w/ Trek's 2000 FPS game, Elite Force.

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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #41 on: June 20, 2007, 04:02:45 pm »
Elite Force would be much better if you could play an arena game on XP, does anyone have a fix for that?

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Re: OT: Review : Star Trek: Legacy
« Reply #42 on: June 21, 2007, 02:06:29 pm »
Elite Force would be much better if you could play an arena game on XP, does anyone have a fix for that?

Didn't know it was a problem.... you using Elite Force II or the first one? If you're using the first one, is that with the expansion pack?

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