I seem to be missing about the same amount of episodes I missed when it first aired (which sucks). I'll have to catch it when they re-air them. I know why I like Enterprise better, though. It seems a lot of the complaints directed against Star Trek comes from this show. They rely significantly on the holodeck and there is a crapload of technobabble (I can't believe they get their lines off).
One thing I do like is something Janeway does. In other shows, the Captain listens to a suggestion and says "make it so" (OK, that's Picard

). Janeway clearly comes from a science or engineering background. When Torres says some technobabble, she follows the exact same train of thought and continues on with the idea. Its a pain to listen to, but it is something that sets her appart.
I did manage to catch Scorpian pts 1 and 2, which might be my favorite episodes of Voyager, so I'm glad I saw them. I still want to make it a resolution to watch more Voyager episodes (a lot of them are extremely generic, but I'm sure there are good ones I either don't remember well or never saw).