Negative, those are screens from ArmA,
Armed Assault the follow up game of Operation flashpoint.
ITs OPF 1.5 ,and is not published by Codemasters although its made by Bohemmia Interactive like OPF.
Codemasters will publish Operation Flashpoint 2 in 2008 or 9.
ArmA is fully compatible with OPF ,all addons can be converted to ArmA, although its a pain in the ass to do ,yet possible.
Models like the one in the screen would not be possible with the OPF engine,.. you would get like 600 texture bits hehe,overwhelming any computer availabe today.
Anyways there is nothing compareable out there to OPF and or ARMA.
Besides the VBS1 modular system also developed by BI.
You can do things like Get out the barraks jump in a civil mustang and drive for an hour shight seeing.. ,or board a tracor or fly a Biplane on a civ airport ETC etc. the programm got a Highly enthusiastic Addon community and they are dedicated to put nearly every thinkable thing into the game.
From the whole vehicle park of the coastgard to tractors ,tanks,apcs planes ,.. muscle and other cars,. etc .etc.
that was possible with opf and even more it is in ArmA.
Usually if you like OPf ,you cant stand Stupid Programms like the whole battlefield series ,..
OR even more laughable shooters like quake or counterstrike.
Because OPF is more a sim then anything else.
However if you know ghostrekon and like highly realistic team work, with one hit kills and no respawn, you are ready for OPF or ArmA
OR even better you are In the millitary and like to train tactics to some extend.
NEarly every army on this planet got their units in OPF made by the guys who do this everyday,or did till their duty tour ended.
Lots of those Squads are former Millitary staff ,some even only allow only ex milltary folks into their ranks.
Edit: no offense storvik i see you are our mod for the battlefield series,...well now you know what i think about it..