Topic: Live Footage of Startrek Legacy: In Game Video  (Read 2078 times)

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Offline Acidrain2

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Live Footage of Startrek Legacy: In Game Video
« on: November 21, 2006, 08:57:05 pm »
New XBOX360 footage of Legacy

Direct link, Right click save as!

Take a look folks.

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: Live Footage of Startrek Legacy: In Game Video
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2006, 06:25:48 pm »
that page is slow to load.

Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: Live Footage of Startrek Legacy: In Game Video
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2006, 02:14:02 am »
It isn't a slow loading page, it's an 247meg. video. ;)

They only show skirmish mode. Looks like 4 teams w/ 4 ships per team are max in skirmish mode.

just seems to be a shooter. At least that's all that the designer that's demoing the game is doing. Mentions that you can't warp if by a planet so if you have a big ship park next to a planet so your enemy can't warp away.
Some ships have more phasers and some have more photons. Says to use the phasers to knock down shields and then photons on the hull.
Roms and some Klinks have cloaks depending on era.  No warping while cloaked. Cloak if overwhelmed.
Fed, Klink, Rom, and Borg. Says they have 80 ships total for all races in all eras, and thinks that if they had more it'd dilute the game. Not all ships are canon, which is fine. That's not why the limited number, though. Models look pretty nice. The TOS ships have rotating bussards. Nice details on the nacelles with intercoolers, and plasma regulators, etc... Saucers and nacelles are well shaped, not blocky.

That's about it. Either this guy doesn't play the game or there isn't very much to it.
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Offline Commander Maxillius

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Re: Live Footage of Startrek Legacy: In Game Video
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2006, 11:41:20 pm »
it's on a console with an 8-button controller.  I didn't expect much more than that. 

However, I see true 3-d movement!  Since SFC is pretty much a shooter in skirmish mode anyway, I think I'm in.

Now to save up $400 for a 360 & Legacy. <sigh>
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Offline Lepton

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Re: Live Footage of Startrek Legacy: In Game Video
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2006, 08:23:51 pm »
You know it's coming out for PC as well, right??

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Dell Dimension E521
AMD64x2 5000+
ATI Radeon HD 4850 512MB GDDR3

Offline Khalee1

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Re: Live Footage of Startrek Legacy: In Game Video
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2006, 10:37:23 pm »
I will Only think about getting it if.

1 everything can be changed no restrictions.

2 ease of making adding new missions and or items.

3 Plugins backwords compatable with early versions of max. Even a lightwave plugin would be nice, and I would swich over to lightwave.

4 A demo to see if I even like it.

Offline AlchemistiD

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Re: Live Footage of Startrek Legacy: In Game Video
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2006, 05:45:12 am »
I've seen this over at the boards.  The dude gets the sh*t blown out of the Enterprise, and nearly flies a romulan warbird straight into a borg cube.

Seriously?  when he warped towards that cube, did anyone else go "Whoooaaaa sh*t!" when he dove around it at the last second?