Topic: Legacy: Keyboard/Mouse controls!  (Read 1312 times)

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Legacy: Keyboard/Mouse controls!
« on: December 07, 2006, 12:02:27 pm »
Mouse Controls:
Left Mouse Button - Fire Primary Weapon
Right Mouse - Fire Seconday Weapon
Right Mouse Movement - Free Camera
Mouse Whell - Throttle Up/Down
Middle Mouse Button - Warp
Forard Button - Hold for Repair Panel
Back Button Goto/hold for redial menu

Ship controls:
w / pitch down
s / pitch up
a / bank left
d / bank right
arrow keys - free camera

ctrl key - fire primary
alt- fire secondary
spacebar - target nearest enemy / hold for list
T - subsystem targetting

shift - energy allocation panel
r - repair panel
q - warp
g - goto/ hold for radial menu
tab - strategic map
esc - pause
c - chat

group controls:
1,2,3,4 keys - select ship/ hold to add /remove
5 - select all ships
spacebar + s - change current target to closest target
spacebar + a - target neatest attackers
spacebar + d - clear target
spacebar + w - fire at will

speed controls:
, + - increase/descrease speed
backspace key - all ahead full / all stop

strategic map:
left mouse - goto command
right mouse - warp command
mouse wheel - zoom level

