Topic: Zorg's Hideki revisited...  (Read 2044 times)

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Zorg's Hideki revisited...
« on: November 28, 2006, 07:37:05 am »
I need a Hideki for my mini mod addon... and Zorg's is probably the only one made for SFC lying around. However, I found it seems "proportional" incorrect (too wide) when compared with the screencaps. So I adjusted its front section using the pic at Ex-Astris-Scientia as reference. Here's the current result:

The problem is, how do I contact Zorg? I sent an e-mail to his hotmail address and I've got my mail rejected. Anyone know how to contact Zorg so that I can request for permission?

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Re: Zorg's Hideki revisited...
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2006, 10:12:30 am »
He was recently present on BC Universe making as I remember Fed models - Please ask Starforce :)
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Re: Zorg's Hideki revisited...
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2006, 01:36:45 pm »
He did? IIRC I didn't think zorg required permission, but I'm not sure. Either way I would wait for the new high res Hidiki, galor, missle ect that blaxxer and adonis are making.

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Re: Zorg's Hideki revisited...
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2006, 08:18:21 pm »
Ok I have said it before and evidently I need to say it again... lol

Just be careful what sources you use - the diagrams you are referring to are from certain publications well known for innacuracies. Nice sources but still not accurate when compared to the original studio models (be they actual or CGI) - I know it can be a chore but try and find decent caps of the actual models or better still those ever rare pics of studio models as they are far more useful. You may find that Zorg was correct, or that the true dimensions are somewhere in between, or.. etc (I don't have the time at the moment to go searching lol so I really could't say so you may be right, just aire on the side of caution :P).

Just my view on it - after all theres no use in going to change something for something that isn't correct either.

EDIT: Ok I read that the distorted original image has been 'corrected'- So I guess its fine...  :-X lol.
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Re: Zorg's Hideki revisited...
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2006, 06:40:06 am »
Ok I have said it before and evidently I need to say it again... lol
Just be careful what sources you use - the diagrams you are referring to are from certain publications well known for innacuracies. Inaccuracy?  :o
Or do you mean ST:The Magazine?  :P