Topic: Argus Array #13 Podcast  (Read 1175 times)

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Argus Array #13 Podcast
« on: November 26, 2006, 08:01:16 pm »
Argus Array 13 - Mr Moore SIR!
The hangover from Argus 12b

Today we are joined by the supreme god of moderation in the official bethesda Forums. RMoore joins us today to give us his views on Legacy and the goings on in the forum.

This week's episode has been post produced by Kinneas, and dang did he do a good job with the sound smile

Part 1: 00.00.00 ~ 00.16.03

For part 1 we run through a rash of emails being sent to AcidRain from the forum members and give out from info from tjoz about sales where he is. We then move on to some of the more heated topics in the forum including the massive arguement going on about the alleged removal of the ship updates.

Also...ACIDRAIN EATS HIS WORDS! (honest he's not after a free copy of Legacy...*cough*). We chat a little on the energy allocation topics which have came up about the game which might be intended to replace the upgrade system.

We finish off with the 1st of 3 competition questions. This first question is for a SIGNED Star Trek: Legacy poster. Remember, submitting your answers for THIS questions puts you in the draw for the signed poster ONLY.

BREAK: 00.16.04 ~ 00:22:46

Clan Recruitment - The Galactic Ranger's Clan

Get STO:ned

How to submit your articles

Victor1st announcing the CUGS/STG Legacy Ladder League

Part 2: 00:22:47 ~ 00:37:02

We kick off part 2 discussing the sudden appearance of adverts for Star Trek: Legacy appearing in various gaming sites and magazines...also, AcidRain eats his word...for the second time in the same podcast!

We then move on to discussing the December release...will it make it? We chat about the pro's and con's of a December release with the christmas rush with parents looking for stocking fillers for their kids. We also chat about something which may be a hurdle...parents buying their kids Legacy for christmas and finding out that their kids PC wont run Legacy.

We then move on to the 64 million dollar question, what kind of Star Trek game should Bethesda release for 2007/8? Also...Victor1st eats his words about Star Trek: Starfleet Command IV!.

We finish off with the 2nd of 3 competition questions for an UNSIGNED Legacy Poster. Remember, submitting your answer for THIS question put you in the draw for the UNSIGNED legacy poster.

BREAK: 00:38:03 ~ 00:52:01

DRH and Magellanic - Final Fronteir 4
Today the guys talk about the pro's and con's of the current happenings with Legacy, have a listen, the con's are starting out outwheigh the pros...

"The C.U.G.S"

Clan Recruitment - The 11th Fleet (Spartan Vanguard)

Music Break - Terry - Lover's Moon

Part 3: 00:52:02 ~ END

We start off with the general feeling of come down thats going on in the forum compared to what the community was like less than 3 months ago and the amount of people what have been pro bethesda who are starting to turn anti bethesda.

Kinneas also explains why the Star Trek: Online people have been waiting for Star Trek: Online for almost 4 years but havent went down the "YOU SUXORS" road that the Legacy board is starting to go down. We move on to the sudden appearance of older trek clans in the community and the attitude of "wait and see" thats starting to appear. We also chat with one surprising thing to happen in the posts, the appearance of criticisms about legacy starting to happen from other fan site.

We finish off with a short chat about the continuing saga that is known as Perpetual's Star Trek: Online and the up coming Argus Array "HardTalk" interview that we will be having with perpetual next year on the whole subject of Star Trek: Online.

Lastly we have the last of the 3 competitions...this one is for a copy of Tactical Assault on the Nintendo DS (donated by RMoore). Remember, submitting your answer for THIS question will put you in for the draw for the Tactical Assault game.

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