Messing around with ideas for a simultaneous imperial/cartel server, it suddenly dawned on me that the cartel layer offers us an excellent chance to do something new and different to balance heavy iron/specialty with line ships.
Put the Heavey Iron and the specialty support ships on the cartel map. From here, they can move into an important hex and engage other players. If they win, the can destroy or drive out others for the duration of the disengagement rule. However, they will have no effect upon hex DV. Capturing and controlling territory will be the job of the line ships, which will be on the imperial layer.
"This doesn't reflect the ability of a DN to sit in a hex and control it!!!"
Doesn't it? Space is big. Really big. The abiilty of a DN to sit in a hex and "control" it is reflected by the disengagement rule. However, a DN can only be in one spot at a time. Actually controlling the economy, trade, and rebellions in a hex (you know, the grunt work) takes a lot of smaller ships in a lot of places all at once.
-S'Cipio the Herr Burt (pondering future servers....)
I like the idea Scippy, this will give a new meaning to the line ship.
Just had a side thought on this. Perhaps something else that could be done is to create a wider initial homespace, and a few paths leading directly to enemy space on the cartel layer that run right up to the enemy border across any intervening neutral hexes on the starting map . This would be due to the fact that while pirates and minor races might try to take on a lesser ship, they would let the mighty DNs pass by without challenge.
This would also allow for some roaming by the DNs so they don't get left behind the quickly expanding line ship/ hex flipping front. Also this would allow the heavy iron to potentially challenge enemy hex flippers that were pushing a line towards your home space, that wasn't yet met by your own line on the imperial level.
Made up a quick graphic to illustrate:

I love the idea as it has some real interesting strategic implications.
I don't think it will split the player base up as much as Tobin fears either. Usually Heavy iron pilots like to fly with smaller drafters anyhow. The inability of the heavy iron to effect the Imperial level wont be a factor when so drafted, these ships wouldn't usually be unescorted anyhow, so it makes for a certain degree of realism.