As FireSoul has indicated we cannot rely on the MySQL server's
own security, so solutions that rely on it are unacceptable.
I think it would be good to secure the database as well as possible.
If it is done using an intermediate server application then it should
work perfectly and be tested to death. I think the threat of the db being
hacked outweighs the additional complications concerns.
Mission scripts that are not server specific would certainly be a good
feature of this approach.
WRT using the mission start time as an authentication
component - as long as the mission start time is definitely
the same one submitted to the db by the serverplatform
Hopefully the same application could be used to provide data to
a webmap java-applet. I am helping a friend to write such an
applet and I believe he has accounted for this by developing
a java servlet to do exactly this. (i.e.: The same job as the
"reporting server" you propose, but I'm not 100% sure yet,
waiting on reply...)
It would be very helpful if anyone knows for sure the
relational structure of the databse to help expedite this
process. I have been working on extracting the relationships
myself, but it would be nice to know for sure...
clintk, with regard to "why are we using MySQL?"
- It's free! (so's PostgreSQL too, I know...) I've never
tested it on another db server, but I seem to recall
reading of someone using the MS-SQL server.
Cleaven, excellent advice. Indeed, Occam's Razor
should be applied!
Renegade, glad you mentioned the shipyards.
An external shipyard shouldn't be too hard
but I can see a number of complications.
I think that it would be more effective to produce an
application to automate the policing of CnC and
population of the shipyards. (any volunteers?